Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 009

“Wow… “ Junsu said as he looked in awe, “Each part we’ve gone through… all so different…”

“Yah.. why can’t our palace be like this….” Kuri said as she picked up Kiri and asked, “Right Kiri??”

“What are you talking about?? Your quarters is different.. at least you don’t have to share a with four other people…” Changmin said as he grabbed Kiri from Kuri and ran up to Bea, “Umm Princess Bea, why are the wings we’ve passed all so different? This palace is quite interesting… If I give you Kiri.. will you tell me why it’s like that… I would offer candy.. but I ate it all…”

Kuri hearing this ran up to Changmin and kicked him, grabbing Kiri back, “YOU NINCOMPOOPIE HEAD!! Kiri is worth more than you!!!.. How about I give her you instead!!!”

Changmin looked at Kuri annoyed and then turned back to Bea nervously, “um.. hahahaha..” as he looked at her ..

“That is a cute teddy bear though.. but it’s ok.. oppa makes me tons of them.. he loves making me toys and cooking and stuff..” Bea said as she pointed to her right.

Kuri looked over and giggled, “Wow!!! Soooo cute!!!!”

“Thanks… Oppa made them all for me.. “ Then Bea turned to Jane, “Unnie we should give them a tour guide’s explanation of the palace…”

Jane paid no attention to her sister and continued walking. Bea pouted and stuck out her tongue as Jane made the turn at the corner, “Oh well.. I can give you the grand tour of the palace then. Aishh… I feel sorry for which ever one of you is engages to Jane unnie…”

Junsu paid little attention to Bea’s comment but looked towards the direction Jane had gone. Bea noticing this laughed, “I guess you are the one that is her fiancé? Good luck”

“Oh.. hahaha.. no the lucky one is Yoochun hyung.. “ Junsu said as he smiled.

“Which one is that… oh.. the one that Chloe unnie hates.. “

“Yes .. I am your …”

“What??? No…. I’ll tell oppa to break it off… you are cute and all but I’m only 14… I don’t want to get married yet..”

Both Changmin and Junsu breathed a sigh of relief hearing Bea’s word and turned to look at one another as Kuri and Bea looked at them.

“Well anyways.. right now the part of the palace you are in is the personal quarters for myself and my four other siblings.. that is the main reason why each section is completely different from one another..” Bea said as she stood next to Kuri.. it had seem that the two young princesses had instantly bonded.

“Wow.. so one for each Princess and then one for the Crown Prince.” Changmin said as he began to turn around.

“Yes.. the four here are ours… each door leads to one of our quarters.. mine is the pink one with the teddy bear on it..”

“Ooh… can I go and see your quarters sometimes.. and I’ll show you the things I brought from Asahi.. they are all pretty” Kuri said excitedly as she had found a friend with the same interests as her.
“Of course!!.. By the way .. what should I call you? Are you my dongsaeng or unnie?.. I’m 14 yrs old.”

“Weee!!! That makes me your unnie!!!” Kuri squeeled, “Yay I finally have a dongsaeng!!! I can treat you the way that I wanted to be treated.. if my oppas weren’t meanies..”

Bea jumped up and down excited that she finally had an unnie that liked the same things as her while Junsu and Changmin looked at the two girls.

“Ah.. “ Bea said as she began to speak again, “ Next to mine is Jane unnie’s room.. very much like a witches lair…. Opposite our rooms are Angie and Chloe unnie’s rooms.. When you walk past Angie unnie’s room you will feel a cold chill…her room is completely made of ice.. Chloe unnie’s..” Bea said uneasily as she pointed to the door in the far corner.“umm.. yes.. Unnie is a free spirit.. “

Changmin examined the doors and listened to Bea intently and thought Wow.. they actually may not survive… It seems Father and Mother did a bad job at matching them… hahahah this will be fun

“Wait .. dongsaeng… wee.. dongsaeng.. I finally have a dongsaeng !!.. Where is your oppa’s? “ Kuri said as she did a complete 360 degree turn to survey the hall they were in.

“Oh.. follow me.. since he is a boy.. there is another section just for him.. that’s where all of you will be staying I believe.. but can Kuri unnie stay with me?? Please…” Bea said with big pouty eyes.

Kuri looked at Bea and couldn’t control herself, lept over and hugged her tightly, “Wah!!!! You are soo cute!!!! Of course unnie will!!!!!” she said as she continued to hug Bea turning around to face her brothers. With a change of tone and a sinister glare, Kuri dropped Kiri to the ground, “ You won’t mind if I stay with my new dongseang will you ??”

Just as Changmin was about to protest Kiri stood up on its own and changed into a King Cobra, Changmin jumped back behind Junsu who had pulled out his cyclone. Kuri revealed a large sinister smile as she continued to coddle Bea so she could not see what was going on.

“Hyung… remember Kiri was made by Jae Joong hyung.. you can’t kill it with that” Changmin whispered into Junsu’s ear as the King Cobra slowly slithered towards the two brothers.

“Ok Ok .. you can do whatever you want Kuri… just .. get rid of it!!” Junsu said as he jumped into Changmin’s arms, “ You know I hate those things..”

“What??” Bea said as she pulled awa from Kuri and turned towards the two brothers, just as she completely turned Kiri had returned to its original form. Bea picked up the bear and then looked at Junsu who was still in Changmin’s arms, “Unnie.. why are your oppas afraid of Kiri??”

Kuri laughed as Bea handed her Kiri, “Oh.. dongsaeng..” she said as she patted Bea on the head, “It’s because my oppas are weird like that.. Kiri is only a stuffed teddy bear… “

“Just a stuffed teddy bear my…” Junsu said as he jumped out of Changmin’s arms, but then jumped back up when Kiri started changing back into a snake, “Gah!!!!”

“Hyung.. you’ve.. gained…” Changmin said as his knees started to shake, “I .. can’t… “ and with that he crumbled to the ground with Junsu crushing him.

“Hyung, get off!!!” Changmin said as he shoved Junsu off, “and you complain I eat too much..”

The two girls giggled as they watched Changmin and Junsu bicker about who ate more than who..

“Unnie.. are you sure they are your oppas??? Oh.. my unnies are going to have fun with them ahahahhaha.” Bea said to Kuri who was looking at the boys with great satisfaction. Bea coughed to get their attention, “We’ll if oppas (and I use the term loosely) are done… umm conversing.. I shall take you to Jaelin oppa’s quarters.. This way please..”

Junsu and Changmin both get up from the floor, dust off their close and followed the two girls who were linked hand in hand. After another long stretch of hall they reached a corridor with a door at the end it. Bea lead them to the door and opened the door.

“Wow…. It’s like another palace here…” Kuri said as she and her brothers began to wander around, “ Are your quarters as large as this one???”

“No.. well.. yes.. they are all the same.. but oppa extended his… “ Bea said.

“Extended ? How..” Junsu asked as he began to check all the rooms out.

“Well this is the south-west corner of the palace… so when oppa came back from his training.. he decided to extend his palace..and with the help of citizens and soldiers..they rebuilt the this corner fo the palace.”

“Amazing.. “

“Well each of you have your own rooms you can pick which ever you like.. oppa most likely won’t be staying here with you all.. if he were.. the room with the Cheonson seal is his.. please do not bother him when he is in there. I’ll show you more of his quarters later.. and you can explore later as well, but I think oppa said for us to go check up on your brother..”

“Yes.. I’m worried about Jae Joong hyung.. Princess Bea please lead the way, “ Changmin said as he was eager to check up on his brother. They entered one of the rooms to see Jess tending Jae Joong’s wound and Jane looking through her potions book.

“Took you long enough,” Jane said coldly.

Jess turned away from Jae Joong and bowed, “ Your highnesses… “

“Jess… how is hyung,” Junsu said as he smiled and moved into the space in between Jane and Jess.
“The crown prince is fine, but still unconscious.. Shu…” Jess noticed the glare from Jane and corrected herself, “Prince Junsu.. please do not worry.. within the hour or so he will regain consciousness.”

Kuri, Changmin and Bea hearing this cheered, Junsu smiled and grabbed Jess’ hands, “Thank you so much for saving hyung… You are so wonderful… but … you don’t have to call me Shushu..”

Jess looked into his eys and was draw.. suddenly Jane using her postions book, broke the two’s embraced, “Jess.. I would like to introduce you to Bea’s fiancé … “

The three stood at odds of each other as Kuri interrupted the tense atmosphere, “ Jae Joong oppa…. Kiri and Kuri are here to play with you… “ she said as she moved Kiri from his hand to his face and gave him a peck on the cheek, “Wake up… or… I’m gonna have to play with… Changmin oppa… “

“Hahaha unnie is funny… unlike Jane unnie…” Bea said, “And for your information.. I am not getting engaged.. I’ll make Jaelin oppa change Umma’s and Appa’s mind.. so Junsu oppa can like anyone he wants.. la la la ”

Jane turned and stared down Bea who had run behind Changmin, “Umm.. I have nothing to do with this.. so.. could you not stare at me as if you plan on eating me alive…” he said as he put his hands up.

“Seriously… Princess Jane.. have you ever smiled before.. or even laughed at a joke??” Junsu asked.

Jess sensing that things were about to get out of hand grabbed Junsu’s arm, “Shushu… Princess Jane.. Everyone… please be calm and silent.. the Crown Prince needs his rest..”

Junsu turned to Jess and smiled, “Yes.. thank you for reminding us.. I apologize… “ and then he turned to Jane and gave her a cold stare.

“Oppas!! Jae Joong oppa.. he’s awake!!” Kuri screamed as she saw Jae Joong slowly open his eyes, “Oppa…. Oppa… it’s me Kuri…”

The others minus Jane quickly surround Jae Joong’s bed as Jae Joong incoherently spoke, “ ..uh…. kuri… don’t use kiri…to… “

Jess asked the royals to move aside and checked him, “He’s fine.. he is just a little disoriented because some fo the poison entered his system.. Let’s leave him to rest..”

Bea, Changmin, Kuri nodded and walked out of the room as Jess reapplied some more medicine on the wound. She looked up and saw Jane with a vile, “ Princess Jane .. what is that…”

“Just use it… “ as she forced it into Jess’ hand.

Junsu backed up towards Jess as she examined the contents of the vile.Just with a sniff Jess threw the vile to the ground shattering it.

“Why you!!!” Jane yelled as she looked at the smashed vile.

“Jess what was that??” Junsu said as he stood in between Jess and Jane.

“Princess Jane.. what you gave me was a mixture of three different types of potions used to heal the body correct?” Jess asked Jane as she continued to tend Jae Joong who was mumbling incoherently.

“And what of it?” Jane said frigidly.

“As great of a potions maker you are… You must remember that each potion though they can be fundamentally the similar.. can not be carelessly mixed together in hopes of creating something miraculous.. Yes sometimes it does happen.. but in most cases.. such as that vile.. it has a reverse affect.. instead of speeding up his recovery.. if I had made him injest it .. it would have caused great side effects, quite possibly killing him. As a physician I can not let that happen.”

“What???” Junsu said as he stared at Jane, “ You were going to give my hyung some stupid concoction you made that had not been tested yet?? Are you that …”

Just as the two took a step towards one another, Jess came in between them, “Please.. if you must .. leave this room first.. the Crown Prince needs his rest.”

Jane not even giving a respond walked out of the room as Junsu continued to stare at her. As Jess’ hand rested on his shoulder, his eyes softened and he gave a faint smile as the two began to walk out of the room.


As the three exited the room rejoining the three younger royals, Jane and Junsu continued to stare at each other. Changmin, Kuri and Bea in a line stood up and looked at the two confusingly, not knowing what was going on.

“Princess Bea… could you please call a guard to alert Prince Jaelin that the Crown Prince of Asahi has regained consciousness and will be fine.” Jess said kindly to Bea.

“Ok Tsuki unnie… I’ll go tell him myself.. plus I need to go bug him about a few things.. fooey… oppa still owes me a new stuffed doll and cake.. he promised” Bea said as she kicked around one of the pillows on the ground.

The twins hearing their favorite items being mentioned both jumped up and shouted, “What?? I want to go too!!!”

Changmin and Kuri looked at one another annoyed, “Hey stop it..”

“Why are you saying the same things I’m saying..”

“Didn’t you hear!!! I said stop it!!”

Bea, Jess, and Junsu see this display of one mind.. bursted out laughing. Changmin and Kuri both pouted, turning their backs at each other and crossed their arms.

“This is all your fault!!!” The two once again said together.

“This is all your fault… Gosh can’t you think of anything other than dolls…” Changmin scoffed.

“Look that the pot calling the kettle black.. you want to go because you heard C-A-K-E” Kuri said as she swung her arm back hitting Changmin on the head.

“Why you!!!” Changmin yelled out as he turned around and pinched her arm.

“Ow!!! I’m gonna get you now!!!” Kuri said as she gripped onto Kiri that had turned into a slingshot. She went into her pouch and pulled out solid gold marbles and placed one in the sling, taking aim at her older twin.

“Like you are quick enough!!! “ Changmin said as he stuck his tongue out and began to split into multiples of himself and started to dance, “Come and get me if you can!!! La la lala “

And without any warning all the Changmins started running around chaotically as Kuri started firing the gold marbles and chasing after all the copies of her twin. Bea jumped up and down seeing the liveliness that had been brought about, “Weee it’s only like this when Jaelin oppa or BK unnie are here!!! The palace is going to be so much more fun with you here!!! GO UNNIE!! GET HIM.. I MEAN THEM!!!”

“Bea!!! Don’t just cheer me on help!!!” Kuri said as she stopped to catch her breath and pull out more gold marbles.

“Come on!!! I’ll take on the both of you!! Hahahah I am invinsible!!!!” the Changmins all said together laughing and pointing that the two girls.

“Oh.. I take that as a challenge then… You are going to regret that Changmin oppa… “ Bea said as she pointed towards the majority of the Changmins.

“Please.. please stop… “ Jess began to plead as she ran towards Bea to stop her, but it was too late.. vines from the water garden quickly flowed in and wrapped themselves around a dozen of the Changmins.

“Wohoo go BEA DONGSAENG!!!!” Kuri said as she gave Bea a high five and prepped her sling shot to fire at the trapped Changmins.

Those that were not yet captured managed to dodge the other vines and cut them down before they made contact, “Hey that is no fair!!! Plantlife not allowed!!! “
“Scared now oppa?” Bea said as a pink aura began to surround her, “ Admit that you are weaker than us.. and unnie and I might consider letting you go with only a few bruises..”

“No WAY!!! NEVER!!! You have to catch me first” and with that the 20 Changmins that had not been caught split and became 40 more.

The two girls not wanting to back down prepared for another assault on Changmin ran head on towards them screaming with Jess running after them.

“hah… You of the Shin family.. can’t even control your dongsaengs… and you expect to control us??? Maybe next lifetime.” Jane said coldly at Junsu.

“Well at least we don’t use people at test subjects for random experiments… flat butt” Junsu said as he winked at her.

“Princess Bea & Kuri !!! Please stop!!!” Jess continued on pleading as she ran pasted Princess Jane and Prince Junsu who were still staring at each other.

“What did you call me?!?!!?” Jane said in a louder tone as she pulled out a vile of “turtle prince” potion.

“Want me to spell it out?? F-L- A- T B-“ but before he could finsh Jane threw out the vile which Junsu easily jumped out of the way.

The vile hit the stone wall and started to break away at the wall. Junsu seeing this changed his expression and started to stretch out, “Hey flat butt.. is that all you got?? .. You should try taking control over yourself before trying to tell others how to take control of things.. While you are learning how to control your insanity.. you should prolly go back and relearn how to make potions too.. I wonder how many people you’ve killed with your so called potions…. Great potions maker… whatever… more like mad woman… and eat something for cryin out loud.. I have more butt than you do… ” he said as he smacked his own bottmom.

“Oh god… what now… “ Jess said as she turned to see the chaos erupting between Jane and Junsu, Am I a doctor in training… referee… or babysitter???, “Please.. you two don’t start… “

“Stay out of this!!!” Jane yelled as she threw out a shuriken at Jess. Jess who did not know any form of self-defense stood there in shock as the deadly shuriken came closer.

Just as they were going to hit, Junsu quickly jumped in, shielding her and blocking with a chair, “Jess.. are you ok..”Junsu said as she turned around to face him.

Both Jess and Junsu began to blush as Jane also turned red, but with anger. Jane quickly ran into Jaelin’s armory and pulled out a sword and came out raising it at Junsu who has his back turned to her.

“Watch out!!” Jess yelled out as she pushed the two of them out of the way rolling on the ground, ending with Junsu on top of Jess.
“Woah.. “ Changmins said as they stopped to look towards the three so called adults.

Bea and Kuri also stopped their attacks and turned their attention towards Jess, Jane and Junsu.

“Ooh they are fighting… let’s watch…” Kuri said as Kiri returned to teddy bear form.

“Oppa what do you say?? Cease fire til the special feature is over??” Bea said as she turned toward Changmin.

“Ok.. but I’m hungry…. “ Changmin said as all the copies merged back into him.

“Fine.. after though ok… once this is over.. we can go look for my oppa.. he’ll make us something good … “

“Agreed…” Changmin said as he joined the two girls who sat down on the far end of the main hall, “hey.. maybe we should get a ref or something… Junsu hyung can get a little carried away..”

“No.. a free for all is more fun… what we need is a commentator.. for play by play” Kuri said as she motioned Kiri with punches, “Hurry up and fight.. stop with the dramatic pause and love stares!!!”

“You are both wrong… what we need will be a priest… I say Jane unnie is going to lose… her temper is always her downfall” Bea said as she started cheering, “Go Jess Unnie!!! LOVE CONNECTION!!! Jess and oppa sitiing in a tree”

“K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!” the twins joined.

Jane glared at the three and then rushed back in the armory and pulled out as much weapons as she could while Junsu still remained laying on top of Jess, both as red as tomatoes.

“Um.. Shushu…” Jess said as she turn away from him embarrassed.

“Oh.. hah hah…I guess we’re even …”Junsu said as he helped her up and then turned away as the two were unable to look at eachother.

“Woohooo go oppa!!!!” the twins cheered as they joinedi their hands in a heart shape with Bea in the center of the heart… putting her hands up to her chin rocking her head left and right and blowing kisses.

“Princess Bea…. Please… “ Jess said all flustered.

“Ahh.. shut up you two!!!” Junsu said smiling as Jess looked at him not knowing that a great anger was raging a few feet away from them.

“DIE!!!!” Jane screamed as she shot an arrow towards Jess and Junsu.

Junsu quickly pulled out his and threw it out splitting the arrow in half, “hmm.. no sense of sportamanship with you is there??”

“Just shut up and die!!!”

Just as Junsu had moved Jess aside and got into fighting stance, “Junsu!!! *cough cough* stop it” Jae Joong yelled out to his brother to stop as he stumbled.

“Hyung!!” Changmin and Junsu called out as they rushed over to Jae Joong.

Jess quickly rushed over to check on him,”His wound has opened up again.. quickly carry him back to the room.. Princess Bea.. go call Prince Jaelin please…”

Bea nodded and rushed off with Kuri in search of Jaelin while Junsu and Changmin helped Jess move Jae Joong back into the room. As they passed Jane, Junsu stopped and stared at her with contempt.

“Don’t think this is over Shin!!!” Jane said coldly as she threw the bow and arrows to the ground.

“Come and get some then.. I’ll be waiting” Junsu said harshly and then turned away from her, “Come on Changmin.. we have better things to do than argue with the heartless.Let’s carry hyung into the room so Jess can take care of him”

With that Jane was left by herself in the main hall as she filled with rage. She turned to look at the direction that the three had walked off in and vowed that she would get revenge on all of them. Just as she was about to scream, a hand touched her shoulder, “Yah.. Jane what the hell happened in Jaelin’s room?!?!?!!?”

“Unnie… “ Jane said as she tried to bother up her anger, “It’s those …”

Just looking at Jane’s expression and how she was shaking in anger, Chloe knew what the reason was, “It’s those perverts … That’s it… I’m going to take care of them once and for all”

Chloe started making her way to the door when Jane motioned to follow her, “It’s ok Jane.. I won’t do it personally.. but I will just call on someone to do their job a little faster .. Make sure no one interrupts me while I am in my quarters.. understood!!!”

Jane knowing not to go against her unnie nodded and exited to room with Chloe, heading to her own quarters to create more potions and poisons to use against her foe.

Just as Chloe and Jane begin to plot for the downfall of the Asahi Princes, Bea and Kuri were having difficulties finding Prince Jaelin, Yunho, and Yoochun. When the reached the throne room it was empty except two gaurds standing post at the enterance.

“Uncle.. “ Bea said to one of the elder gaurds.

“Yes princess?” the elder guard said as he and the other guard bowed towards Bea and Kuri.

“Uncle.. where is everyone?? What happened?”
“Yes.. where are my brothers the Princes from Asahi?” Kuri jumped in as she locked arms with Bea.

“Princesses… the matter was settled many hours ago. After that everyone retired. Crown Prince Jaelin along with the Princes from Asahi left the throne room together but I am unsure where the Crown Prince had taken Princes.. might you try the Crown Prince’s quarters?”

“Bea.. the guard says to go back.. but we were just there.. we should have ran into them…” Kuri said disappointed.

Bea thought about it and remembered,” Darn it… I forgot!!! Come on unnie!!” Bea said as she grabbed Kuri and started running.

“What?? Dongsaeng!! Where are we going??” Kuri said as she tried to keep up with the energetic Bea.

“Back to oppa’s place… “

“Why we were just there!!!”

“Remember .. I told you that his place is big.. Oppa is probably at his most favorite spot.. where he goes to think…”

“Where is that???”

“His water garden..”

“Wow… look at that.. a waterfall!!” Yoochun yelled out in amazement as he ran up to the waterfall and peered in seeing a small cavern of sorts. In the water had fish that the two boys had never seen before.

Jaelin looked at the two as they had seemed to have forgotten all the stress and frustration that had just happened not to long ago and called for Hikari who gracefully landed near its master. Jaelin petted Hikari as the two boys walked towards him.

Yunho and Yoochun bowed to Jaelin, “ Thank you very much for helping us today.. Crown Prince Jaelin“

Jaelin not paying much attention continued to pet Hikari as she cooed, “Prince Yunho, Yoochun.. you do not need to refer to me as Crown Prince.. Jaelin is fine.. And there is no need for thanks. You did not do anything wrong.. so no matter what it would have been fine.. if you had done something very wrong.. nothing in the world would have been able to save you.”

“Still Prince Jaelin.. We still thank you for the help.. we must thank Black Knight and Jess as well.”

“Black Knight thinks the same way as I do.. so there is no need to but I will relay the message to her. Jess should be in there right now tending to Crown Prince Jae Joong” Jaelin pointed towards the large door ot the left of him.
“Umm.. Prince Jaelin.. where are we exactly? Are we still in the palace?” Yoochun asked inquisitively as he continued to be in awe of the unique creatures that were in the garden.

“Yes.. this is the inner palace where our quarters are.. this is my personal water garden.. and on the other side of that door is my personal quarters where you will be staying, rooms have been prepared for you already so you can go rest if you want. Please make yourself comfortable and at home.. from what I know.. both of you are younger than I, so as your hyung if you need anything please do not hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you Jaelin hyung” Yunho said as he bowed once again, “ May I ask you a question then?”

Jaelin nodded and led them to chairs to sit down near the waterfall, “If it is within my power to answer I will gladly do so.”

“Please forgive me if this is rude, but what is Cheonson’s relations to Amuka..”

“Oh.. well Cheonson though we are always prepared for war.. would rather let our people live in peace and though Amuka has a dark past and Lord Dong Wook is quite… My father and his father agreed to be at peace with one another. I do know of past trepasses of Amuka towards Asahi and I have no intentions of persuading you to ally yourself with Amuka, but while in Cheonson, I ask you please to show no hostility to Amuka. As you can see.. the current leader and his sister are quite close to my family.”

“Close… hahah I would say otherwise…” Yoochun interrupted as he picked up a white rabbit that had come up to him.

“Yoochun!!!” Yunho said loudly frightening the little creature away.

“Look at what you did hyung!!”

“It’s quite alright.. everyone is entitled to one’s opinion.. as you can see from my sisters.. we are all very free spirited..” Jaelin said as he poured tea for the two brothers.

“Free spirited… more like… “ but before Yoochun could finish his thought, Yunho had kicked him from under the table, “arghh..”

“Please have some tea.. the Cheonsa family has always been a family of predominantly women..and with that… our ancestors have passed down that women should not have to depend on men, nor should they have to hold back their own individuality. That is why I say free spirited..”

Yunho hearing this began to suspect more as he looked at Jaelin, “So.. you are saying that with each generation, a male heir is very rare…almost non existent? “

Prince Yunho.. if you think you will be able to catch me … let’s see how long you will last… Jaelin thought as he could see that Prince Yunho had his suspicsions, “It is not like that.. I am a clear example of that not being true.. It is more that we in Cheonson encourage individuality as well as for women to be just as strong, skilled and educated as men. Though I am a man, I take pride in the fact that I know my sisters do not need me to protect them and that we can rely on one another for support. Women do not to need to be coddled and shielded from the world… ”

“Oh.. hahah I see… Kuri will learn much while here then..” Jaelin seems to be hiding something.. that response seemed too planned out..- Yunho thought to himself, “ Might I inquire to why you wear a mask?”

“Yah.. and so does B Knightie..” Yoochun jumped in and seeing the looks from both Yunho and Jaelin corrected himself, “ I mean Black Knight”

“The reason why I wear it is not important.. Yunho… you are a warrior.. you must understand the risks and dangers of learning.. As for BK .. she wears a mask because she feels guilt that she was the one that scarred me… We were trained by the same masters and have been together since we were children.. She is my most trusted companion..”

“I see.. then Jaelin hyung’s skills must be just as good or even better than Black Knight’s.. seeing that you both trained together.”

“You think so…. “

“Well then one of these days.. I may ask hyung to teach me a thing or two .. if that is alright? I would love to get a chance to learn from Cheonson’s Frontline General” Yunho said as he gave a smile and stared at Jaelin. Even though Jaelin claims that they train together.. the moves executed by a man will be different from that of a woman…

“Of course.. I will gladly … I too would like to see a demonstration of the skills of Asahi’s Captian of the royal guard..Hopefully I will not disappoint you …” If you think you will be able to tell by my fighting style.. you are seriously mistaken Yunho.. Jaelin thought as the two stared at one another sizing up their opponent while Yoochun took a sip of his tea and looked around,

“Umm.. Jaelin hyung.. where is Princess Chloe and the others?.. I haven’t seen any of them around since we left the throne room.” Yoochun asked excitedly with just the thought of Chloe in his mind.

“Oh.. They are probably in their own quarters… Seeing that the first impressions between you and my sisters was not a pleasant one.” Jaelin said as he stood up and walked toward the near by gardenia bush, leaning over to take in the scent of the newly blossomed flowers. Then Jaelin turned around with this time with a serious expression/aura about him, “That brings me to another issue…”

Yunho stood up, “And what might that be?”

“The main purpose for your arrival here is to form a bond between Asahi and Cheonson through marriage and engagement.. Since Crown Prince Jae Joong is injured and it seems that my sisters are none too pleased with what the elders have arranged I suggest we postpone until everything is slightly better for both sides..”

“I agree as well” Yunho said as he picked up his cup of tea to drink. Yoochun gave out a sigh of relief as this meant he had more time to persue things he had taken interest in.

Jaelin looking at Yoochun’s expression shot a sharp glare toward him, “Though the formalities will be postponed.. I expect that the Princes will remember that you are affianced and will behave accordingly.”

Yunho put his cup down and turned to Jaelin who had picked a flower from the bush and was carefully observing it, “And what do you mean by that hyung?”

Jaelin said nothing but instead pointed to Yoochun who stood behind Yunho. Yunho turned to see what had caused Jaelin to make such a comment and proceeded to knock some sense into Yoochun.

Jaelin walked up to Yunho with the flower in the palm of his hand, “Though my sisters are all capable of taking care of themselves.. I still do not want to see any of them get hurt because of anything.. or anyone..”

Yunho took a step forward leaving only a few inches in between the two, “We as Princes of Asahi and members of the Shin line … have just as much honor as you .. and will not do anything to disgrace our family or country..”

“I shall take you on that then… I too believe that the Princes of Asahi will not do anything to cause a riff between the peace and unity of our two nations… but if occurrences do arise where any of my four sisters or anyone else get hurt be it physically or emotionally…” Jaelin stared down Yunho, placing his hand that ahd the flower in the space between them up to eye level at Yunho, and then crushed flower, “then I will have to step in … and resolve matters…on behalf of them.“

Yoochun stood and watched as the Yunho and Jaelin stand face to face, “ooh.. I think Yunho hyung has met his equal.. aishh… both evil … this is going to be fun… “ Yoochun sighed. Now I have to watch out for another crazy brother.. how am I suppose to get my groove on with them around??? And how long are they going to have this staring contest… maybe I should leave the two of them alone and go look for C baby.. Yoochun thought to himself as she rubbed his hands together and smiled.

Just as the atmosphere surrounding Jaelin and Yunho because unbareable, Bea and Kuri run in screaming breaking the tension with Bea jumping towards Jaelin, “OPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!”

“You promised me a new doll and yummie snacks!!! I’m here to collect!!”, Bea yelled out as she jumped into the air. Jaelin hearing her broke from his glare, turned around and caught his dongsaeng giving her a hug and placing her down, “Perfect catch as always oppa.. tee hee ..”

Jaelin sighed and pulled on one of her ponytails, “Aish.. what am I to do with you… How am I suppose to let you get engaged if you are like this… “

Bea hearing this pouted and turned away from Jaelin, “You always treat me like a baby… I don’t want to talk to you anymore…I hate oppa!!”

“Bea.. don’t be like this… and in front of guests too.. This is not how my dongsaeng would behave.. “ Jaelin said as he turned her around, “Ok .. you aren’t a baby anymore.. but can you blame oppa for thinking like this? You are soo adorable.. I’ll make it up.. how about I make you 2 dolls and bake you enough sweets so we can have a big tea party? Will you forgive oppa if I do this?”

Bea pretended not to hear Jaelin and began to stomp her feet, Jaelin picked another flower from the gardenia bush and got on his knee, offering the flower to her. Bea turned, seeing this smiled and hopped into her oppa’s arms, “You promise??”

Jaelin placed the flower in her hair, “Has oppa ever lied to you?”

“I love oppa!!” as she gave Jaelin a big hug.

Kuri seeing this display of affection and love that Bea and her oppa had for one another, decided to see if Yunho would be the same way..she took a few step back and with a running start jumped into the air, “Yunho opppppaaa!!!!!!!!!!”

Yunho who had turned to discuss things with Yoochun since he knew the comment made by Jaelin was because of Yoochun was completely unaware of his air borne sister. Kuri screamed as she crashed into both Yunho and Yoochun, “Ow… Oppa!!! You were suppose to catch me !!! I hate you!! And you too Yoochun oppa!!”

“Hate all you want… but get off of us first… You know.. you are getting a little husky .. it’s because of those sweets that you constantly eat… Like me or Yunho hyung could have caught you … Hurry up and get off… I think my ribs are going to cave in…” Yoochun said as he tried to push Kuri off of him.

“Yah.. Kuri …just because Minnie can eat like a bottomless pit and not gain any weight.. doesn’t mean you were blessed with that ability as wellas well..” Yunho said as he too was trying to get her off of him. He turned to Yoochun, “Ok.. on three… one.. two.. three..” and the two brothers rolled Kuri off of them and high fived each other as they got up and dusted themselves.

“Wahh!!! Oppas are soo mean!!! I hate you.. hate you .. hate you… I’m going to tell umma and appa when we go home!!” Kuri said as she sat up and started crying.

“Go ahead and tell them… Oh wait .. you can’t can you… “ Yoochun laughed as he walked up to her and took Kiri away from her, “You weren’t even suppose to be here… so if you say anything … you get in trouble too hahahhaha… “

Kuri knowing this was true started crying even louder flailing her arms and legs. Yoochun and Yunho looked at one another and shrugged.. then turned to walk away and saw Jaelin and Bea watching them.. they had forgotten that they were in Cheonson.

Bea ran up to Yoochun and with a smile on her face kicked him in the shin grabbing Kiri and running over to Kuri, “It’s ok unnie… Jaelin oppa will beat them up for you ... won’t you oppa?”

“Oww!! That little…” Yoochun began to say as he started to hop up and down, but suddenly was punched by Yunho to stop. Yunho realized that they both had made a fool of themselves in front of Jaelin could not say anything.

Jaelin completely ignored the two and walked past them and held out his hand to Kuri, “You should not cry in public… it shows your weakness… Please get up and dry your tears… You have to learn to depend on yourself before you depend on others..”

Kuri looked at Jaelin and then turned to Bea who nodded in agreement. Kuri stopped crying and was given back Kiri by Bea and took Jaelin’s hand to get up.

Jaelin wiped Kuri’s tears away, “Don’t cry.. smile.. Bea is here to play with you…” Jaelin said as he patted her on her head, “and if you want.. I can be your oppa .. “

Kuri looked up at Jaelin, “Really?? You would adopt me into our family?”

Jaelin looked at Yunho and Yoochun who lowered their heads in shame, “hahah.. well it would not be adopting since your oppas will be marrying me noona and dongsaengs.. but yes.. we would be more than happy to take you into our family.. wouldn’t we Bea?”

Bea gave Kuri a great big hug, “Yes !! I want her as my unnie!!!”

Kuri slowly stopped sniffling and smiled giving Bea a great big hug. Jaelin patted the two on the head, “Now that’s much better.. smiles look best on girls.. “ Jaelin said as he winked that caused the two to giggle, “so … why did you two suddenly run here looking for oppa?”

“Oh I almost forgot.. Jess unnie told me to come find you to tell you.. Kuri’s oldest oppa has regained consciousness and for you and the two other oppas to go and check on him.” Bea said as she continued to hold Kuri.

Yunho and Yoochun hearing news of Jae Joong rushed towars Jaelin, “Where is he..” Yunho said.

“I will take you .. “ Jaelin said as he patted Bea’s head, “Bea.. take Kuri to your quarters for now ok..”

Bea nodded and walked away with Kuri, Jaelin turned to Yoochun and Yunho, “Please follow me..” and then walked towards the large door as the two followed.

“Death come forth… I beseech thee… In writing, in blood, in flesh I call you forth…In exchange for these 5 souls I offer… Appear and grant my one wish..” Chloe chanted as she surrounded herself in a cirlcle of fire. Her eye pitch black as she continued to chant, the five frozen soldiers that she had pulled out of Angie’s room slowly began to thaw out because of the flames.. just as they were released from heir ice shackles, their soul quickly separated from the flesh and their bodies burst into flames.
“I accept your offerings.. I will enter into contract with you… what is your one greatest desire Princess Chloe” an ominous voice bellowed something came from the shadows.

Chloe watched as the figure moved closer her to into into the candle light, “BOH?!?!??!?! You are really DEATH!?!?!?!?!”

OOOOHHHHH look what the Princes from Asahi has driven our most… umm free spirited Princess Chloe to do?!?!?! Of all things she could have summoned to “take care” of the princes..a demon.. army of zombies.. something.. she called forth Death.. but what was soo odd about death that it even scared the mighty cwhat was soo odd about death that it even scared the mighty Chloe.
Heheh Bea finally has some playmates… and an unnie that likes the same things and she… will the twins end up fighting over her… will Changmin finally have to bow down to his sister with the help of Bea .. and why did he breathe a sigh of relief’ when Bea announced she had no intention of marrying Junsu? Ahh.. is there love in the air for the younger royals?? Hmmm….
Ah.. and a love love triangle has broken out… don’t you think so .. between Jane, Junsu and Jess… Maybe .. just maybe hahah [Evil aren’t I]
Yunho is beginning to suspect Jaelin… will he ever find out and now it seems that Jaelin has another person to watch out for… The war of the “brothers” has started hehehe…

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