Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 013

“Hmm what’s all this ruckus in this kingdom…” Emi said as she tossed two plushies into the air and proceeded to throw little daggers at them, “So many people to kill today… I wonder why?”

The two plushies fell to the ground and in her hands appeared another plushie of a rather pathetic looking man, “I guess I might as well find out before I send him to my other relatives.” Emi said as she hopped and re-appeared before the human version of the plushie in hand.

The young man, though humble in looks seemed to be excited to rush home with a surprise for his wife, little did he know that his wife was already pre-occupied.

Emi patted the plushie and giggled, “Ooh this is going to be fun.” As she sat on the rafters swinging her legs back and forth. I guess he is the husband and not the other man… poor sap.. she thought to herself as she covered her eyes and pretended to not hear what was going on beneath her, waiting for confrontation.

“Honey!! It took many extra hours of work but I..” the young man said as he opened the door with all the joy in the world that instantly turned into despair, “What….”

“Oh… honey… this is…” the young maiden said as she rolled off the other man and covered herself, “umm… doctor… umm…”

“Why try to hide it now Ane?” the other man partially sat up and put his arm around the girl.

“Ane.. who is that.. what’s going on” the young man said while on the verge of tears.

“See there you go , crying again” Ane said annoyed as she leaned back on her lover’s chest, “ Youvin, I need a real man not a simpering wimp like you, and Aaron here.. is just the man. “

Youvin dropped the two crystal doves on the floor shattering them as he watched his wife and her lover kissed before him.

ah I see.. so he is going to die because that woman has broken his heart.. hmm I wonder if all the other people I sent to my relatives were the same case too?

“Is that the lame gift you got her for this special day for lovers?” Aaron pointed and the broken shards at Youvin’s feet, “Well… I got her a better gift.. “ he said as he picked her up and put her on him, “Now if you will just pick up your junk piled over there and get out, we can continue in our fun…”

Ane giggled as she hugged Aaron not even giving her husband a second glance, “oh and shut the door on the way out… and you aren’t welcomed here anymore.. you can think of the time I was with you as a pity marriage.. that’s what is really was anyways.”

Youvin could not believe what he was hearing or seeing, but did as he was told not even bothering to pick up his belongings, he walked out of the house.

Emi stood, held her hand and two more plushies appeared, “Hmm now where did he go..”

Youvin had walked to the river, prepared to jump into it as he reflected back on what had just happened.

As he leaped, he froze in the air and Emi popped up right before him, “Wait ajushii that isn’t any fun… come .. sit.. talk with me.”

Youvin floated back down into a chair that appeared out of no where in front of a small table covered in sweets and a tea set,” what ….”

“Ah.. “ Emi said as she appeared in a chair facing him, “Before we beginning discussing.. “ she placed each plushie in their own chair, “ Would you like any tea?” as she poured some for herself.

Emi smiled as she offered to pour tea for Youvin, “Sugar?”

“Who are you?” Youvin said hesitantly.

“No one really special or anything.. just death come to take your soul.. “ She said in a rather happy tone as she took a sip of tea and picked up a cookie, “ Try them, they are the best….” As she placed a cookie in front of each plushie.

“I don’t understand…” Youvin stuttered as he picked up the tea cup and took a sip not to displease his host who was glaring at him for not accepting her offerings, “If you are death…. Why don’t you look all evil and grotesque? Why are you offering me tea and cookies… and why did you stop me from killing myself?”
Hearing this Emi slams her tea cup to table and screams, “Why must it always be: why are you blah blah blah , you don’t look like death blah blah blah, GOD YOU MORTALS AND YOUR PRECONCIEVED NOTIONS OF THE UNIVERSE ARGhHHH!!!!!!!!! I try to be a little unique and this is what I get.” Emi continues to scream as she stomps around pouting.

Youvin stares as this little girl paces back and forth talking to herself pouting and stomping her feet in a frilly dress thinking to himself, “This must be some joke.. great even when I’m about to die.. I’m still made out to be a joke.”

Emi hearing this turns around, with her hands to her back and with a smile, skips toward Youvin leaning in very close to him, “You know if you are more comfortable with the more .. classic style of death, “ her eyes turned pitch black as a dark ominous aura surrounded the two, “I can easily accommodate your request.”

Youvin looked around him and saw nothing but darkness and suddenly claws and hands reaching for him, with howls and screams of beings beyond the world crying out for blood, flesh.. souls…

Not wanting to see Youvin quickly shoves cookies in his mouth and takes the teapot and begins drinking directly from the spout, “No no no… thank you very much for your hospitality and delicious sweets miss.”, he said as fast as he was shoving cookies down his mouth, choking along the way.

Her eyes returned to their normal silver grey color and a smile returned to her face, “ Why thank you, but please be careful we don’t want you to choke and die right now do we., “ She giggled as she returned to her seat and picked out a lollipop, “.. ooops sorry .. I know.. bad joke. Occupational hazard I suppose.”

Youvin continuing to put as many cookies in his mouth as possible, paused a bit and forced a laugh.

Emi glared at him, “Don’t push it…”


“Well down to business I had some questions and depending on how you answer them, will determine if I let you die peacefully or…” as she paused to take a lick of her lollipop, “Or if the cookies that you ate turn into leeches that suck you dry from the inside out…” she smiled as she winked turning all the cookies on the table into blood thirsty leeches.

The poor young man jumped back and fell out of his seat, “umm ask away then heh.. heh.. heh” he said nervously as beads of sweat trickled down.

“First off… why did you buy your wife, well former wife this?” as she posed the question the pair of doves that had been shattered appeared on the table in one piece.

Youvin looked at the pair of doves and began to shed tears.

“ Oh come on man, you caught her in the arms of another man… in your house.. in your bed no less why are you still crying..” Emi sad annoyed as she picked up the plushie that looked like Youvin, tossing it into the air and catching it, “Answer or let leeches feast on you.”

He quickly wiped his tears, “Today in Cheonson, it is a day to celebrate love, and for three years I had been working extra hours to be able to pay for these pairs of doves to be made for Ane.”

“If I were you I would have spent those hours with your wife instead. So you think this hunk of glass, represents your love?”

Youvin picked up the doves, “A pair of doves represent true love, pure and honest.. what I believed we had.”

“So you give little trinkets you believe represents your love? So for those two back there, love coincides with lust? What weird customs you mortals have.”

“It’s how our kingdom celebrates the beauty of love… but I guess our love was not strong enough..”

“Either that or your wife is just lustful and you weren’t just cutting it for her..” Emi looks at Youvin who seems appalled at what she had just said, “What? It’s a truth of life… mortals and other worldly beings … many are just lustful creatures.. “

“Can I die now? “

“My, my so eager to die…” Emi said as she continued to play with the three plushies putting the two plushies in a house that appeared in bed together and moving Youvin’s plushie in to the front door re-enacting what just happened moments ago, “I hope this doesn’t bother you” She said with a big smile on her face as she laid his plushie face down.

“Three more questions and then you can decide if you want to die or not ok? Question number one, do you think she was really meant to be with you? “ She pulls out her book, “It looks like she was your first crush … never really experiencing anything before other than her.. do you really think she was meant to be your life partner? With how much she complained and your differences.. “

“…. “ Youvin hesitates, “yes..”

“Don’t lie.. I’m death.. I can tell when you are lying ..” Emi winks, “ One of the perks of being an omnipotent being you know.”

“Honestly… no, there was this one girl…” Youvin began to day dream as he thought of his first true love.

“Yah yah I know” Emi holds up her book, “ Kara blah blah first kiss blah blah got sick blah blah.. spare me the sob story.”

Youvin sad pouted and spoke in a whiny tone, “You were the one who asked..”

Emi slammed the notebook down onto the table, “ DON’T FORGET I HOLD YOUR LIFE IN MY HANDS..”

“Sorry” Youvin said quickly and looked down at his hands.

“Sheesh… ask a few questions and you think we become best friends? Pfft.. Ok question number two, would you be willing to exchange something with me to bring your beloved Kara back to life?”

“YES!!! Umm I mean yes miss. “

“Even if it means shortening your life?”

“Yes.. she was my best friend.. the only one that ever understood me and respected me for me.”

“Even if it means sacrificing two people to bring her back?”

“Are you serious or are you just toying with me? “ Youvin said with bitterness in his voice now that Emi had brought his childhood love into whatever game she was playing.

“Do I look like I’m playing around” Emi’s face became serious and behind her a figure appeared that made Youvin’s heart skip a beat.


“Well.. ?”

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