Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 015

Baby baby
baby baby
Ne gyothe baby

Sarangi gaetwo iron nae maumur
Sumgiryo haedo kumsae ibkaui misoman

Jae Joong sang as his four brothers sing along with him holding huge bouquets as they made their way to the stage.

Haruto andwae tto bogoshipojyo
Onjjoju nae mamun gipeun byongie goringor

Gaeinrun nae mujub ijun obsur koyeyo
Jwohan koman boyojugo shipungoryo

“What are these babo princes think they are doing.” Chloe said annoyed as she formed a fireball in her hand.

Jogi nupeun hanurro naraga
Saranghandago sesangi marharlae

“But unnie.. it is so cute..” Bea said as she blushed while waving to Changmin. Changmin could not help but blush, almost missing a step only to be caught by Yunho.

“What a fool… well they are all, Unnie make sure to aim for the two perverts.” Jane said as she grabbed onto Bea, “and you .. stop flirting.. you are beginning to be like Angie.”

“But unnie why would we want to do something to them.. this is sweet.” Bea pouted as she struggled to get free.

Gipeun bamhanuro kyojiji annun girl
Nomanur jikinun nanungor twekeyo You're my love

“Jane let Bea go. There is nothing wrong with harmless flirting.. Chloe unnie if you are going to fry them.. can you leave the second oldest alone..” Angie said as she watched Yunho make his way towards them with his eyes on her, “Tonight I just might have some fun after all..”

Hyeyo jijan mar, haengbokharan gu mar
Yongwonhee yuri jurtae hajiangirohae

“I don’t care … they are all going to die.. especially that one” Chloe said as she pointed at Yoochun who nervously stood close to Yunho as a shield.

Jigumchoroman nae kyothe issojyo
Bujukhan naingor ihaehaejukir barae

“Hyung… C-baby… she’s going to kill us.” Yoochun said as he still grinned and continued harmonizing with his brothers nervously.

Ignoring Yoochun, Yunho continued to sing and as his eyes begin to glow, “Now!”

Just as Chloe was about to throw the now huge fireball, it suddenly disappear, “BK!!!!!!! Why did you do that?!?!?”, but she didn’t respond, instead she looked toward the sky and smiled.

Orunsurun nae mosibur kitaehaejwoyo
Nege gajang uurrinun namjaga twegoshipungor

“Eh? “ the 3 younger princesses said as they wondered to Black Knight’s reaction.

Just as the princesses look up into the sky, the princes toss the bouquets high into the air as Yunho fired a large surge of lightning, shattering the bouquet into petals falling slowly in the air surrounded by the remnants of the lightning as if the stars were falling from the skies.

Onjaeggajina gutae mansogae naega turogar su isstorog hurakhaejwo
Manir kutaeto nawa kattamyun

As the flowers and sparks fell upon the princesses, they all looked in awe, even Chloe could not help but smile at the sight.

“WAHHH!!! So pretty!!!” Bea exclaimed as she twirled around trying to catch the petals.

apumun opjwo
ijin gutaer
na jikirke
for you

Jane looked in awe, “…” speechless for this was the first time someone had gone to so much effort to impress her and her sisters and in such an ingenious way . When she turned to see Junsu’s smile, she could not help but blush and turn away.

“Is this what love is?” Emi said as she watched as Junsu walked through her with his brothers toward the princesses.

“I guess that is the one that Emi likes huh?” Eunhyuk said as he glanced toward Junsu, “Wow he does have a big butt.”

Ryeowook put his hand on Yehsung’s shoulder, “It’s ok.. I don’t think she really knows what love is.”

My little princess ijekko sumkyowon namanae sarang nir boyojirkkoya

“…” Yehsung could not respond, but only look from a distance as his true love gazed upon another man the way he has looked at her for thousands of years.

Yonghwantorok bunji annun mamiro girl

“Hmm who is that little cutie running with the two teddy bears?” Heechul said as he noticed Kuritsu run up towards her oppas, “Is she from the underworld too? Cool her eyes are glowing pink… I wonder if they are real?”

“Oppas better keep to their promise and not leave me again or …” Kuritsu said as she placed her Kiri and Kuku beside her, “Ready guys?”

Naejasinbota tu tu saranghaejir korago

The two bears nodded and stood up as all three’s eyes began to glow and the instruments that the princesses had not laid their hands on since their childhood began to float in the air as if being held.

You're my love

The five princes walked onto the stage and towards the girls bowing.

“Very un-expected.” Chloe said slightly sarcastic but deeply impressed. Yoochun looked up and winked at her which made Chloe try to kick him, only to miss with him holding on to her leg, “ Hey !! Let go!!”

“Hmm not the body part I was planning on getting a hold of but” Yoochun said as smiled, “I guess it’s better than impact in my special spot.” Yoochun laughed as he turned to his brothers expecting them to laugh and agree only to be greeted by not only Yunho’s but Chloe’s foot to the face.

“Pervert” Yunho and Chloe said simultaneously.

“Hyung… that hurt.” Yoochun said as he got up rubbing both sides of his face then turned to Chloe, “But C-baby can hurt me any day or night… as long as we can kiss and make out… oh I mean make up.”


“NOW KURI!!!” Yoochun yelled as he took Chloe into his arms and dipped her.

With that signal Kuri’s eyes glowed brighter along with her bears and the instruments began to play the song that the princes had previously sung. The four other princes bowed to their respective princesses and Black Knight, holding out their hands, “May we have this dance? “

Angie quickly took Yunho’s hand while Jane slowly reached out for Junsu’s. As those two couples began to dance, the two youngest royals looked at one another blushing, unsure of what to do.

Unable to watch Emi be confused any longer, Yehsung walked up to Emi and took her hand.

“Yehsung..” Emi said slightly sad at the sight of Junsu dancing and smiling with Jane, “Is that what love is?”

“Love is doing everything to make the one you love be happy.. even if it means watching her fall hopelessly in love with someone other than yourself.” Yehsung said solemnly as he stood with her watching.

“So everything you have done for me so far was because of love.. not because our families want us together?”

“Yes… and forever I will love you.. I’m just waiting for a chance.” Yehsung gathered his confidence and turned Emi towards him, “Emi…”

Only to be interrupted by his brothers cheers and wails, ” FINALLY!!! GO YEHSUNG!!!”
Then the 11 turned towards Heechul who had not joined in the cheer but was mumbling and pouting with fire in their eyes.

“Fine fine” Heechul said as he kicked a rock and turned back around with a exaggerated smile and cheer, “GO GO YEH YEH GO GET THE GIRL. … happy now?”

“Haha that’s more like it” Kangin said with a smile as they ran and hugged Heechul and disappeared leaving Yehsung with Emi.

“They sure do know how to ruin a moment..”Yehsung said embarrassed, but became focused again, “Emi.. I know I’ve been rejected more times than any man should have been, but in my heart I know we are meant to be. Will you go on a date with me and give me a chance to show that no one can love you more than me? There I’ve said it.”

Yehsung closed his eyes and waited for a reply which in his heart, he knew would be the same as before.

“Yes… “ Emi said with a smile.

“ Why won’t you give me a chance!!... Wait… did you say yes?” Yehsung said shocked as he opened his eyes to see Emi nodding, “Yes… really? … Yes… she said yes… SHE FINALLY SAID YES !!!! Wahhooooo!!!”

Yehsung quickly picked up Emi in his arms and swung her around and hugged her, “What to do… what to wear… wait when… where… what are we going to do … should I go ask your family’s permission first.. so much to do…“

“Umm.. you mind letting me go? ” Emi said as she looked up at Yehsung. I’ve never seen someone so happy before.. except….. maybe the one who loves me most was in front of me all along

“Oh…” Yehsung said embarrassed as he let go of her and stepped back, “Sorry.. I .. I’m just too excited and got caught up in the moment…”

“Sure… so when do you want to go out on this date?”

“How about now?”


“uh huh” Yehsung smiled grabbing her hand and started running, “Let’s go!!”

“Bea.. will you honor…” but before Changmin could finish his sentence, Bea quickly ran and hid behind Black Knight.

“What is wrong little princess?” Black Knight said as she put her hand on Bea’s shoulder, but received no response. Black Knight turned around and smiled to Bea, “It’s ok. He won’t bite… plus if he does you know unnie and your oppa will take care of him huh? Plus Princess Bea is strong like Oppa Jaelin so what is to worry? “

“But I don’t know how to dance.” Bea said softly as she put her head down.

Changmin with the encouragement of Jae Joong walked toward the two girls and cleared his throat, “If you don’t know how… umm.. I can teach you”

Changmin held out his hand and smiled, “I’ll teach you.. I promise I won’t let you fall..”

Bea looked up at Changmin and then to Black Knight still uncertain, but with a smile and nod of reassurance, Bea slowly walked towards Changmin and curtseyed and took his hand.

“It’s ok Bea, just follow me.” Changmin whispered, “Just trust me, even if you fall I’ll catch you.”

Bea blushed as Changmin began to teach her to waltz leading her away from the others just as Junsu, Yunho and Yoochun had been doing as well leaving Black Knight and Jae Joong alone on the stage.

“Finally… stupid oppas.. I want tea and sweets… Kuri is tired” Kuri whined as she fell to the ground exhausted while Kiri turned into a big cushion and Kuku turned into a little table with a complete tea set.

“Aww but there isn’t any tea or sweets. Oh well I will just have to pretend them” Kuri pouted as she looked at the empty tea pot and plates, pretending to pour herself a cup of tea.

“Kuri!!! Kuri!!” Hamtaro screamed as he ran towards her, “We have a serious problem!!!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Where are your brothers?? Tell them to go hide right now!!!”



Kuri got up and picked up the shivering hamster, “What’s wrong with that?”

“They all have over protective sister complexes and…”

“And? Let those babo oppas get their butts kicked.”

“But you don’t know ..”

“Hahaha I hope unnies’ and Bea’s oppas put oppas in their place.”

Seeing that Kuri did not really care about her brothers and that they were about to encounter Jaelin’s vampiric cousins, Hamtaro sighed and began to scratch his head, “Oh and a royal carriage has arrived from Asahi…”

“What?” Hearing the word Asahi, Kuritsu’s face turned flush as she begun to shake Hamtaro, “Who ! WHO CAME OUT OF THE CARRAIGE?!?!”

“Princess .. Stop… air… “ Hamtaro gasped for air as Kuri continued to choke and shake him, “Kiri.. Kuku… help!!!”


“Your parents and uncle.. please let me go…”

“Oh that is it..” Kuri smiled and threw Hamtaro down, “Phew.. I thought they came..”

Kiri and Kuku went over to Hamtaro, picked him up and dusted him off.

“Thank you … “ He shook the two bears’ hands and looked at Kuri, “Oh.. and some guard and little girl came out of the carriage too..”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! KIRI!! KUKU!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!” Kuri screamed as she picked up the two bears and ran.

“Princess where are you going?” Hamtaro yelled out as he tried to rush after her.


“Hmm.. Kei chan” a little girl in a light blue dress said as she watched Kuri make her hasty escape from the balcony, “I believe it is time to bring back the princess and continue our lessons. If you would please escort the princess back that would be most appreciative.”

A young guard bowed nervously as he dropped his sword, “Yes Nanny Sophia.”

“How many times must I remind you..” the girl glared as she pulled out a ruler and hit the guard’s hand, “A guard of Asahi must be cunning and swift… not a bumbling fool.”

Sophia slowly knelt down and picked up and handed the sword back to Kei, “Please don’t lose your sword again …and escort the Princess back and do please tuck in your shirt and smile niichan it is a wonderful evening teehee .”

Kei quickly smiled and ran off while Sophia turned and skipped into the castle, “Hmm I wonder which room is my dear Kuri’s room. teehee”

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