Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 003

“Stupid parents.. want me to marry some wimp I don’t even know… haha forget it…I’d turn him into a piece of charcoal before that ever happens..” Chloe says to herself as she walks down the market place, “I wonder where Jaelin is?? Damn.. that goodie goodie cant stay still can she? Well.. when it’s time for “him” to go home “he” will…I should go do something to take my mind off the dorks coming in a few days and come up with some plans to drive them away..”

She begins to look around and notices her favorite tavern and decides to go in for a drink.

“Hey Micah… how’s business been?” Chloe said to the bartender as she took a seat at the bar.

“Hello Princess Chloe.” Micah turned towards her and bowed.

“Aww cut it with that protocol crap… If I really wanted to be treated like a princess would I be here?”

“Hahaha just playing with you Chloe . I know how much you hate it… hahaha Business is doing good other than a few guards and stupid parliament members trying to demand protection money, but Black Knight and your brother have taken care of that. Here’s the usual on the house.” Micah pours a mug of red wine for Chloe, “ Well actually on Prince Jaelin and the Black Knight… I want to treat them as a thanks but they never accept anything ..”

Chloe takes the glass and chugs it, “ Ah good stuff… gimme another.. and as for those two… leave them to their good deeds and leave the drinking to me hahahah”

Micah laughs and gives her another mug and walks off to attend to the other customers. Chloe looks at her mug and begins to think about how messed up things were in their lives because of their parents… her sister is forced to live the life of a man just to please her parents… and now her and her other sisters have to marry princes that they don’t even know. What a messed up family we have… well here’s to our family then
Chloe raised her mug and drank all the whine.

“Why is such a beautiful girl drinking by herself… there should be a handsome prince at your side… I’m not a prince, but I am handsome.. do you mind if I join you ?” a low deep voice spoke from behind Chloe.

Chloe not in the mood to deal with who ever it was just ignored him and continued to wallow in her frustration. Yoochun who was dressed as a scholar sat down beside her a gave her a smile, “ Since you didn’t say no… I take it that it’s a yes..” he turned to Micah, “oh kind bar keep may I get a glass of your finest white wine and also a replacement for whatever this beautiful woman is drinking.”

Micah looked at Chloe who gave him a glance and then sighed and poured the drinks as requested, placing them in front of Yoochun and Chloe. Yoochun picks his glass and turns to Chloe to toast, “ Here’s to what I hope will be an eventful evening..” and then took a sip.

Chloe took the mug and drank it, “I suggest if you want to stay intact… you walk away or you’re gonna get burned.”

“Ooh a feisty.. I like that in a woman.. makes me want to get hot too… But I’m getting ahead of myself… My name is Micky… you know cuz I’m so fine.. hhahah” Yoochun said as he slowly moved his hand towards Chloe’s shoulder and then whispered in her ear, “ Come on admit it… that I just blow your mind..”

Chloe turned towards Yoochun and gave him a smile and threw the wine in her mug at his face, pushed him down and called out for more wine. Yoochun laughed and licked his lips, “ Ooh hard to get.. I like the challenge.”

I should just burn him and get it over with … Chloe thought to herself as she began to drink again, hmmm.. maybe he’s gotten the picture.. good riddance

“Bar keep may I?” Yoochun asked as he made his way to the piano at the corner of the tavern.

“Be my guest..” Micah said with a shrug and a worried look. He knew what would happen if Chloe got mad enough.. hopefully she knew not to burn down his place of business.

Yoochun sat down at the piano and said, “Woo..How is everyone doing out there? This song.. will make even the coldest girl .. wanna fall in love…” and he began to play the piano with a soft melody that made everyone else.. man and woman fall for him.. well everyone except Chloe. Seeing that his piano playing wasn’t going to win her over Yoochun got and walked to the front of the piano, leaned against it and pulled out a red rose from his jacket.

He looked at the rose and gave it a kiss.. all the other women in the tavern started to scream and faint. Yoochun looked around and smiled, the pointed the rose towards Chloe and gave her a wink that drove everyone even Micah into a frenzy.

Chloe was now very very pissed off.. and was running out of patience for Yoochun and started to form a fireball in her hand.

Yoochun began to sway back and forth with the rose in his hand,

Harumahn nibahng eui chim nae gah dwei goh shipuh (oh baby)
even more screams came and a few undergarments came flying at Yoochun.

Duh ddah seu hee poh geun hee nae poom eh gahm ssah ahn goh
Muht jin oui moh
jae oo goh shipuh

Yoochun sang with his smooth voice trying his best to catch Chloe’s attention even my adorably positioning his arms into a heart shape and giving a wink, but Chloe just kept on drinking. Hmm… my normal tactics aren’t working… I guess I have to step it up then .. Yoochun thought to himself as he nodded and then started walking back to the bar..

“Didn’t you like the song?... I wanna be in your bed … I mean I wanna be your bed in your bed for just a day… “ Yoochun said and then he kissed the rose again and handed to her.

Chloe had just had enough of Yoochun’s cheesiness so instead of accepting the flower… she lit it on fire causing Yoochun to drop it and blow his hands as if they were burnt. Everyone gasped as they knew what was about to happen.

Chloe put some money down on the bar table, “ Hey Micah thanks for the wine… but the atmosphere here is just not right.. if I’m gonna go before you have to call a mortician..”

“Ok C.. thanks for being so considerate.. I’ll see you later then.” Micah said as he nervously continued to clean an already cleaned cup.

You’re not gonna get away from me that easily .. [ Yoochun said to himself as he smirked. As Chloe got up to leave, she did not notice the puddle of water that was forming right behind her. She took a step and slipped and just like any suave prince would do, Yoochun gently grabbed her and cradled her from falling. Their eyes met, “See … I knew you would fall for me sooner or later… “ and he slowly went in for a kiss..

Chloe stood there in shock for it had been her first kiss. As their lips touched one another, a jolt of electricity surged through her body. Yoochun seeing this reaction smiled, “ As sweet as honey…” as he caressed her face, “How about we continue this somewhere more … romantic..”

Suddenly Chloe snapped out of it and pushed him away. Her faced turned red from anger and embarrassment, he had been the first person other than her sisters and Jaelin that had been able to humiliate her before. Her first reaction was to scream and then light him on fire, but then she noticed Micah and the other people in the tavern… how frightened they were so she decided to play along .. at least for now. She walked up to Yoochun and traced her fingers around Yoochun’s shoulders as she walked around him checking him out and then she caressed his face finally placing her fingers on his lips.

Chloe then reached up and kissed her fingers that were over his mouth and seductively walked away. Yoochun as well as everyone else were in complete shock… was this the same girl from before.

“Well… Don’t you want to finish what you started? I know a place where we can have a little fun and we will be the only two there…” She said as she gave a wink and walked out the door, as she exited her face turned sinister .. she had something in stored for Yoochun for humiliating her. Just you wait you pervert… I’ll make you wish you were dead… she thought to herself as she laughed.

Yoochun stood in shock with his mouth wide open .. a huge smile and his eyes lit up. He did a little cheer and grabbed his stuff and rushed out of the tavern to follow her. Yes!!!!...I’m gonna have some fun tonight!!! Sorry brothers… I guess I won’t be seeing you until tomorrow morning hahahah… Yoochun thought to himself as he caught up and placed his hand around her, “ Soo… where is this romantic place…”

Chloe showing much more restraint then ever before gave Yoochun a small smile and touched his face and blew in his ear, “Trust me… it’s to die for…”

Yoochun nodded excitedly and hugged her even tighter, Just you wait.. you pervert, Chloe thought to herself.

“Umm are you sure… we are going to the right place??” Yoochun said nervously as he took a look at where she had brought him. Not a room, not a lake side… not even an alley way.. but a cemetery.

“What… it’s so much more exciting here… “ Chloe said as she walked ahead of him, “ Don’t tell me you’re scared??” she said it a pouting voice.

“Uhh…. No.. no hahahah” he laughed nervously, “ why would I be scared… This is just a scenery that I’m not used to, but I guess this is kind of kinky heheh…So… where shall we begin…?”

“Close your eyes… and I’ll take the lead…”

“Ooh… wow… ok “ Yoochun said excitedly, “Be my guest… “ and he closed his eyes.

Chloe expression turned fierce and her two hands became surrounded by flames, “Micky…”

“Yes .. beautiful lady…”

“I hope you like things hot…”

“I love it hot…. “

With that she laughed that caused Yoochun to open his eyes just as Chloe launched fire balls at him, “DIE YOU PERVERT!!!!”

“What the?!?!?!?” Yoochun yelled as the fireballs came closer towards him.

Chloe laughed and began to walk away since she thought there would be no possible way for him to dodge or survive it.

“Ahh.. well I guess it’s not murder… it’s defending myself from a pervert.. doing a good deed.. One less pervert to pray on stupid girls… hahah” she said to herself as she shrugged.

She continued to walk when a hand touched her shoulder, “Going so soon?... I thought we were going to have some fun..”

She grabbed the hand and flipped the person over, but Yoochun just gracefully landed on his feet. She looked at him with disbelief, How could he have survived it… and then she saw all the smoke and remembered the incident that happened at the tavern.

Chloe jumped back and got into fighting position again and thought to cooper… if I’m right.. he’s gonna be more of a nuisance to get rid of than I thought. Not thinking she shoots a beam of flames towards him again. Yoochun winked at her and put out his hand. Suddenly a stream of water appeared and headed straight towards her flames causing smoke to cover the cemetery.

Chloe began to cough and look around trying to figure out where Yoochun was so she could prepare another attack. She could not believe that the pervert had the ability to conjure and control water, Just my luck..

As she was turning around, all of the suddenly she was caught in a hold, it was Yoochun.

“Nice try.. but not good enough .” He hugged her tighter and rested his head next to hers, “ Ooh… Your skin is soo soft and you smell really nice too.”

“Why you !!!” Chloe screamed has she elbowed and kicked backwards aiming for every males weak spot.

Yoochun jumped back to avoid impact and then like a child crouched down with an innocent look, “Wahh…. Why would you want to hit me there… I thought you liked me… You know my parents are expecting me to bare them some fine grandchildren… of course with me being the way I am… it’s a guarantee my kids will come out fine… “

“Full of yourself aren’t you… I feel bad for the girl that has to carry your kids for 9 months…. They are all gonna come out perverts…”

“Well the thing is that I haven’t found a mother of my children yet… “ gives her a wink, “but I think I may have just found the perfect candidate.”

“You bastard… Now you’re going to get it !!!”

Yoochun got up and began to taunt her, “What are you going to do now sweetie? Gonna throw another fireball at me? Hahahah It’s no use”

“SWEETIE!!! WHO ARE YOU CALLING SWEETIE!!!” Chloe now quite possibly the angriest she has ever been in her life started to chant and was suddenly surrounded by a dark aura.

“What the… “ Yoochun said as he backed up and pulled out his sword to prepare for what Chloe was planning.

Suddenly things unhuman began to crawl out of the surrounding forests all heading towards Yoochun.

Yoochun confidently went into first stance, “Come on… I can handle you ugly things… Hey sweetie is that the best you got?”

He waited for a response but Chloe ignored him and continued on with her chanting.. now her eyes were completely pitch black.

The ground suddenly shook and Yoochun fell. What this cutie can control the earth too? Dang… I picked the wrong girl to mess with today… But she is so damn cute though…. He shook off the thought and decided that she wasn’t your typical girl and quite possibly that he was falling for her. As he slowly got up, his suddenly was pinned to the ground by something holding him back. He looked to see what it was and when seeing it he screamed off the top of his lungs.

Decomposing hands were holding him down, he looked around and saw that the corpses in the cemetery were popping out the ground, moaning and all walking/crawling/dragging themselves toward Yoochun.

Yoochun struggled to free himself, but he could not and now was fearful of his life.

“So.. are you scared now?... Are we having fun now???” Chloe said as she slowly made her way towards Yoochun.

Yoochun nervously laughed, “hahah… C.. that’s what they called you right? Umm.. I was just playing with you… heh heh.. there’s no need to get the undead involved… If you wanted to tie me up .. you could have just asked… “, even in the face of danger.. Yoochun still had to try to charm her, which was a grave mistake on his part.

“Hmm… you still have the guts to try that again… I think I’ll start with getting rid of your tongue… should I let one of my demons do it… or let one of these zombies eat it… hmm… I know… I’ll just burn it off myself so you can’t trick any more girls with your smooth words.”

Yoochun still struggling, gave her a little smile, “ How about if I promise not to sweet talk anyone other than you… will that be enough..”

“No… I think not…Time to say goodbye Micky.”

“umm… if we have to say goodbye… how about a farewell kiss”, Yoochun closed his eyes and puckered up.

“How about … Just DIE!!!”

But as she was about to turn him into roast pervert, Yunho rushes out of the forest cutting down and shocking everything in his path. Yunho leaped into the air and landed next to Yoochun cutting him loose and then pulling him up.

“Hyung!!! Nice timing… “ Yoochun said as he extended his hand out for a high five.

Instead of getting a high five, Yunho hit him on the head with the hilt of his sword, “ Is this what you call not getting into trouble and staying inconspicuous…. “

“What can I say .. the ladies love me… this one in particular.. loves me to death itself…hey hyung.. isn’t she hot?”

“Yeah.. I can see she’s burning with desire for you.”

“Oh… so you’re his brother… any more of you..” Chloe asked as her minions come in closer towards the two brothers.

“Now that you mention it … there’s” Yoochun began to say and this time was stopped by a lightning bolt, “hyung…that hurt’s!! Do you know what I’ve been through in the last hr”

“You prolly deserve all of it .. “ Yunho yelled.

“Both of shut up and prepare to die!!!” Chloe screamed, “Kill them.. kill them all !!!”

The demons and monsters nod and charge towards the two as Chloe stood back laughing maniacally. Yoochun and Yunho had their swords at the ready and then Yunho signaled Yoochun. Yoochun nodded and put his sword back in its sheath and spread his hand out and suddenly a current of water surrounded the two forming a barrier between their foes and themselves.

Yunho’s eyes began to glow and then he was surrounded by electricity that lit up the entire area and could me seen from far away. He sent this energy into his sword and shot it into the water current electrifying everything that had entered the water barrier and sent a jolt of electricity throughout the cemetery electrocuting all the other demons and zombies causing them to fall. The jolt also blew Chloe back into a tree.

Yunho seeing that he had hurt Chloe walked up to her to help her up but she slapped his hand away and got up on her own free will.

“I apologize that I used to much power, but it was only in defense.. please forgive my brother and I for any trespasses we’ve made upon you.” Yunho said as he took a step back and bowed.

“Hyung!!! She tried to burn off my tongue!!” Yoochun said as he pouted.

“Do you want me to let her do it!!! It would save all of us a lot of trouble… Hurry up and apologize!! We must leave…”

“Why… “ but he did not finish his sentence seeing the serious look on Yunho’s face, “Fine.. C baby .. I’m sorry.. “ and with that he bowed and gave her a smile and a wink.

“Why you!!!” Chloe yelled as she supported her rib.

“Well from the looks of Hyung’s face.. It’s time for us to go… maybe we can continue this next time ok ? But … I get to pick the location.. this was just a little too kinky for me C baby.. Bye!!”

Before Chloe could retaliate Yunho and Yoochun started to take off into the woods. Yoochun of course taking the opportunity to turn around, wave and blow a kiss to Chloe.

“I’m gonna get you Micky!!! And your brother too!!! This isn’t the end!!!” she screamed, I swear you will pay!! and she slowly headed back to the palace to devise a revenge.

After a distance Yoochun began to skip and them wrapped his arm around his hyung, “So what’s up? Why couldn’t I stick around a play with C baby?”

Yunho turned to him and gave him a cold stare and then continued to walk.

“Come on… I was just having a little fun with some random girl I met at the harm done… “

“No harm.. and you almost getting killed is no harm.. hah” Yunho rolled his eyes, “Maybe I should have let Princess Chloe torture you for a bit..maybe then you would get it through your head not to play around too much.”

“What? That was Princess Chloe?? Jae Joong hyung’s future wife???”, Yoochun’s mouth dropped open..

“Yes… Your FUTURE SISTER-IN-LAW!!!.. didn’t you wonder why she had those powers?”

“I had an idea that she had some ties to the Choenson royal family, but that’s the eldest princess?!?! Wow.. I feel bad for hyung.. He’s too nice and proper.. he won’t last through their wedding night… tsk.. it’s a shame .. hyung won’t be able to handle her.. but me on the other hand..”

“It just gets better… “

“What do you mean … “

“They know that we’re here.. “

“What?!?! How… no one saw us arrive…”

“The Crown Prince and Princess Bea flew over our campsite.. “


“Nevermind.. I’ll tell you later, but right now we have to gather everyone up… Prince Jaelin and his knight are trying to track us down.. we have to hurry and come up with a game plan.”

“So what’s so great about Prince Jaelin and his knight? I bet you and hyung can take those two guys on..”

“You don’t know anything… Prince Jaelin is Cheonson’s frontline general and ever since he took that position, Cheonson has never lost a battle.. He maybe even too much for me and hyung to handle.. and correction the Black Knight is a girl.. but I couldn’t find out much on her except that her skills are on par with Prince Jaelin…”

“Dang… what’s up with the women of this kingdom!!! That’s so hot… hey maybe me and the Black Knight can come up with a non violent way to settle things..hehehe..”

Yunho, not wanting to taking listen to anymore of his perviness, smacked him over the head with his sword knocking him unconscious and carried him on his back. Finally…Silence… he thought to himself as he continued on forward.

“I wonder if Junsu, Changmin and hyung are alright.. hopefully I can get to them before any of them meet up with any more members of the royal family….”

Prince Yoochun: has the ability to produce and control water [hahah take that Princess Chloe…. But you know sooner or later opposites attract right? >u<] He can use it to form water walls/barriers, he can project like a weapon.. [ think of getting shot with a fire hose on full pressure…ouch..] and of course use it to make small puddles behind girls so they can slip and he can come to the rescue and claim a reward [T_T a playboy with unearthly talents at his disposal…. ..sigh… ]

Ahh finally what we’ve all be waiting for the first of many meetings between our most favorite princes (as commoners) and our most deadly princesses. First to meet in this chapter: Chloe and Yoochun… [>.<;; what can I say… hahahha I just had to do it ] .. Here we can see that Prince Yoochun is quite possibly the biggest playboy in this story [*hands Yoochun Hugh Heffner style robe and pipe (bubble one of course)] and that Princess Chloe right off the bat hates her soon to be brother-in-law [will Yoochun become more than a future brother-in-law mwuahahha if you wanna find out you’ll just have to keep reading ^^.. evil aren’t I?]

She walked up to Yoochun and traced her fingers around Yoochun’s shoulders as she walked around him checking him out and then she caressed his face finally placing her fingers on his lips.

Chloe then reached up and kissed her fingers that were over his mouth and seductively walked away.

I guess Angie’s taught her unnie well huh… >v<>

Yoochun is unconscious being carried by Yunho [Who right now is super cool in the story!!!] to go look for his other brothers that are still in town. So those that are left in the village having the possibility to meet up are Junsu, Changmin & Jae Joong, Yunho carrying an unconscious Yoochun, the Black Knight, Prince Jaelin and our Turtle Prince Potion Making Jane…

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