Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 016

“Let me go already you pervert before I burn off all your hair!!!” Chloe yelled as continued to try to break from Yoochun’s grasp as he led her towards the lake.

“There we are near lots of water” Yoochun said as he let go of Chloe’s hand, “If anything.. if things get too heated between the two of us, we can just take a cool dip.”

Chloe ready to turn Yoochun into a piece of charcoal stopped when he quickly pulled out a little sack, “What is that… are you going to try to catch me with that?”

Yoochun nervously smiled, “Though that may be a good idea.. I may use that method later Cbaby. But this ,” he continued to speak as he looked at the bag and then up to Chloe smiling as he knelt, “Is for you as a sign of my love for you.”

“And what makes you think that I would like it? I am not one of your countless ditzy princesses that would leap into your arms over some glittery bobble.”

“I assure you that this present was well thought out and that you will surely love it.”

Chloe now intrigued by the perverted prince’s confidence snatched the bag and gave Yoochun an evil smirk, “If you are so certain… how about we make a wager. If I hate it, which I know I will, you and your perverted brothers must break off the engagements and leave forever.” As Chloe thought about it she laughed, “ And you must disown your sister and leave her in our care becoming a Choensa.”

Pouting Yoochun stood up and pulled Chloe by her waist towards him looking deep into her eyes, “Wouldn’t it be better if I went under your care instead? I would be more obedient and…“ as he leans towards her ear and whispered, “I would wait on you hand and foot even late … late.. at night.”

Chloe stood still in shock as Yoochun took a step back and looked at her from head to toe, “hmmm very nice… I take it back.. I would wait on you hand and foot … and everything in between too.”

“YAH YOU PERV!!!” Chloe screamed as flames began to surround her.

Yoochun quickly jumped back, “haha .. that heated things up, but can you answer me Cbaby… are you on fire because you are mad at me or because..” as he quickly gave her a wink, “you were picturing my personal service.”

“Haha this is interesting huh neechee? I wonder what my cute cousin will do now”

“Meow…. I’m not sure.. but I want to scratch that boy’s face off for daring to speak like that to Chloe chan.. meow… “

“Ok ok I agree to your requests Cbaby but if you do like it then…” Yoochun quickly puckered his lips, “You have to give me a kiss ok?”

“How about I turn you into a piece of charcoal right now instead.” Chloe growled as she raised her hands into the air forming a giant fireball above her.

“Ha ha “ Yoochun laughed as he waved his index finger back and forth “ Tsk Tsk.. remember? I brought you here for a reason.”

Before Chloe could respond, Yoochun swirled his hands in front of him forming a blue orb that began to draw water from the lake over the clearing and as he clenched his fist the orb burst causing the captured water to rain down extinguishing the fireball that Princess Chloe was forming.

“ARGGHH!!! I HATE YOU!!! “ Chloe screamed.

“WELL… I LOVE YOU!!!” Yoochun said as he smiled, “So is it a deal? “

“FINE!!! GET READY LEAVE YOU JERK!!” Chloe yelled as she quickly tore through the sack, “what the… “

Chloe looked at the object that fell out of the sack and was dumbfounded. Seeing her reaction, Prince Yoochun triumphantly smiled and walked towards her and picked up the present.

“Auntie told me about your best friend when you were younger. That he was the only one whom you told everything to and stayed with you always..” He said as he slowly handed the plush to Chloe, “ I know that this can’t replace him, but I hope he can listen to your pains and comfort you when you are sad.”

“Neechee…” Chloe quickly hugged the plush that Yoochun had given her and memories of her beloved kitten returned.

“ I’m sorry that it is not well done..” he said as he held out his hands revealing cuts, “but I tried my best.”

Seeing the scars and looking at the gift, without thinking Chloe said, “Thank you… I love it.”

With a smile, “ That’s all I needed to hear from you my sweet princess.” Yoochun bowed.

“A promise is a promise though.. “ Chloe slightly turned red as she slowly took steps toward him, “Just close your eyes.”

“With pleasure” Yoochun said as he quickly closed his eyes and thought to himself, heh heh and once our lips lock.. anything goes.

“Hmm neechee I think it is time for us to make our presence known yes?”

“Meowwww “

1, 2, step...step by step...
Nani wo kakusou senyoriita,
Watashi koso ga
1, 2, step...step by step...
Ikichi moshi tataru ii otoko
1, 2, step...step by step...
Onozomi to araba hone no zui to made
1, 2, step...step by step...
Kojiman no kiba wo meshi agare

With those words recited the stranger leap into the air and faded and the little plush in Chloe’s hands began to move.
With only a mere few steps to go Chloe quickly closed her eyes and prepared to kiss the anxious prince, not noticing the stranger who had been watching them the entire time was rising from the ground in between the two facing towards Yoochun.

Yoochun sensing who he thought to be Princess Chloe right before him, reached out and pulled the stranger into his arms, “Cbaby I love you!!” and quickly dipped and kissed the stranger.

“Eh?” Chloe said as she opened her eyes and gawked at the sight, “COUSIN!!!!”

Cousin? Hearing the princesses screams, Yoochun quickly opened his eyes and turned to the voice, “What do you mean cousin?... Wait….” Yoochun’s eyes widened realizing he had not kissed Chloe but someone else. Slowly he turned back to the person in his arms but before he could react, Chloe’s cousin giggled and pulled Yoochun back in for another kiss.

“Niichan!!! Stop it !!! Yah Perv Yoochun stop kissing my niichan!!“ Chloe said she started throwing a tantrum and hitting Yoochun with present he had given.

“Chloe chan!! Meeooowww stoppp…. It hurts.” A voice said from the plushie.

“huh? “ She stopped and looked down at the plush.

“Meoowww sorry it took so long for neechee to come back meeooww.” The plush smiled at his master.

“NEECHHEEEE” Chloe excitedly yelled and started to toss the plush up and down, hugging and kissing it, “I’ve missed you so.”

Meanwhile Yoochun continued to struggle to break free from his captor’s embrace and kiss until Miyavi let go and laughed, “haha you do provide good service? How about you come serve me instead?”

Yoochun finally free jumped back and began to gag, “ What the?!?!!” only able to say a few words before the image would cause him to throw up again. “Who the …. Are you … “

“Chloe chan “ Miyavi said happily as he skipped passed Yoochun and gave his younger cousin a hug, “Still a babe magnet I see.”

“Hey!!! That’s my” but before he could finish his sentence he looked up towards the two and saw Miyavi puckering his lips again causing him to once again throw up, “girl..”

At the sight of her cousin, Chloe’s personality of a cold and rebellious princess quickly faded to that of a pouty and giddy princess embracing her cousin with a big smile on her face, “Niichan!!! I’ve missed you so much!!! Why haven’t you come visited?”

Miyavi quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the head, “Well I’m here now aren’t I? I would have come to see you sooner but I misplaced the present I prepared for you.”

“Chloe wants niichan more than any present”

Finally regaining his composure Yoochun stood up, “Like I said … let go of my girl.”

“Don’t talk to my honey like that” Chloe said as she glared at Yoochun.


“Nevermind that perv, what did niichan get for me?”

“haha he’s already in your hand.” Miyavi said as he went behind Chloe and hugged her at her waist while making faces at Yoochun.

“ Neechee? Or the plush?”

Yoochun hearing that flinched and answered, “I was the one that made the plush for my Cbaby hahah.. don’t try to take credit for it.”

“Really now?” Miyavi said as he kissed Chloe on the cheek then resting his head on her shoulder causing Yoochun to turn red with anger and quite possibly jealousy too, “then why is it the sack you handed my Chloe have my family crest on it? And…” Miyavi held up something, “ Why are your cuts all falling off of you .. revealing such soft and delicateness just like your lips” With saying that he puckered his lips again.

Repulsed and embarrassed that he was caught red handed Yoochun quickly tried to turn and make a run for it only to be stopped by Neechee.

“ARGGHH get that thing away from me. I hate cats!!!” Yoochun yelled as he tried to kick the plush.

Neechee quickly dodged and jumped onto Yoochun’s head hissing at him, “Thief… Liar… Pervert… Voyer…” As neechee pulled out his claws with intentions to hurt Yoochun he turned, “Master may I kill him now? “

Yoochun now hysterical began running around trying with no luck to detach Neechee from himself.

Chloe giggled and cheered on Neechee but only stopped when her cousin patted her on the head, “Now now we have to get going or we’ll miss all the fun Chloe. Neechee don’t kill Uncle and Auntie’s guest.”

Neechee nodded and hopped off the frightened Prince still with his eyes and claws directed towards Yoochun. Chloe quickly pouted, “but…. “

“haha maybe next time Chloe, but right now.” Miyavi said as his eyes glowed red revealing his fangs as he took Chloe’s hand and floated into the air, “We have to get to the pavilion before we miss everything.”

“Hey ! “ Yoochun yelled as he took a step forward only to take 5 steps back as Neechee swung his claws at him, “You can leave me here with that thing.. and What the heck are you?!?! Don’t take Cbaby with you, you freak!!”

Just as the two began to disappear, Miyavi laughed, “I am not a freak.. give you 3 guesses what I am. Hahah and next time .. instead of on the lips how about on the neck? I’d love to get a chance to kiss and leave a mark on you hahahah”

“What?!?!” Yoochun yelled towards the sky, “You freak!!! Get back here with my Cbaby!! Bite?... Wait.. he can’t be… no way he is Chloe’s cousin..”

“He can’t be what? “Neechee said as his eyes began to glow red as well as he slowly began to fade away , “A vampire? … meow….”

“No way…. Chloe .. is related to a vampire….” Yoochun said with his mouth opened…but then another realization came to mind causing him to begin to vomit once again “I… kissed a man…. I was violated by a man… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO “

“Meow….” Neechee purred as he reappeared by Yoochun brushing up against his leg, “ Don’t over act… meow…. You know you liked it….”

Just as it appeared , Neechee quickly disappeared as the last five words he said continued to echo in Prince Yoochun’s mind paralyzing him in shock.

“Yah!!! Kei!!! Leave me alone!!! I don’t want to go back.” Kuritsu screamed as she ran away from her clumsy guard being followed by her teddy bears.

“But Princess!!! Nanny Sophia will be mad!!! Please come back!!” Kei pleaded still chasing after the Princess but suddenly fell to the ground crashing into something, “ What the? Why is there a statue of Prince Yoochun here? “ Not knowing that it was the real Yoochun, Kei decided to take some of his frustrations on the “statue” by drawing on him and kicking him, “ This is for all the years of torture and stealing my girlfriends!!. Princess wait for me!!!!”

Chapter 015

Baby baby
baby baby
Ne gyothe baby

Sarangi gaetwo iron nae maumur
Sumgiryo haedo kumsae ibkaui misoman

Jae Joong sang as his four brothers sing along with him holding huge bouquets as they made their way to the stage.

Haruto andwae tto bogoshipojyo
Onjjoju nae mamun gipeun byongie goringor

Gaeinrun nae mujub ijun obsur koyeyo
Jwohan koman boyojugo shipungoryo

“What are these babo princes think they are doing.” Chloe said annoyed as she formed a fireball in her hand.

Jogi nupeun hanurro naraga
Saranghandago sesangi marharlae

“But unnie.. it is so cute..” Bea said as she blushed while waving to Changmin. Changmin could not help but blush, almost missing a step only to be caught by Yunho.

“What a fool… well they are all, Unnie make sure to aim for the two perverts.” Jane said as she grabbed onto Bea, “and you .. stop flirting.. you are beginning to be like Angie.”

“But unnie why would we want to do something to them.. this is sweet.” Bea pouted as she struggled to get free.

Gipeun bamhanuro kyojiji annun girl
Nomanur jikinun nanungor twekeyo You're my love

“Jane let Bea go. There is nothing wrong with harmless flirting.. Chloe unnie if you are going to fry them.. can you leave the second oldest alone..” Angie said as she watched Yunho make his way towards them with his eyes on her, “Tonight I just might have some fun after all..”

Hyeyo jijan mar, haengbokharan gu mar
Yongwonhee yuri jurtae hajiangirohae

“I don’t care … they are all going to die.. especially that one” Chloe said as she pointed at Yoochun who nervously stood close to Yunho as a shield.

Jigumchoroman nae kyothe issojyo
Bujukhan naingor ihaehaejukir barae

“Hyung… C-baby… she’s going to kill us.” Yoochun said as he still grinned and continued harmonizing with his brothers nervously.

Ignoring Yoochun, Yunho continued to sing and as his eyes begin to glow, “Now!”

Just as Chloe was about to throw the now huge fireball, it suddenly disappear, “BK!!!!!!! Why did you do that?!?!?”, but she didn’t respond, instead she looked toward the sky and smiled.

Orunsurun nae mosibur kitaehaejwoyo
Nege gajang uurrinun namjaga twegoshipungor

“Eh? “ the 3 younger princesses said as they wondered to Black Knight’s reaction.

Just as the princesses look up into the sky, the princes toss the bouquets high into the air as Yunho fired a large surge of lightning, shattering the bouquet into petals falling slowly in the air surrounded by the remnants of the lightning as if the stars were falling from the skies.

Onjaeggajina gutae mansogae naega turogar su isstorog hurakhaejwo
Manir kutaeto nawa kattamyun

As the flowers and sparks fell upon the princesses, they all looked in awe, even Chloe could not help but smile at the sight.

“WAHHH!!! So pretty!!!” Bea exclaimed as she twirled around trying to catch the petals.

apumun opjwo
ijin gutaer
na jikirke
for you

Jane looked in awe, “…” speechless for this was the first time someone had gone to so much effort to impress her and her sisters and in such an ingenious way . When she turned to see Junsu’s smile, she could not help but blush and turn away.

“Is this what love is?” Emi said as she watched as Junsu walked through her with his brothers toward the princesses.

“I guess that is the one that Emi likes huh?” Eunhyuk said as he glanced toward Junsu, “Wow he does have a big butt.”

Ryeowook put his hand on Yehsung’s shoulder, “It’s ok.. I don’t think she really knows what love is.”

My little princess ijekko sumkyowon namanae sarang nir boyojirkkoya

“…” Yehsung could not respond, but only look from a distance as his true love gazed upon another man the way he has looked at her for thousands of years.

Yonghwantorok bunji annun mamiro girl

“Hmm who is that little cutie running with the two teddy bears?” Heechul said as he noticed Kuritsu run up towards her oppas, “Is she from the underworld too? Cool her eyes are glowing pink… I wonder if they are real?”

“Oppas better keep to their promise and not leave me again or …” Kuritsu said as she placed her Kiri and Kuku beside her, “Ready guys?”

Naejasinbota tu tu saranghaejir korago

The two bears nodded and stood up as all three’s eyes began to glow and the instruments that the princesses had not laid their hands on since their childhood began to float in the air as if being held.

You're my love

The five princes walked onto the stage and towards the girls bowing.

“Very un-expected.” Chloe said slightly sarcastic but deeply impressed. Yoochun looked up and winked at her which made Chloe try to kick him, only to miss with him holding on to her leg, “ Hey !! Let go!!”

“Hmm not the body part I was planning on getting a hold of but” Yoochun said as smiled, “I guess it’s better than impact in my special spot.” Yoochun laughed as he turned to his brothers expecting them to laugh and agree only to be greeted by not only Yunho’s but Chloe’s foot to the face.

“Pervert” Yunho and Chloe said simultaneously.

“Hyung… that hurt.” Yoochun said as he got up rubbing both sides of his face then turned to Chloe, “But C-baby can hurt me any day or night… as long as we can kiss and make out… oh I mean make up.”


“NOW KURI!!!” Yoochun yelled as he took Chloe into his arms and dipped her.

With that signal Kuri’s eyes glowed brighter along with her bears and the instruments began to play the song that the princes had previously sung. The four other princes bowed to their respective princesses and Black Knight, holding out their hands, “May we have this dance? “

Angie quickly took Yunho’s hand while Jane slowly reached out for Junsu’s. As those two couples began to dance, the two youngest royals looked at one another blushing, unsure of what to do.

Unable to watch Emi be confused any longer, Yehsung walked up to Emi and took her hand.

“Yehsung..” Emi said slightly sad at the sight of Junsu dancing and smiling with Jane, “Is that what love is?”

“Love is doing everything to make the one you love be happy.. even if it means watching her fall hopelessly in love with someone other than yourself.” Yehsung said solemnly as he stood with her watching.

“So everything you have done for me so far was because of love.. not because our families want us together?”

“Yes… and forever I will love you.. I’m just waiting for a chance.” Yehsung gathered his confidence and turned Emi towards him, “Emi…”

Only to be interrupted by his brothers cheers and wails, ” FINALLY!!! GO YEHSUNG!!!”
Then the 11 turned towards Heechul who had not joined in the cheer but was mumbling and pouting with fire in their eyes.

“Fine fine” Heechul said as he kicked a rock and turned back around with a exaggerated smile and cheer, “GO GO YEH YEH GO GET THE GIRL. … happy now?”

“Haha that’s more like it” Kangin said with a smile as they ran and hugged Heechul and disappeared leaving Yehsung with Emi.

“They sure do know how to ruin a moment..”Yehsung said embarrassed, but became focused again, “Emi.. I know I’ve been rejected more times than any man should have been, but in my heart I know we are meant to be. Will you go on a date with me and give me a chance to show that no one can love you more than me? There I’ve said it.”

Yehsung closed his eyes and waited for a reply which in his heart, he knew would be the same as before.

“Yes… “ Emi said with a smile.

“ Why won’t you give me a chance!!... Wait… did you say yes?” Yehsung said shocked as he opened his eyes to see Emi nodding, “Yes… really? … Yes… she said yes… SHE FINALLY SAID YES !!!! Wahhooooo!!!”

Yehsung quickly picked up Emi in his arms and swung her around and hugged her, “What to do… what to wear… wait when… where… what are we going to do … should I go ask your family’s permission first.. so much to do…“

“Umm.. you mind letting me go? ” Emi said as she looked up at Yehsung. I’ve never seen someone so happy before.. except….. maybe the one who loves me most was in front of me all along

“Oh…” Yehsung said embarrassed as he let go of her and stepped back, “Sorry.. I .. I’m just too excited and got caught up in the moment…”

“Sure… so when do you want to go out on this date?”

“How about now?”


“uh huh” Yehsung smiled grabbing her hand and started running, “Let’s go!!”

“Bea.. will you honor…” but before Changmin could finish his sentence, Bea quickly ran and hid behind Black Knight.

“What is wrong little princess?” Black Knight said as she put her hand on Bea’s shoulder, but received no response. Black Knight turned around and smiled to Bea, “It’s ok. He won’t bite… plus if he does you know unnie and your oppa will take care of him huh? Plus Princess Bea is strong like Oppa Jaelin so what is to worry? “

“But I don’t know how to dance.” Bea said softly as she put her head down.

Changmin with the encouragement of Jae Joong walked toward the two girls and cleared his throat, “If you don’t know how… umm.. I can teach you”

Changmin held out his hand and smiled, “I’ll teach you.. I promise I won’t let you fall..”

Bea looked up at Changmin and then to Black Knight still uncertain, but with a smile and nod of reassurance, Bea slowly walked towards Changmin and curtseyed and took his hand.

“It’s ok Bea, just follow me.” Changmin whispered, “Just trust me, even if you fall I’ll catch you.”

Bea blushed as Changmin began to teach her to waltz leading her away from the others just as Junsu, Yunho and Yoochun had been doing as well leaving Black Knight and Jae Joong alone on the stage.

“Finally… stupid oppas.. I want tea and sweets… Kuri is tired” Kuri whined as she fell to the ground exhausted while Kiri turned into a big cushion and Kuku turned into a little table with a complete tea set.

“Aww but there isn’t any tea or sweets. Oh well I will just have to pretend them” Kuri pouted as she looked at the empty tea pot and plates, pretending to pour herself a cup of tea.

“Kuri!!! Kuri!!” Hamtaro screamed as he ran towards her, “We have a serious problem!!!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Where are your brothers?? Tell them to go hide right now!!!”



Kuri got up and picked up the shivering hamster, “What’s wrong with that?”

“They all have over protective sister complexes and…”

“And? Let those babo oppas get their butts kicked.”

“But you don’t know ..”

“Hahaha I hope unnies’ and Bea’s oppas put oppas in their place.”

Seeing that Kuri did not really care about her brothers and that they were about to encounter Jaelin’s vampiric cousins, Hamtaro sighed and began to scratch his head, “Oh and a royal carriage has arrived from Asahi…”

“What?” Hearing the word Asahi, Kuritsu’s face turned flush as she begun to shake Hamtaro, “Who ! WHO CAME OUT OF THE CARRAIGE?!?!”

“Princess .. Stop… air… “ Hamtaro gasped for air as Kuri continued to choke and shake him, “Kiri.. Kuku… help!!!”


“Your parents and uncle.. please let me go…”

“Oh that is it..” Kuri smiled and threw Hamtaro down, “Phew.. I thought they came..”

Kiri and Kuku went over to Hamtaro, picked him up and dusted him off.

“Thank you … “ He shook the two bears’ hands and looked at Kuri, “Oh.. and some guard and little girl came out of the carriage too..”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! KIRI!! KUKU!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!” Kuri screamed as she picked up the two bears and ran.

“Princess where are you going?” Hamtaro yelled out as he tried to rush after her.


“Hmm.. Kei chan” a little girl in a light blue dress said as she watched Kuri make her hasty escape from the balcony, “I believe it is time to bring back the princess and continue our lessons. If you would please escort the princess back that would be most appreciative.”

A young guard bowed nervously as he dropped his sword, “Yes Nanny Sophia.”

“How many times must I remind you..” the girl glared as she pulled out a ruler and hit the guard’s hand, “A guard of Asahi must be cunning and swift… not a bumbling fool.”

Sophia slowly knelt down and picked up and handed the sword back to Kei, “Please don’t lose your sword again …and escort the Princess back and do please tuck in your shirt and smile niichan it is a wonderful evening teehee .”

Kei quickly smiled and ran off while Sophia turned and skipped into the castle, “Hmm I wonder which room is my dear Kuri’s room. teehee”

Chapter 014

"Yes.. anything to bring her back." Youvin finally said as he looked at his beloved.

"Once you say yes.." Emi's eyes turned sinister as she gripped on the neck of the plushie that looked like Kara, “ There is no turning back.. “

“I understand.. please…give me back my Kara.” Youvin yelled out realizing the connection between the Death’s doll that looked like Kara, and Kara’s soul. He could not bear to lose her again
and after being betrayed by Ane, he didn’t want to take anymore chances. In his heart he had already decided who his two sacrifices were to be.

Emi hopped out of her seat, the three other plushies flew into her hand and the tea party like atmosphere disappeared and the two were swallowed up into darkness and re-appeared back at Youvin’s home where the two lovers were still having a pleasant meal.

“What the?!?!?!?” Aaron yelled out as pulled out his sword, jumping in front Ane who was cowering behind her lover.

“Please…” Emi said as she roller her eyes and replaced the little toy sword his look alike doll had in her hand with a snake.

“ARGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Aaron screamed as his sword during into a viper, throwing it down and hiding behind Ane.

“And you say this is your manly man? Even scared of a twig?” Emi scoffed.

“Shut up..” he yelled from behind Ane,” How did you turn.. “ he came out to point out at the viper.. but it had indeed turn into a twig.

“Enough… “ as she waved her hand causing the room to morph and turn into what looked like a little girl’s room surrounded by plushies, “Now take a seat the trial is beginning”

As she said that chairs and a desk appeared in front of Aaron and Ane as well as in front of Kara and Youvin. To the left of Kara a bench appeared and became occupied by 12 teddy bears skipping in line, reaching up to Emi bowing to her and then finding their seats pulling out a pad and pencil.

Another teddy bear holding a book walked up to Emi who was seated behind a podium, bowed to her, turned around and began to speak terrifying the adulterous couple, “The trial of Youvin vs. Ane has begun with Emi chan as the Judge and executioner and overseen by the honorable 12. All you say will here by be recorded and may be used against you at Emi chan’s discretion.”

After saying that the teddy bear skipped to his little desk on top of Emi’s podium.

“What the hell is going on here? Who is this psycho little girl and ..” Aaron began to yell out as he threw his chair to the side.

The teddy bear stood up from his desk and jumped in front of Aaron and Ane as Emi watched as she was licking her lollipop.

“ Aaron Lee, please refrain from yelling before Emi chan and please take a seat. Any further interruption and I will be forced to take action upon you” as he bowed.

Aaron picked up the teddy bear and scoffed throwing it aside and taking Ane’s hand, “This is all stupid, come on let’s go”

As the two started to walk away, Emi leaned forward, “ And might I ask where you are going? Or better yet do you even know where you are? Ane .. he isn’t the brightest of the bunch is he?”

“Shut up you psycho doll !!! Get us the hell out of here NOW!!!”

“My .. my.. so rude too.. “ Emi turned to Youvin, “ It is a good thing you are well mannered Youvin because if you weren’t you would be meeting the same fate as him.”

Before Youvin could respond, Kara covered his eyes, “And as for the way out you have to ask Cerberus… ”

“Well where can I find this Cerberus!”

With a sinister smile, Emi nodded and pointed her nose forward.

Confused, “Well where the hell is he?” Aaron said irritated.

“I asked politely for you to please obey the rules dictated by Emi chan” the teddy bear said as it faced Aaron and Ane, “ You, did not heed my warning, now, I, Cerberus must punish you.”

“What is some stuffed doll going to do to me” Aaron laughed as he turned towards Emi, “If this is all you got… you might as well tell me how to get out of this place before I hurt you”

But his cockiness soon turned into fear as he heard Ane scream and notice a shadow being cast over him. Aaron turned around to come face to face with not the small black teddy bear, but a giant fearsome beast with three heads and flames coming from his eyes. His fangs gleamed reflecting the light of the flames, his claws dug deep into the ground with each step causing a tremor.

“I, Cerberus, the guardian to the gate way of hell will destroy you for your insolence” the once adorable teddy bear said with a thunderous roar causing the ground to shake. Ane fainted and Aaron fell to the ground then turned to Emi with fear in his eyes.

“Now.. what were you saying…” Emi said as she laughed and the surroundings changed once more, to the gateway of underworld with flames shooting from the ground. The teddy bears and other stuffed dolls turned into hideous, demonic creatures all hissing at Aaron as Cerberus began to crush Aaron.

“Please!!! Forgive me… I didn’t mean it … PLEASE!!!” Aaron pleaded as tears rolled down his eyes from the pain of his bones being slowly crushed.

“Mortals… have to see the darker side of things before they fear death.. I’ll spare you this time.. “

“Oh thank you .. thank you”

“But…. Cerberus.. won’t without an exchange.. usually it is three.. but since we are running on a schedule.. just devour an arm and we will call it even now, “ Emi said as she appeared floating next to Cerberus petting its head, “FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLUUUUFFFFFFFFFFFFYYYYYYYYYYYY… is that ok?”

Cerberus began to whimper as it backed off of Aaron, “But Emi chan… Fluffy is hungry.. and he threatened Emi chan..”

“Aww Fluffy” Emi smiled and gave it a hug, “If you be a good little puppy.. I’ll bake you a batch of cookies ok ? Please?”

“Ok” Cerberus barked happily wagging its tail at the promise of cookies, but then turned sinister looking once more taking notice of Aaron slowly crawling away. Cerberus pounced and quickly took off Aaron’s left arm swallowing it effortlessly.

“I take it that there wont be anymore interruptions.. “ Emi said floating back to her seat, “Lets resume” and with saying that the room returned to its overly childish façade.

“Ane…” Emi said sweetly and then once again more annoyed throwing a lollipop hitting her square in the face “Ane!!!!!!!!!!!”

“ Owww… Yes… “ Ane whimpered as she rubbed her nose.

“You have betrayed your husband’s love and committed infidelity. You have two choices… one.. I place judgment in which you will die and fall into the depths of hell feeling nothing but pain and despair .. yada yada yada .. you’ll be told the rest during orientation… or “

“Or???” Ane said with a bit of hope that she may have a kinder fate than her crippled lover .

“Or you can choose to have Youvin lay judgment. But remember once you choose one, you cannot turn back. So what will it be.. a first class pass from yours truly to the depths of hell or have your fate rest on the shoulders of the man you betrayed? What will it be?”

Ane looked at Emi, whose smile though sweet hid an evil mind and then at her once beloved Youvin who could only watch with a sad look on his face while being comforted by the spirit of his first true love. He is gullible.. stupid.. and in love with me.. he will forgive me in a heart beat.. hahah time to cheat death.. , “I choose to have Youvin lay judgment on me since he was the one that I hurt. I am sorry Youvin that I betrayed you.. I know you loved me with all your heart but I still hurt you.. please forgive me”

“So from that tear jerking confession… you choose to have Youvin lay judgment… are you sure? “


“I will ask one last time… Do you Ane decide for Youvin to decide your fate as well as the fate of your lover? “ Emi said with a grin from ear to ear gripping onto the two plushies resembling the two.

“Yes!! I know his kind and gentle heart will lead him to forgive us.” She said with tears streaming from her eyes thinking to herself, my acting is the best in the kingdom.. even death won’t be able to see through it haha Aaron and I are safe.. Well.. he has lost an arm already.. pathetic.. well there is always Jacob…

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH” Emi began to laugh maniacally and she pulled out two daggers and pierced them through the chest of the two plushies, “Your contract has been completed Youvin, I hereby return you Kara in exchange for the souls of Ane and Aaron”

“What?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” Ane screamed as both she and Aaron burst into flames, “But you said … YOUVIN !!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!”
Youvin with Kara in his arms watched heartlessly as his former wife and her lover burned and were dragged away by Cerberus. He looked up to Emi who was still laughing with pure evil reflected in her eyes and bowed, “ I thank you avenging me and returning Kara to me.. May I please leave now.”

Emi finally snapped out of her trance and waved, “Ok may you two be happy happy together now, just take that door and it will lead you to the mortal world. “

Youvin hand in hand with Kara bowed once more and headed toward the door, but then were called back by Emi who had just received a message from one of her teddy bears and burst into another sinister laugh, “My my my… I am so busy today.. I better get a present from grandfather for taking over his duties today.. hmm Youvin..”

“Yes.. “

“It seems that our business is not finished yet.” Emi said as she looked up from the note and revealed two more plushies one resembling Youvin, the other Kara.

“NO!!! What is the meaning of this?!?!?!? You already took Ane and Aaron as your sacrifice?!?!?” Youvin said in terror as he and Kara turned and began to run toward the door, but fell gripping to their chest, “You lied…”

“Death does not lie, does not judge, does not play favorites.. it is the only thing free from emotional bias… it is the balance to good and evil.” Emi said as she continued to slowly pierce the two plushies in the chest, “ You, dear Youvin… to bring back the love of your life.. chose to go against the destiny… and in doing so offered the souls of two innocent people.”

“ They weren’t innocent !!!! SHE BETRAYED ME!!!”

“ Yes she betrayed you, but innocent in a sense that it was not her time to die yet.. So to return the balance.. you must die to atone for offering her to me.” Emi said coolly as she pulled out the dagger from Youvin’s plushie offering little relief and then plunging it in once more.

“ARGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Youvin screamed in pain, “ WHAT ABOUT KARA?!?!??! WHY MUST SHE DIE AGAIN?!?!”

“Two reasons.. one because you offered me Ane and Aaron, so another must pay. Secondly.. her soul can never return to the mortal world… do you want to know why?” Emi said as she walked up to Youvin and laid down close to his ear and whispered, “Because she offered her soul to stay in the underworld forever in order to save you from drowning when you two ran away from home 15 years ago… I guess I should have told you that before hand huh?”

“She, too was given a choice that night .. save herself and let you die or sacrifice herself to save you.. She chose the later because she truly loved you with all her heart.” Emi said standing over him and finally ready to finish him off, “Being willing to sacrifice yourself for the one you care for most is the sign of true love.. not your useless bobbles or sacrificing others..”

She took one last look at his lifeless body as his spirit parted from it looking at her with great remorse, “Now you know that..” as she watched Kara take Youvin’s hand and guide him away to the stream of other spirits.

Just as Emi was about ready to make her way to the door leading to the mortal world she notices someone blocking the door, applauding, “Well done … well done.. “

Emi looked at the individual with an annoyed looked, “ Get out of the way Yehsung oppa, I’m done with my duties here, I need to go back.”

Yehsung smiled and moved away for Emi to reach for the door but then closed it and pinned her to the door, “But , not all of your duties have been complete yet little girl” as he leaned in very close to her.

“Back off oppa or I’ll tell grandfather or better yet let fluffy eat you” She said with a smile and then stomped on his foot.

“Well.. fluffy as you call him now.. do you remember who gave him to you as a birthday present hmm.. and regarding your grandfather… you know he approves me to be his grandson in law so… “
“Well I DON’T APPROVE” Emi yelled as she pushed him out of the way and tried once again for the door only to see Yehsung’s others compatriots block it and surround her.

“Emi chan… why won’t you just accept it.. our families want us together.. I love you.. you aren’t seeing anyone else.. we are a perfect match.”

“Like I told you before.. you do not meet my requirements for who I think would be a suitable partner so bleh” She said as she stuck out her tongue at him.

“But weren’t you just spouting comments about true love, sacrifice and junk.. why won’t you give me a chance to show you that I would be willing to do anything..” Yehsung said as he slowly backed away into the darkness while Shindong and Ryeowook escorted Emi to a chair and followed Yehsung.

“God …” Emi said as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, “ Why doesn’t he get the hint, he isn’t the one for me.”

“Cuz Emi… “ Yehsung appeared from the shadows followed by his twelve brothers, all dressed in black with a single red rose in hand all kneeling before her.

“ Cuz… I can’t stop thinking about you girl.” Yehsung said sweetly with a wink taking her hand, giving it a kiss as his brothers stood up and started to harmonize.

Emi accepted the flower with a shocked look on her face as Yehsung smiled and walked back and was surrounded by his brothers.

Noreul cheom boge dweossuh nol wonhaji anhko gyondilsooga isseulgga HEY
Siwon started to sing as they revealed Yehsung who had strategically placed a pillow to make up for what she had always claimed he was lacking which caused Emi to burst into laughter.

Geurohke chyuhdabojima nowaui GAMEeul ajik shijakanhaessuh
Naegesuh TAROT jomeul bwa noui eesanghyung chajabwa joolteni
Geu namjaga naega dwege haejoolteni

When Emi looked at the others, they too has equipped themselves with the same accessory as their brother, “OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS HAHAHAHAHAHAH, they’ve gone mad “ and yet even though she said that, Emi could not take her eyes away.

cuz I can't stop thinking 'bout u girl
Nol naekkuhro mandeulggoya

The 13 with a combination of sexy moves and under stupidity continued to help their brother swoon the only girl that got away from him, each taking turns to provide their unique talents in this mission impossible.

No I can't stop thinking 'bout U girl
Nae woori ane gadoogo shipo

Emi tried her best not to show her emotion but couldn’t help and laugh at them, the 13 most powerful demons.. stooping to this level to help their brother win over her heart. She didn’t know whether take pity on them and just finish them off or to call forth her friends to see this spectacle.

Verse two
Bboyahdon wooyoobit pibu gin mori kkeute namainneun hyanggiwa
Najimakhan moksoriro nal gonggyukhani nal igilsoonobso Woo yeah~

Heechul, with his own agenda danced around stealing the roses from his other brothers thinking he was sly in taking this opportunity to confess his love to Emi as well. With a great smile on his face, the pretty boy made his way to the front with 12 roses only to be caught in the act and dragged away by Kyuhyun and jumped and pummeled on by the other brothers, dragging him off to a distance.

“Emi ah!!!”Heechul called out as he reached out his hand with the bouquet of stolen roses only to be taken by Kim Bum to be used as an instrument to further Heechul’s beating.

“You fool” Donghae yelled as he kicked Heechul, “Emi is Yehsungs.. Come on lets go” as they continued to make there not so dramatic exit leaving Yehsung with a solo and to finish off his plan.

Yehsung continues to dance his heart out but then suddenly stops in a pose.

“Eh? Is it over already” Emi said as she continued to laugh and wipe her tears away, but then Yehsung turned and faded away, “Huh? ‘

Noege boyojoon MAGIC bbalkan

She heard but still now sign of Yehsung, who instantly appeared before her smiling and finishing off with a handstand landing on his butt, “Ouch… oh .. uhh ..jangmi soge soomgyuhdoon banjireul joolgge.. pay close attention.”

Emi listened and watched as Yehsung waved his hand over the rose as it slowly began to bloom and blossom revealing a ring.

“Why did you go through all this ? “Emi said somewhat taken away by this gesture, “as stupid and cute as it was.. what if someone saw you? “

Yehsung stood up and laughed patting his butt, “It’s a good thing I was wearing this huh?”

The two laughed and then there was an odd silence as Yehsung looked into her eyes,” You really don’t know why I put myself out like that…? It’s .. “

But before he could say anything his 12 brothers popped out of no where in harmony sang, “Cuz he can’t stop thinking about you girl…”

“Me neither Emi ah!!! I can’t stop thinking … ugh “ Heechul tried to sneak in yet again only to be gagged and dragged to the back.

“Aishh … I’ll deal with you later” Yehsung sneered as he waved them off and focused his attention to Emi taking her hand, “So now you know I can’t stop thinking about you, Emi… can you start thinking about me?”

“umm..” Emi didn’t know what say.. take a chance with a person who always cared for her.. or wait and hope that things work out between who she thinks is her match.

“Well…” Yehsung asked as he slowly began to place the ring on her finger.

Just as she had finally came up with a response, a sweet melody began to drift from the door into their realm.

Baby baby
Baby baby

Emi pulled back from Yehsung and started moving toward the door.

Ne gyothe baby

“Umm Emi ah.. I’m over here.” Yehsung said as he waved to catch her attention.

Sarangi gaetwo iron nae maumur
Sumgiryo haedo kumsae ibkaui misoman
Emi no longer paying attention to Yehsung, entranced by the sweet melody opened the door and searched for source of the sound that had stolen her heart.

Haruto andwae tto bogoshipojyo
Onjjoju nae mamun gipeun byongi goringor

Tears began to stream from her eyes as she listened to the sweet lyrics and saw that it was coming from none other than the person she believed to be the one she was fated to be with and his four brothers.

Unable to control her emotions she turned to Yehsung, “I’m sorry oppa” and handed him back, “But I have to follow my heart.. and it doesn’t lead to you.”

With saying that, Emi ran through the door leaving a dumbfounded Yehsung behind looking at the ring he was so close to getting on her finger, “What just happened.”

“You just got dumped..” Leeteuk said placing a hand on Yehsung’s shoulder offering comfort.

“Again…” Han Geng said placing his hand Yehsung’s other shoulder.

“By the same girl…”Sungmin said sighing as he picked up the rose.

“For the 1000th time this millennia..” Kyuhyun said giving Yehsung a hug.

“Umm.. I guess it should be a sign that you will never get her.. so… “ Heechul jumped in with a smile, “Why don’t you just give up and let the rest of us get a chance. How about giving hyung a chance huh? “

The 12 brothers took a step back and looked at the second eldest, gave a smile, “What? She’s hot and.. you can’t blame a guy for trying? “

“Yehsung…” Siwon said as he started cracking his knuckles, “We’ll give you the first punch..”

The 12 started to take steps toward Heechul who was slowly backing away, “Wait.. come on guys… I’m your hyung.. you can’t do this…”

Kang- In laughed, “Hmm hyung huh… well lets ask the oldest.. and see what he has to say..”

“I agree” Donghae said as he pulled out a wooden pole, “ Leeteuk hyung… do you have any problems with us teaching our other hyung a lesson?”

“I don’t have a problem… do you Yehsung? “ Leeteuk said as he began to stretch out.

“No… no problem at all.. Plus I feel like killing something anyways.” Yehsung said as he pulled out his whip.

“Then it’s agreed.. yah Heechul ah… we’ll give you to the count of 13 ok.”

Heechul took one step back on the defensive.


The 12 brothers readied themselves to attack.


“WHAT????? NO FAIR!!!” Heechul screamed as he dashed off, “ WAHHHHH!!!!!!!! YOU CAN’T KILL THE PRETTY ONE!!! ITS AGAINST THE RULES!!!”

“First one to get him, gets to be leader for a week!!!” Leeteuk yelled out.

“ALRIGHT!!!!” 10 out of the 11 other brothers yelled out as they all look to Yehsung.

“But remember … I get the first shot” Yehsung said as he put on his gloves, “LETS GO!!!”


“If they’ve done anything to BK… I swear I will tear out their throats.” Chloe said as she pulled out her butterfly swords and lit them on fire.

“As if she could lose unnies.” Bea said confidently but readied her ningata to help her unnie if something was wrong.

“Then again they are 5 able bodied men… hot too” Angie said as she unclipped her necklace.

“They will be hot when I put them into a pot of boiling water and make soup.. now where are those vials.. “ Jane mumbled as she searched in her basket but slipped and dropped a vial turning the flowers into fleshing eating monsters, “Oops..”

“Ergh” Chloe said annoyed as she shot fire at them burning them to a crisp, “Stop playing around, we need to go help Jaelin.”

“Oppa? What does oppa have to do… Unnie?”

The four girls stopped and looked at Black Knight who was asleep in a seat in front of the stage. Chloe thinking the worst thought she had been attacked rushed over and shook her, “BK!!! ARE YOU OK???”

“Huh?? Oh.. you are all here…” BK rubbed her eyes and stood up, “Took you long enough… come on have a seat..”


“Because of …”before finishing her response she pointed toward the stage that was filled with candles and rose petals.

“What is going on” the four sisters said in unison following BK onto the stage.

“Look over there..” she pointed out toward the bridge.

Baby baby
baby baby
Ne gyothe baby

Chapter 013

“Hmm what’s all this ruckus in this kingdom…” Emi said as she tossed two plushies into the air and proceeded to throw little daggers at them, “So many people to kill today… I wonder why?”

The two plushies fell to the ground and in her hands appeared another plushie of a rather pathetic looking man, “I guess I might as well find out before I send him to my other relatives.” Emi said as she hopped and re-appeared before the human version of the plushie in hand.

The young man, though humble in looks seemed to be excited to rush home with a surprise for his wife, little did he know that his wife was already pre-occupied.

Emi patted the plushie and giggled, “Ooh this is going to be fun.” As she sat on the rafters swinging her legs back and forth. I guess he is the husband and not the other man… poor sap.. she thought to herself as she covered her eyes and pretended to not hear what was going on beneath her, waiting for confrontation.

“Honey!! It took many extra hours of work but I..” the young man said as he opened the door with all the joy in the world that instantly turned into despair, “What….”

“Oh… honey… this is…” the young maiden said as she rolled off the other man and covered herself, “umm… doctor… umm…”

“Why try to hide it now Ane?” the other man partially sat up and put his arm around the girl.

“Ane.. who is that.. what’s going on” the young man said while on the verge of tears.

“See there you go , crying again” Ane said annoyed as she leaned back on her lover’s chest, “ Youvin, I need a real man not a simpering wimp like you, and Aaron here.. is just the man. “

Youvin dropped the two crystal doves on the floor shattering them as he watched his wife and her lover kissed before him.

ah I see.. so he is going to die because that woman has broken his heart.. hmm I wonder if all the other people I sent to my relatives were the same case too?

“Is that the lame gift you got her for this special day for lovers?” Aaron pointed and the broken shards at Youvin’s feet, “Well… I got her a better gift.. “ he said as he picked her up and put her on him, “Now if you will just pick up your junk piled over there and get out, we can continue in our fun…”

Ane giggled as she hugged Aaron not even giving her husband a second glance, “oh and shut the door on the way out… and you aren’t welcomed here anymore.. you can think of the time I was with you as a pity marriage.. that’s what is really was anyways.”

Youvin could not believe what he was hearing or seeing, but did as he was told not even bothering to pick up his belongings, he walked out of the house.

Emi stood, held her hand and two more plushies appeared, “Hmm now where did he go..”

Youvin had walked to the river, prepared to jump into it as he reflected back on what had just happened.

As he leaped, he froze in the air and Emi popped up right before him, “Wait ajushii that isn’t any fun… come .. sit.. talk with me.”

Youvin floated back down into a chair that appeared out of no where in front of a small table covered in sweets and a tea set,” what ….”

“Ah.. “ Emi said as she appeared in a chair facing him, “Before we beginning discussing.. “ she placed each plushie in their own chair, “ Would you like any tea?” as she poured some for herself.

Emi smiled as she offered to pour tea for Youvin, “Sugar?”

“Who are you?” Youvin said hesitantly.

“No one really special or anything.. just death come to take your soul.. “ She said in a rather happy tone as she took a sip of tea and picked up a cookie, “ Try them, they are the best….” As she placed a cookie in front of each plushie.

“I don’t understand…” Youvin stuttered as he picked up the tea cup and took a sip not to displease his host who was glaring at him for not accepting her offerings, “If you are death…. Why don’t you look all evil and grotesque? Why are you offering me tea and cookies… and why did you stop me from killing myself?”
Hearing this Emi slams her tea cup to table and screams, “Why must it always be: why are you blah blah blah , you don’t look like death blah blah blah, GOD YOU MORTALS AND YOUR PRECONCIEVED NOTIONS OF THE UNIVERSE ARGhHHH!!!!!!!!! I try to be a little unique and this is what I get.” Emi continues to scream as she stomps around pouting.

Youvin stares as this little girl paces back and forth talking to herself pouting and stomping her feet in a frilly dress thinking to himself, “This must be some joke.. great even when I’m about to die.. I’m still made out to be a joke.”

Emi hearing this turns around, with her hands to her back and with a smile, skips toward Youvin leaning in very close to him, “You know if you are more comfortable with the more .. classic style of death, “ her eyes turned pitch black as a dark ominous aura surrounded the two, “I can easily accommodate your request.”

Youvin looked around him and saw nothing but darkness and suddenly claws and hands reaching for him, with howls and screams of beings beyond the world crying out for blood, flesh.. souls…

Not wanting to see Youvin quickly shoves cookies in his mouth and takes the teapot and begins drinking directly from the spout, “No no no… thank you very much for your hospitality and delicious sweets miss.”, he said as fast as he was shoving cookies down his mouth, choking along the way.

Her eyes returned to their normal silver grey color and a smile returned to her face, “ Why thank you, but please be careful we don’t want you to choke and die right now do we., “ She giggled as she returned to her seat and picked out a lollipop, “.. ooops sorry .. I know.. bad joke. Occupational hazard I suppose.”

Youvin continuing to put as many cookies in his mouth as possible, paused a bit and forced a laugh.

Emi glared at him, “Don’t push it…”


“Well down to business I had some questions and depending on how you answer them, will determine if I let you die peacefully or…” as she paused to take a lick of her lollipop, “Or if the cookies that you ate turn into leeches that suck you dry from the inside out…” she smiled as she winked turning all the cookies on the table into blood thirsty leeches.

The poor young man jumped back and fell out of his seat, “umm ask away then heh.. heh.. heh” he said nervously as beads of sweat trickled down.

“First off… why did you buy your wife, well former wife this?” as she posed the question the pair of doves that had been shattered appeared on the table in one piece.

Youvin looked at the pair of doves and began to shed tears.

“ Oh come on man, you caught her in the arms of another man… in your house.. in your bed no less why are you still crying..” Emi sad annoyed as she picked up the plushie that looked like Youvin, tossing it into the air and catching it, “Answer or let leeches feast on you.”

He quickly wiped his tears, “Today in Cheonson, it is a day to celebrate love, and for three years I had been working extra hours to be able to pay for these pairs of doves to be made for Ane.”

“If I were you I would have spent those hours with your wife instead. So you think this hunk of glass, represents your love?”

Youvin picked up the doves, “A pair of doves represent true love, pure and honest.. what I believed we had.”

“So you give little trinkets you believe represents your love? So for those two back there, love coincides with lust? What weird customs you mortals have.”

“It’s how our kingdom celebrates the beauty of love… but I guess our love was not strong enough..”

“Either that or your wife is just lustful and you weren’t just cutting it for her..” Emi looks at Youvin who seems appalled at what she had just said, “What? It’s a truth of life… mortals and other worldly beings … many are just lustful creatures.. “

“Can I die now? “

“My, my so eager to die…” Emi said as she continued to play with the three plushies putting the two plushies in a house that appeared in bed together and moving Youvin’s plushie in to the front door re-enacting what just happened moments ago, “I hope this doesn’t bother you” She said with a big smile on her face as she laid his plushie face down.

“Three more questions and then you can decide if you want to die or not ok? Question number one, do you think she was really meant to be with you? “ She pulls out her book, “It looks like she was your first crush … never really experiencing anything before other than her.. do you really think she was meant to be your life partner? With how much she complained and your differences.. “

“…. “ Youvin hesitates, “yes..”

“Don’t lie.. I’m death.. I can tell when you are lying ..” Emi winks, “ One of the perks of being an omnipotent being you know.”

“Honestly… no, there was this one girl…” Youvin began to day dream as he thought of his first true love.

“Yah yah I know” Emi holds up her book, “ Kara blah blah first kiss blah blah got sick blah blah.. spare me the sob story.”

Youvin sad pouted and spoke in a whiny tone, “You were the one who asked..”

Emi slammed the notebook down onto the table, “ DON’T FORGET I HOLD YOUR LIFE IN MY HANDS..”

“Sorry” Youvin said quickly and looked down at his hands.

“Sheesh… ask a few questions and you think we become best friends? Pfft.. Ok question number two, would you be willing to exchange something with me to bring your beloved Kara back to life?”

“YES!!! Umm I mean yes miss. “

“Even if it means shortening your life?”

“Yes.. she was my best friend.. the only one that ever understood me and respected me for me.”

“Even if it means sacrificing two people to bring her back?”

“Are you serious or are you just toying with me? “ Youvin said with bitterness in his voice now that Emi had brought his childhood love into whatever game she was playing.

“Do I look like I’m playing around” Emi’s face became serious and behind her a figure appeared that made Youvin’s heart skip a beat.


“Well.. ?”

Chapter 012


“Yes… I’ll make a potion to drug him.. so he’ll sleep through this godforsaken holiday” Jane said as she fell down next Chloe.

Angie, Kuri and Bea laughed as they placed the final touches.

“Wow.. it looks great.. your parents will love it.” Kuri said excitedly, “Right.. Kiri.. Kuku?”
After cuddling the two bears again, she began to look around to the banks of the lake, “Where is Jaelin oppa? We’ve been at this for 3 hrs now.. and no sign of him.”

“Unnie.. oppa is probably with BK unnie… I wonder what he got her.. something wonderful … “ Bea said as she looked in awe, ‘Those two are soo in love.. oppa should just marry her already…”

Her three older sisters looked at one another and burst out laughing, Kuri and Bea stared and said together, “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing…” Chloe said as she got up and patted the two confused girls’ head, “Ah… nothing.. of course Jaelin is with BK.. they’ll be together forever”


Just as the two girls were about to barrage Chloe with questions they heard, “WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH OUT BELOW!!!”

The girls jumped and with a big thud, Hamtaro crashed landed, skidding towards the water,” Wah!!! Someone help!!! I can’t swim!!!” he said using his little paws to cover his eyes.. preparing for impact.

“Hammie….” Bea said giggling.

“Bea !!! Hammie is gonna drown!! Save me!!” Hamtaro said still with his eyes covered as he shook in fear.


“What?!?!?!? Can’t you see I’m sliding towards my doom.. come and save me!!”

“Umm.. Hammie.. do you feel yourself moving?”

“Eh?” Hamtaro said as he slowly removed one of paw from his eye, only to see that Bea was holding him. He stood up and coughed, “Oh.. ummm.. That was just a test to see if you would be willing to save me… “

The girls all laughed with Chloe walking up to Bea and grabbing him by the fur heading towards the water, “Let’s see if the furball can be forced to learn how to swim hahahha”

“You wouldn’t hurt an adorkable thing like me would you?” Hamtaro said with teary eyes as he shivered and looked at Chloe.

“You are lucky … Jaelin loves you… or I’d let Jane use you for tests..” Chloe said as she gave him a hug and cradled him away from the water, “ So what brings BK’s super awesome sidekick here tonight?”

“Oh.. BK is planning on fighting those Shin Princes, because she heard that a few of them were going to try to take you by force.. I think she said the one called Yoochun… and Duckbutt or something.. so she is going to beat it into them.. not to try anything stupid like that.” Hamtaro said as he jumped down and ran to Kuri, “Wah Kuri has Kuku already …” he jumped into her arms making room between Kiri and Kuku, “Hey you two just met.. you shouldn’t be soo close.. I’ll be your chaperone”

“Yes!!! BK finally sees the truth !!! I’m going to help her.. “ Chloe said with excitement as she pulled out her butterfly swords, “That pervert is going to die!!! Hammie where are they??”

“Umm.. BK didn’t tell me .. but she said it is someplace your siblings have fond memories of.”

“Fond memories?” Jane said as she readied potions.

“Where would that be?... Everywhere in the kingdom.. except for a few places.. we have fond memories of ..” Angie said as she headed towards the stepping stones.

“Does she mean the garden house ???” Bea questioned, “That’s where we have the best memories isn’t it ?”

“Those pervs dare go there!!! Kuri… I swear I won’t kill them but…. I won’t promise that they will be in one piece when I’m done with them” Chloe said as she and the other girls started running across the stones to land.

“Ok!!! Have fun!! You can kill them if you want just spare me the nice oppas ok!!!” Kuri said as she put Kiri, Kuku and Hamtaro down to wave.

Kuri watched as the Cheonsa princesses ran back toward Palace disappearing in the cover of the forest.

“I wish I had sisters like them..” Kuri said as she sighed and began to turn around to pick up Kiri and Kuku, “But I’m stuck with mean oppas…hey..”

Just as she turned, she caught a glimpse of Kiri and Kuku, hand in hand running across the stepping stones with Hamtaro chasing after them.

“Hey!!! You are too young !!! I must go chaperone!!!” Hamataro yelled out to the two bears as he tried to catch his breath.

“Kiri!!! Kuku!!!! “ Kuri called out to them as she watched the two bears and hamster disappear into the forest as well, “I thought you were supposed to protect me and keep me company!!! Meanies!!!”

Just as she began to pout and pull petals from the flowers that weren’t used for the decorating, a figure stepped up to the lank bank, “Hmm.. I guess she’s the only one there.. well one is better than none.”

He laughed as he threw 4 bouquets of blood red roses into the air and ran over the stepping stones to the pavilion, throwing his sword hitting the bouquets causing petals to separate from the stem.

ha neul pit na neun neo reul goom go ji noon deu myon sara chyo eop ji man
mae il keu got teh mae il keu shi gan nae ip sool reh dah deon keu neu gim

He began to sing while standing on the last stepping stone as the wind blew the silk curtains around and the petals began to fall. Kuri looked up into the sky as the petals fell around her, “Wah!!! Sooo pretty!!!” she said as she began to dance amongst the petals along with the soothing voice.

oh neul doh neo wa ma joo chil keo ya neo eui ka neun gil eul ah ni gga
ee jeh keu man goom man goo neun sang sang eun meom choo go

As he continued to sing, he moved in closer watching between white silk that moved around with the wind. Kuri without a care continued to dance sweetly amongst the rose petals and go “la la la la“ along with the singing.

got seul deul go seo hwal jak oot seu myo noon ee ra doh ha yah geh pa ra myo
eo saek ha ji man ko min dwe ji man
deo ee sang neo reul hon ja dool soo ga eop seo

He walked around the outside of the pavilion still singing, watching Kuri dance. He grinned seeing that Kuri had become completely absorbed in the ambiance and his smooth voice, usin his finger tracing along the pavilion and silk still watching Kuri.

“Wah… such a pretty song… I could dance to this all day…”

mal hae ya get seo na eo deo nya go neol man ni cho ah hae wat ta go
I can't stand no more.. you know my love..

Kuri stopped hearing those words and looked around, “You.. Know..My… Love???”

“nae sarang eul cheon hae jool keo ya” Lord Dong Wook sang the last line sweetly as he walked through the curtains with the bouquet of red roses in his hands.

“What the hell are you doing here!!! You evil oppa!!” Kuri said as she looked for something to defend herself with.

“Princess Kuritsu, How can you call oppa evil when I am here to keep you company and make this day a little more special being today is a celebration of love.” Dong Wook said as he bowed and smiled.

“I am fine thank you very much” she sneered at him as she crossed her arms, “so you can go kill something or whatever you do.. Kiri and Kuku will..”

“Oh you mean the two bears that were frolicking in the forest when I was heading here? .. “

“… Well I don’t need you !!! Go away” Kuri said as kicked him in the shin.

Dong Wook smiled at her and looked into her eyes, “You can kick me, punch me, or kiss me.. if you want.. as long as you are happy..”

“Why you !!!”

Every day I make a wish if I could be the one for you

“Eh? Not again!!!” Kuri said as she ran up to him shoving him away, but as she walked away from him, he followed and continued to sing.

Dodaeche mwoga ashwiwo
Geureul bosonaji mothani
Geureul geutohrok non jongmal jookdohrok

Dong Wook seeing Kuri slowly trying to make her way to the stepping stones, with a suave motion cut her off. He began to sway back and forth to the melody he sang with sensuous gaze towards Kuri who was trying to distract herself.

Hokshi saranghagirado haneun goni
Sesangeul da joondaedo nan piryo obneunde
Nol haengbokhageman haejool soo inneunde no
Nol geujo wootgeman haejoogo shipo nan

Kuri knowing that Dong Wook was up to no good, didn’t want to be there with him any longer, decided to make a run for it and take her chances swimming to shore. Just as she started to run, Kuri slipped on the rose petals and Dong Wook quickly grabbed her, spinning her into his arms.

yeah ~ if I could ever be the one

Kuri looked away trying to break free from his embrace, but Dong Wook wouldn’t budge and continued to stare at her. He slowly caressed and turned her face toward him, “ Look at me…”

Kuri continued to close her eyes, “NO!!! Let me go you…”, but before she could say anything, Dong Wook quickly moved in for a kiss that sent Kuri into shock. When he pulled back, noticing that Kuri was still in a state of shock, Dong Wook smiled, stood her up straight and gave her a peck on the cheek and laughed.

Kuri finally came back to her senses and turned as red as the roses that Dong Wook had handed her,” YAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed as she started to beat him bouquet, blinding him the flowers and made a run for it.

“You can run little princess, but” Dong Wook stopped and touched his fingers to his lips and blew a kiss toward Kuri who was already on shore, “But, I assure you neither you nor I will forget this moment”

“I’m going to get all my oppas including Jaelin oppa to hurt you !!!! “ Kuri screamed as she continued to run away.

Midway back to the castle, Kuri stopped to rest under a blossoming tree. As the petals fell on her and the scent filled the air, Kuri wiped her tears and pouted angrily thinking of what had just happened.

Argh that jerk.. how could he.. Kuri thought to herself as she began to reflect on what had just happened, “ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Kuri got up and started to stomp her way back to palace but then bumped into something causing her to fall down, “Hey!!!”

“I am sorry, let me help you up.” The handsome young stranger said as he knelt down to help Kuri.

“I don’t need your…” Kuri said but stopped when she looked up at him.

“I am truly sorry, I am Prince Uruha of Tenshin. I did not mean to startle you, I was actually looking for Jaelin when I found these two” Uruha held up Kiri and Kuku, “and wanted to find their master.”

“They are my friends” Kuri said as she accepted Kiri and Kuku, the quickly curtseyed, “I apologize for my rude behavior earlier, I am Kuritsu of Asahi, a pleasure to meet you Prince Uruha.”

Uruha smiled and bowed, “The pleasure is mine, if you are from Asahi then you must be the dongsaeng of the princes that are to wed my rowdy cousins.”

“Unnies aren’t rowdy, but yes.” Kuri said as she blushed.

“Well then, I must come to Cheonson more often”


“To help you find your friends when you lose them again of course.” Uruha said as he looked at Kuri with gentle eyes.
Kuri blushed and hid behind Kiri and Kuku as Uruha giggled, “Well I must be off then, I need to go find Taehwa hyung and Jaelin.”

Before he left he bowed once again and took Kuri’s hand, “Princess Kuritsu, I hope you lose your companions once more so I can return to help look for them.”

Uruha smiled as Kuri nodded and quickly took her hand back, “Thank you Prince Uruha.”

“Kuristu, just call me oppa” Uruha said with a smile as he walked off.

Kuri stood there looking towards the direction her new oppa had just walked towards, still blushing, unknowing to her that Kiri and Kuku high fived each other and that Hamtaro was watching from a distance.

“Haha I still have it… Super Sidekick / matchmaker to the rescue fighting!!!!” Hamtaro cheered as he ran off to Jaelin’s garden to get front row seats for the main event.

Chapter 011

“Hyung… why did you have to wake us up so early..” Changmin whined as he rubbed his eyes.

“Yah.. we are still tired.. come on Yoochun let’s go back to our rooms..” Junsu said as he tugged on Yoochun to turn back. As they did so, Yoochun bumped into an angry looking Jae Joong.
“Oh.. hahaha.. I was just.. gonna go.. “ Yoochun said smiling.

“No one is going any where…”Jae Joong said as he grabbed Yoochun and Junsu’s shirts as if they were little children dragging them along as he followed Yunho and Changmin.

“We need to train.. We are all getting sloppy in our fighting… “ Yunho turned to Junsu and Yoochun with lightning in his eyes, “Especially you two.. You are always executing those plans to try to win over the Princesses hearts.. and they always backfire.. with you running back to your rooms.. licking your wounds.. Time to do something more useful with your energy..”

Yoochun and Junsu jumped back behind Jae Joong as Yunho sighed and turned to knock on Jaelin’s door, “Jaelin hyung… yah.. hyung are you in there?”

Jaelin said loudly, “Oh.. Yunho.. You can come in .. “

Yunho and his brothers hearing this entered Jaelin’s room, “Wahh!!!! Look at all this stuff!!! Hyung what are you making all these things for ???” Changmin said as he rushed in grabbing a teddy bear and jumping on to Jaelin’s bed, “Wow.. did you make this.. it looks great..”

“Oh the black one.. that’s for Kuri dongsaeng. “ Jaelin said not looking up from what he was working on.

Changmin looked at the bear, “gah.. that’s why it looked evil… “ and then threw it against the wall.

The four other princes looked around as the room that usually was empty and orderly was nearly bursting at the seams with wrapped boxes and hand made gifts.

“AH… finally done..” Jaelin said with a sigh of relief as he placed the completed object into a box and then turned around to talk to the Shin princes, “So… what time is it right now.. “ Jaelin said as he yawned.

“Jaelin.. It’s morning.. “ Jae Joong said as he picked up a box and shook it, “Have you been up all night making things…”

“Oh… I’m not sure.. when was the last time you saw me?”

“Hyung.. the last time we saw you was 4 days ago.” Yoochun said as he tripped over a box.

“Well then that’s how long I’ve been up.. Wait.. did you say morning.. I must get going.. “ Jaelin said as he stood up and gathered two large bags of gifts.

“Wait hyung .. where are you going? I thought you said today we were going to spar today?” Yunho said as he pulled out his sword as he was eager to match fighting styles.

“I am sorry but not today.. I must get going.. “ Jaelin said as he rushed passed the princes and out the door.

“What was that about? “ Junsu said as the five walked out of the room.

Just as they exited Jaelin popped up, “Gahh.. Hyung.. did you forget something??” Yoochun said startled at Jaelin’s reappearance.

Jaelin said nothing and handed each of the princes a box, bowed and walked off again.

The five looked at the boxes each were given and all together looked up at the direction Jaelin had walked off in, “What the??”
“Where is Jaelin oppa.. He’s never late… “ Shelly said as she stomped her feet and it the flower bush in the main garden. Just as she turned to look toward the direction of the palace Jaelin appeared before her, “Oppa!!!”

“Sorry to keep you waiting Shelly dongsaeng.” Jaelin said as he bowed.

Shelly unable to control herself ran towards him and gave him a big hug, “I knew you would not break your promise.”

“Of course I wouldn’t especially not with any of my dongsaengs especially Angie, Jane, Bea and Shelly.. My cute little sisters.”

Shelly hearing this let go and pouted, “I don’t want to be like Bea donsaeng though… I want to be..”

But before she could say anything else Jaelin cut in, “Oh.. why did Shelly dongsaeng want to see oppa for.. and so early in the morning?”

Shelly smiled brightly as she pulled out a little box with a bow on it, “Oppa this is for you… “ she said shyly.

Jaelin looked at her with his unemotional stare and took the box. He opened it revealing a small chocolate in the shape of a heart, “Oppa this is chocolate made for you and only you ..It represents the love I have for you ..”

Jaelin looked at the chocolate and then looked at Shelly, “Umm.. this won’t kill me right?.. I remember last year when you gave me one.. your oppa Se7en added a special ingredient… and the guard who ate it was sick for days…”

Shelly pouted and hit Jaelin… causing Jaelin to laugh, “I’m sorry hahahahha… I’m kidding.. I’m kidding..“

Shelly continued to pout, turning around and crossing her arms, “Well that was not funny… Every year I make chocolate for you and you never eat it… and every year you say something that hurts my feelings.. Oppa is soo mean…”

“Dongsaeng… It’s not that I don’t appreciate the chocolate.. but I don’t usually eat sweets like that.. and I was just kidding around…” Jaelin said as he walked toward the pavilion.
“But still…” Shelly said as she turned around only to see Jaelin was not there anymore, “Oppa!!! Wait for me!!!”

As she headed toward the pavilion, Jaelin said sweetly,” I know I can’t sing but.. I just want to say thank you …“.

Thanks for everything & Thanks U here neom yeorigo ajik jageun geudaega
Thanks for everything & Thanks U here You were weak and still small

Nal wihae gidohaneun mam neom keun sarang
You prayed for me with such great love

Naege bune neomchineun geudaega itjjyo goma-un saram....
The most important person is you a thankful person....

“Eh… Oppa…” Shelly said as she continued to cautiously walk towards the pavilion unsure of what was waiting for her.

Geuraeyo (geudael dugoseo) nan amudedo mot gajyo
Its true (If I dont have you) There is no where I can go

Mae-il jabajun nae soneul, geureon goma-umeul arayo
Always holding my hand, I know this appreciation

Hearing these words, Shelly began to run towards the pavilion with the greatest happiness for she believed that this was Jaelin’s way of finally confessing his love towards Shelly. Just as she was running, the King and Queen who were on their daily stroll in the garden heard Jaelin’s voice and stopped looking onto the direction Shelly was running towards

Cheo-eum geuttaecheoreom (hangsang gyeoteman) meomulleojun geudaega
Just like that first time (Always by my side) You remain

“Ah.. It must be Jaelin .. with his gifts… That child.. takes this day so seriously.” The King said as he caressed the Queen’s hand.

“But of course.. because today is a special day for all of Cheonson.. and especially for us dear.” The Queen said as she rested her head on the King’s shoulder and they continued to walk along the lakeside.

“Oppa!!!” Shelly said short of breath.. panting.., but when she arrived, Jaelin was no where in sight. She circled around looking for where the voice might be, “Oppa!!! Where are you !!!”

Neom sojunghago yeppeoseo heullin na-ui nunmuljochado gamsa deuryeoyo
Because you are so important and lovely, I even thank the falling tears

“I am truly thankful for the love and friendship you have for me Shelly…I hope you liked the song and .. “ Jaelin said from a distance.
“And what?!?! Where are you oppa???” Just as she had made a complete circle at the center of the pavilion laid a teddy bear of pure white.

Shelly walked towards the bear and picked it up. She looked at the detail that was put into the bear and knew that it was hand made by Jaelin. She hugged it tightly as if it were Jaelin himself she was hugging with tears streaming her eyes. She looked up again in hopes of Jaelin coming out somewhere with his arms wide open waiting for her to run into them, but sadly it didn’t happen.

She looked down at where the bear had been and underneath the bear had been a single jasmine flower and note. She picked up the jasmine, breathing it its sweet aroma and then placing it in her hair and as she wiped the tears away read the note:

To my dearest Shelly,
I know that I may see cold and harsh, but know that I care and will always be there for you when you need me. Thank you for the love and friendship you have always given me as well as the interesting chocolates.. hahah just kidding about the chocolates.. I treasure them dearly every year you give them to me .. in the same spot with the same smile and bright eyes. I’ve never given you anything in return so this year I hope you liked the terribly off tuned sung song and this bear..

Always with love for My Little Sister

Your Oppa- Jaelin

p.s. You will always be my cute little sister ^^v and I hope that one day I can give you away to a man that will love and cherish you as much as you will love and cherish him like you have towards this oppa

Reading the note Shelly could not feel joy and anger at the same time. This had been the first time that Jaelin had ever showed any affection such as this towards her, but at the same time forcing her to accept the fact that she could be nothing more than his sister.

Shelly pouted tearing out the parts where he had mentioned her as his littler sister, shredding them to pieces and putting the rest between the bow of the bear. Shelly looked at the bear once again and made angry faces at it slapping the bear a few times.

Just as she was slapping it she smiled and gave it a big hug, “Oppa.. just you wait of these days I’ll make you see me not as a little sister.. but more.. I’ll make you admit you love me.. ” she said as she looked at the bear, “Isn’t that right Jaelinnie..” shaking its head to make it as if the bear nodded in agreement and cuddled it some more.

She continued to play with the bear, not knowing Jaelin was standing outside of the pavilion. Sigh… Should I have done that…Why can’t she just be my little sister… It’s not like she can be anymore than that.. Jaelin thought as he walked off.

Near the lake, Kuri ran into Jaelin as the King and Queen overlooked.

“Jaelin oppa, Good morning!!” Kuri said as she cuddled Kiri and curtseyed.

“Good morning Kuri dongsaeng” Jaelin said with a smile patting her head and then proceeding to do the same thing to Kiri, “And good morning to you too Kiri”

Kuri looked at the two large bags that Jaelin was carrying, “Oppa.. what are those bags for?” she asked with a smile.

“Oh these.. these are presents for people that I am close to … “ Jaelin said as he turned around whistling to call for Hikari, who came instantly landing beside Jaelin. Jaelin placed the two large bags on the blue phoenix and petted her on her head.

“What for?”

“Today is a special day in Cheonson.. First it is the anniversary of my parent’s wedding and coronation .. and secondly today is a day in Cheonson in which we the citizens give gifts to people we love and care about…as a token of our love and appreciation..”

“Really? We don’t have anything like that in Asahi..” Kuri pouted, “Not like anyone would give me anything.. Mean oppas.. always full of themselves…”

“What about your Jae Joong oppa.. didn’t he make and give you Kiri?”

“He’s an exception.. but because he’s the Crown Prince, he’s always so busy.. Is it only for lovers? Or for everyone.. this day…”

“Well it started off as a day for people to confess their love for one another, but since there are different kinds of love.. it can be for anyone you care about.. which reminds me.. “ Jaelin said as he began to pull something out of the bag and hide it behind him, “I have something for my cute dongsaeng.. and Kiri too.”

“Really??? I get something too???”

Jaelin laughed and patted her on the head, “Of course.. you are family now..hmm.. but it really isn’t something…it’s more like a someone…”

“Someone?? How can oppa give me someone??? Gimme gimme.. please don’t toy around with me oppa.. I want I want!!” Kuri said as she tugged on Jaelin’s arm.

“Hahahah.. no wonder why you and Bea get along so well, but ok..” Jaelin said as he smiled and revealed, his gift to Kuri, “Kuri, Kiri.. this is Kuku… “

“Pretty….” Kuri said as her face lit up, but remembering her manners she curtseyed, “is it really mine?”

“Yes. Lol.. remember I promised you that I would make you a stuffed animal.. last time?”

“You remembered!! I thought you had forgotten or that you just said it to get me to stop crying.. like oppas do all the time..” Kuri said all teary eyed.

Jaelin smiled and wiped her tears away, “ Don’t cry.. smile for oppa.. smiles look best on pretty girls.. “

Kuri stopped sniffling and smiled, “Ok oppa” she said as she was given Kuku.

“I would never break my promises to my dongsaengs.. Kuku is yours. He may not as great as Kiri, but he was made with the love and warmth I have for you and like Kiri… I have lent some of my powers to Kuku so he too has a will of his own and will be able to protect you along with Kiri.”

Kuku suddenly jumped out of Kuri’s arms and bowed towards Kuri and Kiri, “Wahh!!! So cute!! Now Kiri doesn’t have to be lonely anymore!! She has a brother!!! Oh thank you oppa!!” Kuri said as she jumped giving Jaelin a big hug.

“Kuri is such a bright and cheerful child.. don’t you think dear?” the Queen said as she poured tea into two cups.

“Indeed she is.. so well mannered compared to our .. umm.. gems..” the King said as he watched Kuri wave goodbye to Jaelin as flew away on Hikari.

“I wonder how many gifts Jaelin made this year.. he was up for almost a week straight making them… “

“Who knows.. that boy loves everyone like family even though he doesn’t say it out loud… he could have possibly made enough for the entire kingdom. I wonder what he and his sisters have prepared for us this year…Every year it gets grander.. and more over the top”

“Well.. he does have a big heart.. “ the Queen said, “Just like you .. ”

“And he has the same habit of hiding his feelings just like you Hoshi..” the King said with a smile as he took her hand and kissed it, “30 years and still you have a hard time saying those three words..”

The Queen leaned over to give the King a kiss on the cheek, “I believe that actions speak louder than word, Hyesung..” with saying that she placed a necklace around his neck.

The King looked at the pendant which had the seal of Cheonson, then he turned to the back where there was engraving:

2.14.. The first and only day I will ‘I love you ‘

“Hyesung.. I love you .” the Queen said as she embraced the King.

The King pulled away from her, “Well I don’t want to hear those three words from you ever again” he said with a serious face as he stood up and turned away taking off the necklace, placing it on the table.

“Why… what is wrong?” the Queen said with worry as tears welled up in her eyes, “Is it because you don’t love me anymore?”

The King stood unnerved and then turned around, wiping the tears from his wife’s face, giving her a kiss on the cheek and wrapping his arms around her from behind.

He rested his head next to hers and whispered, “It’s because… there is no need to say them… like you said.. our actions speak louder..” and then he placed a necklace around her neck with the engraving:

2.14 The day I realized that you didn’t have to say ‘I love you’ to show me your love

“Hyesung….” The Queen said as she rested her head on the King’s chest looking up at him with warm eyes.

Just as the two leaned in to kiss, from a distance Chloe was mimicking a gagging motion, “God.. at that age.. you would have thought they’d be less…”

“Lovey… dovey.. I agree unnie” Jane said in agreement as she took a sip of her tea.

“Oh look.. it’s Kuri unnie..” Bea said as she jumped out of her seat and ran to greet Kuri, “Unnie where did you get the new teddy bear.”

“Hello everyone!! Oh Kuku.. “ Kuri said as she hugged the black bear, “Jaelin oppa gave him to me… I don’t know why though.. he had tons of presents .. he just left to give them out.”

“Gawd… it’s that day again” Chloe said as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

“What day unnie?”

“Today is our parents anniversary turned holiday for Cheonson” Angie said as she looked at the gifts that had been left at her door earlier in the morning, “ It’s a day to celebrate love in all its forms through giving presents to people you love .. confessing.. blah blah blah.”

“So does that mean Jaelin oppa loves me?” Kuri said as she blushed and buried her face into Kiri and Kuku.

Chloe laughed and pulled on Kuri’s ponytail, “Jaelin gives presents to everyone he cares about.. if you haven’t noticed.. the goodie goodie loves everyone like family.. don’t get any ideas little girl.”

“Oh…Well at least he’s nicer than my oppas..”

“I wonder what Jaelin Oppa is going to give us this year!!! He always has the best things prepared.” Bea said excitedly as she jumped up and down.

“You know he always has something special for us.. so don’t go jumping and making a big scene” Jane sneered at Bea to make her stop.

Bea paid no attention and got Kuri to jump and cheer as well, but suddenly stopped falling to the ground, “WAH!!!! NO FAIR!!” the two girls said as they tried to break through the ice that surrounded their legs up to their knees.

Chloe laughed, “Thanks Angie.. “

“No mention.. the cheeriness of the two was getting… overpowering…” Angie said as she tossed aside yet another gift, “ Hmm.. what are we going to give appa and umma?”

“I don’t know.. do we have to? “

“Well I guess it’s a given since Jaelin is giving them something…”

“Damn that Jaelin.. can’t he be a lazy prince that runs around flirting with girls all day like regular princes..” Chloe said as she sat down and took a drink from her wine glass.

“You mean like your lover boy, Shin Yoochun,” Jane said as she calmly took a sip of tea.

Chloe’s eyes widened and she spit out the wine in her mouth, “WHAT THE!!! JANE?!?!?!”

Kuri and Bea laughed as Chloe wiped her mouth and Angie, let out a little smile.

As Bea continued to chip away at the ice with her cake spoon, “ I was going to tell you about what Jaelin oppa prepared to give umma and appa.. He told me to tell unnies but now I don’t want to tell you.”

“Figured he’d have something ready for us to give umma and appa.. gives me more time to make potions.” Jane said as she flipped through her potions book.

Chloe melted the ice and stood over her baby sister, “Spill it you big ball of pink fluff.. or I’ll go burn all your dolls Jaelin made you ..”

“I HATE CHU!!!! “ Bea said as she pouted and turned to Kuri, “See.. my unnies are evil!!! I’ll trade you… “

“BEA… spill it “

Both Bea and Kuri got up and fixed each other’s dresses as Bea said, “Fine just follow me.”

“See all you had to do was that Bea.. it would have saved you so much trouble, “ Angie said as she got up from her seat leaving all the gifts in a large pile.

As she walked passed Chloe, she smiled, “Unnie.. if you would.. please dispose of that trash.”

Chloe grinned, “With pleasure..” and with that formed a fireball in her hand, “DIE PERVS !!! Especially you… Shin Yoochun!!”

Chloe stood there and laughed as she watched all of the presents burn.

“Gawd.. unnie.. don’t make your love so obvious..” Jane said while having her head glued to the pages of the book, “Maybe I should make a truth serum.. and just get you to admit it..”

“Don’t you dare!!!..”

“Haha… Unnie.. I think you just did.. “ Angie said as she looked at the one gift she had kept, “Maybe I should give these red heart panties to you… you may need to use them tonight..”

“You two are sooooo dead!!!”

“Hey AJUMMAS!!! Hurry.. or Kuri unnie and I will claim the present for umma and appa for ourselves and you guys can be present-less tonight” Bea yelled out as she waved her hands in the air mocking her unnies with Kuri randomly joining along.

“Yah!!! We’re coming. “ the three sisters said simultaneously as they ran towards the two girls who were running as fast as they could to get away.
“I wonder where all the girls are going?” Yoochun said as he watched they run out the palace gates.

“I don’t know.. “ Yunho said as he looked at his present that Jaelin had given him.

“Yah hyung what did you get? “ Changmin said to Junsu as he tried to snatch the gift away from him.

“Hey get away.. this is mine… Jaelin hyung gave me a book hahah”

“Eh? A book…”

“Yes.. a book… of antidotes to all the potions Jane has made.. now I don’t have to worry about turning into a turtle or duck..”

“Ah… Jaelin hyung gave me some new candies he and BK noona made .. maybe I’ll go share some with Bea..” Changmin said giggling as he pulled out the two pieces of candy.

“Too late” Yoochun said as he grabbed one of the pieces and popped it into his mouth, “Wow this is good.. Junsu you should try it.”

“Hey that is mine!!!” Changmin said as he hid the other piece but was too late, Junsu had used his big behind to knock his baby bro off the bed and devoured the other piece.

“Wow.. really good.. “ Junsu said as he savored the taste, “Oh.. but no more hahahaha”

As Junsu and Yoochun began to laugh and point at Changmin, the youngest duplicated him self and attacked his two hyungs.

Jae Joong who hadn’t opened his present sat looking at the neatly wrapped box, Why did he suddenly give me a present… eh… does he like me?? … no.. no.. that can’t be right… he gave one to each of us… just thinking too much… he thought as he shook his head. Plus.. we both like…

Suddenly there was a knock at the front entrance to Jaelin’s quarters and a guard entered, “ Your highnesses.. the great Queen requests an audience with you.”

Just as the boys quickly jumped up to straighten themselves up, Queen Hoshi entered with a big smile on her face, “Hello sweet princes of Asahi, has my Jaelin been taking good care of you”

The five bowed and answered, “Yes your highness, the Crown Prince has been a gracious host.”

The queen giggled and motioned for them to take a seat.. seating herself between Changmin and Jae Joong, “My my.. no need to be so formal.. we are family are we not?”

Changmin hearing this gave a sigh of relief and gave her a big hug, “Ummanie.. what are you doing here today?”

Yunho gave him a glare, “Changmin ah.. “

The queen, “ho ho ho “ she laughed giving Changmin a pat on the head, “It’s quite alright.. I’m here to .. “ she picked up the unopened gift on the table, “Ah I see Jaelin has already given you his presents hasn’t he?”

“Yes.. we were wondering what they were for… Jaelin was in such a hurry that we did not have a chance to ask.” Yunho said as he bowed.

“Ah.. Yes.. this is something that only happens in Cheonson.. “

“What is it Ummanie?” Changmin said as he looked at her with big mismatched eyes and a smile.

“Wahhh!!! You are soo cute!!!” the queen shrieked as she rocked Changmin back and forth, pinching his cheeks.

The four other boys stared in silence as the queen continued to baby Changmin, “Oh .. yes.. I forgot.. ah today.. Well.. today.. is my wedding anniversary .. its been 50yrs now..”

“Eh? 50 yrs?!?!?!?” all five boys said as they looked at her.

The queen smiled and gave a “V” sign and little wink, “ I know… I don’t look like I’m 70 years old right?”

“Eh 70 years old?!?!?!?” Yoochun said as he scanned over her, wow… Cheonsa girls don’t age do they… hmmm… so c-baby will be smexy for a long time.. and our kids will be.. gorgeous., “wow .. I almost mistook you for Chloe’s younger sister when we first saw you.. your beauty is amazing.. I know where the princesses get their beauty and poise from now.”

“Awww Yoochunnie is such a sweet talker… You need to teach my emotionless Jaelin to be like that too . But enough about my uhljjangness.. like I said today is my wedding anniversary also a holiday in Cheonson where people give gifts to people they love to express their feelings.. since it seems many people need a specific day for them to get the courage to do so.”

“Eh but why did hyung give us gifts?” Changmin said as he glared at the two hyungs who ate his present.

“Well..when Jaelin became old enough, he started to make presents for everyone he cared for and gave them to people in the kingdom he had helped and such so now it’s a day to show all levels of affection but more specifically true love… “

“oh… so there will be a grand ball in honor of this occasion? “ Junsu asked with a great smile on his face, “I’ve been aching to dance.”

“Yah .. me too “ Yoochun said as he rested his arms on Junsu’s shoulders as the two began to sway back and forth and nod to a beat.

“hahaha… no… we don’t do anything, because Jaelin and the girls always have something special planned for us.. “

“Ohh.. Jaelin and the Princesses are amazing” the princes said together.

“hohoho…It’s more like.. Jaelin can control his dongsaengs is more like it, but they do make this day very special for us… and I was thinking…” she said as she motioned them to lean in closer.

“Yes your majesty” Jae Joong said as he and his brothers leaned in as instructed.

“Well I thought that you five should take this opportunity to … umm how shall I say it politely.. oh yes.. grovel and ask for my girls’ forgiveness if you ever want a chance to be with them… “

The five princes jumped back, “Eh???”

“Oh come on.. you think I am blind… I know my girls like you.. not the order we picked but.. they like you… but you five.. well actually four since Jae Joong seems to be infatuated with someone that Jaelin likes.. are … useless… fighting and perviness is not the way into my girls’ hearts..”

“Your majesty…” Jae Joong said as his face became pale hearing that even the queen knew that they were rivals.

Changmin could not help but laugh because he knew that this harsh comment was towards his four hyungs mainly since all was going well with Bea except for the constant interruption… Kuri…

“Sheesh.. no need to be shy and what not.. you think I married Hyesung because of his shy nature… the people who act first get the prize… get it?”


“hmm… I see from your looks that only Yoochunnie and Shushu agree with me… well think it over…. Do something to try to soften their hearts.. or spend the rest of your lives.. trying to protect it from their wrath.. the choice is yours… “ The queen stood up and began to walk away, but then suddenly turned around with a quick wink and “V” sign, “Oh if you do decide to man up and do something, ask Jaelin.. he’ll help you.. well at least four of you.. he wants to see his sisters happy too … well bye bye cuties” and then walked off.

“Umm.. What the HELL just happened here? “ Yunho said as he looked dumbfounded.

“Man.. if …” both Junsu and Yoochun thinking the same think said, “if.. they were just like Ummanie.. we would be set.. “ the two nodded and high fived each other.

“Hmmm what did she mean.. Jaelin would help only four of us…” Jae Joong said under his breath so the others could not hear.

“hahahaha… so are we going to do something or not? “ Changmin said laughing as he pulled out a parchment and quill, “We should think of our own ideas before we go running to Jaelin..”
“Wow…. “ Kuri said as they reached the lake, “Was there always a floating pavilion there? Its soo pretty with all the white silk.. almost like a dream.”

As the girls stepped to the edge of the lake, stepping stones appeared leading to the pavilion, “wow such a sweet smell too” , Kuri said as she took a wiff of the breeze, “jasmine…”

Chloe crossed her arms and laughed, “ I can’t believe that Jaelin was able to pull it off..”

“what?” Bea, Kuri and Jane said.

“Oh… Jaelin did.. didn’t he” Angie said as she looked at the flowing silk and piles of flowers. “Don’t you remember the story… umma used to tell us ..”

“Wow you mean…” Bea said excitedly.

“Yup.. at this exact spot in the same type of setting.. Umma and Appa confessed their love to each other.. though I think Umma was the one who planned it all” Chloe said as she looked at the detail of the woodwork, “this would explain why Jaelin has been missing for days.”

“Well enough awing for now.. we should finish it up before sunset…” Jane said as she placed her book down and grabbed strings of jasmine to decorate with.

“Can I help too???” Kuri said..

“Yah go for it.. Jaelin left all the decorating and prep to us… you can help with the floating candles.. “, Chloe said as she and Angie to arrange candles and little reflective crystals around the arm rest of the pavilion.
“God!!! 3 hours of thinking and all we could get was this… “ Yoochun said as he grabbed the many pages of scribbles and read, “ Get on knees and apologize… we can be more creative than that..” and then in a lighter voice, “Plus.. it doesn’t work.. I already tried” and threw the pages into the flames.

“Yah.. I tried that too… and ended up stuck in that position for a day because of Jane’s paralysis potion..” Junsu said with his head lowered.

Changmin, “I guess we should go see if Jaelin hyung is anywhere around… “

Yunho stood up defiantly, “No!!! We have to do this on our own… what are they to think.. that we can’t even apologize without any help… sheesh you heard ummanie.. time to man up..”

“Well Ummanie did say that Jaelin would be able to help.. because he does know his sisters the best… Plus we are still doing all the work.. he is just assisting us..” Jae Joong said trying to make it sound less like they were helpless, “Aish… lets go check his garden.. he might be there…”

With saying that Jae Joong and his brothers all headed toward garden to see a masked figure sleeping in the shade of a cherry blossom tree. Is that Black Knight Jae Joong thought to himself as he slightly smiled hoping it would be her.. as they walked closer the smile turned into a frown seeing that it was Jaelin that was asleep under the tree. Why do they look soo much alike.. and they are always close to each other too… how am I to compete…

Now in a bad mood, Jae Joong walked up to Jaelin who was still asleep with the intention of shoving him, but when he looked at Jaelin’s sleeping face, he was remembered of the same peaceful look Black Knight had when she fell asleep watching over him. Just as a blossom fell on Jaelin’s face, Jae Joong slowly kneeled down to brush it away from Jaelin’s face.

Just as Jae Joong leaned in closer to Jaelin’s face, Yoochun grabbed Junsu and whispered in his ear causing the two to laugh. They nodded and together shouted out, “Yah.. Jae Joong hyung!! We know you miss Black Knight.. but that is Jaelin hyung!!! Ahhahaha.. Who is supposed to be the prince and who is the princess in this scene huh? hahahaha” as the two high fived each other again.

Hearing the laughter, Jaelin woke up and startled to see someone looming over him, punched Jae Joong in the stomach and flipped him over to the ground, pinning him, “Eh.. Jae Joong..??”

“Umm.. hi Jaelin..” Jae Joong said as his face turned red with embarrassment.

Yoochun and Junsu couldn’t help but laugh and point as Jaelin extended his hand to help Jae Joong up, “Well I guess we know who the princess was .. hahahaha”

Jae Joong shot them glare as Yunho hit them both on the head with Changmin running around catching cherry blossoms a few steps behind them.

“Changmin ah do you know that Bea loves cherry blossoms.. She and I always come and gather blossoms to press and dry so she can use it as potpourri in her room so it smells of spring all year round?” Jaelin said as he walked up to Changmin catching a perfect cherry blossom and handing it to him.

“Really?” Changmin said as his face lit up.

“But sadly the blossoms came late this year.. and she is busy with her studies… I guess she will not get it this year..” Jaelin said with a sigh as he picked a delicate blossom from the grass and took in its scent.

Hearing this Changmin took off his jacket and began to gather as many blossoms as he could, turning to Jaelin smiling, “Don’t worry !!! I’ll help you hyung.. if it’s for Bea… it can be my gift for her today!!!”

Jaelin smiled, “I thought you would say that… and I thank you on Bea’s behalf.. I know it will mean a lot to her ”

“No problem.. “ Changmin gleamed as he continued to run around gathering more blossoms.

Yoochun and Junsu looked on as Changmin continued his quest for cherryblossoms and then turned to each other, “Wow… Jaelin …is good…” and then turned to Jaelin, “Hyung!!! We need your help!!!”

“Hmm.. “ Jaelin said as began walking to another part of the garden as the boys followed.

“Well its not really help.. more like, we want to get some consultation…” Yunho said.. slightly embarrassed that they could not handle this on their own.

“About what … exactly..”

“Well Ummanie told us about today…” Junsu said but stopped when they reached a location they had never entered before, “Wow .. what is this place…”

“Oh .. here.. is a spot that holds much memories for myself and my sisters.. though we have never been able to come here with all of us lately.. because of royal duties and such…”

The boys looked around and it was as if they had entered another world… they were in a lush forest with flowers that seemed to shine like twinkling stars in the sky, even though it was day out.. there, it was night. Candles flickered giving the spot a very soft lighting and warmth, Jaelin and the princesses childhood toys and games were neatly organized underneath a large tree that had markings of the heights of the siblings as they grew older. Across a small bridge was a little stage/playhouse with various costumes and music sheets and instruments. With the sound of the creek the five boys could here the laughter of the girls and Jaelin of the past and picture how the five would spend their days here enjoying their child hood with no care in the world.

“This was to be my present to them.. like I said it has been many years since they have actually stepped foot in this place… haha they might have even forgotten about it, but for me.. this is where my fondest memories were made.” Jaelin said as he picked up an old teddy bear and held it.

Jae Joong looked at the stage and an idea came into mind, “Jaelin.. may we borrow this spot tonight.. we wish to do something special for your sisters.. and Black Knight..”

“Hmm..” the four other boys said all looking at Jae Joong.

“Trust me … this will work.”

“I suppose… since this was meant for them anyways… but they will know you received my help to find this place.. so I suggest you prepare something else as well…” Jaelin said as he put the bear back into its original spot and then looked at the five princes again.

“You know them best… what should we get for them?” Yoochun said bluntly.

“Well shouldn’t the gifts be something you think of yourselves?.. that has more meaning.. especially if its purpose is to say, “I’m sorry for all the perverted things I’ve done so far” .. isn’t that right Yoochun.. Junsu…”

Junsu and Yoochun went silent as Changmin and Yunho laughed, “hahaha Good one Jaelin hyung.”

“But since this is for my sisters.. I shall help, but I suggest along with this suggestion.. you come up with something else to give them as well. Yunho… Angie.. loves things that involve ice… maybe a an object that could mimick snow and hold some sentimental thought as well. Chloe noona loves animals..”

“Eh.. animals…what kind of animals?” Yoohcun said nervously thinking Please.. not black cats.. anything but black cats

“Black cats..”

“Ah…. It figures…. “ Yoochun said as sweat began to trickle down his face It’s for Chloe.. keep on thinking that…

“What about Jane and Bea, hyung” Junsu asked eagerly awaiting the response.

“Jane is easy.. just get her different herbs and roots she can use for her experiments.. and Bea.. well other than the cherry blossoms .. she does love candy.. so maybe you can make her some candies Changmin.. “

The four princes bowed to Jaelin and then turned to Jae Joong who had come up with a plan to turn this memory of the princesses childhood to a romantic setting making a memory for their adulthood. Just as the boys broke off to do their assigned tasks, Jae Joong walked up to Jaelin who was about to leave.

“Jaelin….” Jae Joong said nevously.

“Yes Jae Joong..” Jaelin said emotionless.

“Can you ask Black Knight to be here tonight as well…”

“I suppose… I was planning to ask her to accompany my sisters anyways because though you may be betrothed to them and all they are still young maidens..”

“But.. Black Knight is a maiden as well”

“BK is no ordinary maiden though… she will be fine…Is there any else ?”

“Um… what would Black Knight like… I want to give her something as a thanks for helping me before..”

Jaelin looked at Jae Joong and then laughed, “Nothing…”


“Nothing that I can’t give her myself… “ with saying that the two stared down one another. Jae Joong knowing that Jaelin and Black Knight share a strong bond backed down, “Well… if you insist on giving her something .. I suggest you come up with it on your own.. because anything I think of.. I will give her myself.. now if you’ll excuse me ..”

Jae Joong watched as Jaelin left leaving him there to ponder on his own…What can I make her that Jaelin would not think of making/giving her…

Just as he was about to give up he turned and by accident kicked the bear that Jaelin had placed down, “That’s it!!!”

If you are wondering why the color and font style change XD it will soon be revealed to you .. and it will add more chaos to the story muwhahahah