Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 002

“Look Hikari!! Everyone is having tea at oppah’s water garden.. take me over there” Bea said giggling as she petted Hikari. Hikari cooed and started heading toward the garden, “heheh let’s see if I can make a cool entrance like oppah does.”

As Bea got closer to the garden, she could hear her eldest sister Chloe arguing with her parents yet again.

“Why do you want me to get married to some Prince…I’m telling you right now I won’t… if you try to force me”, she said as flames began to surround her, “ We’ll be eating barbequed prince when he gets here”

“But dear… Crown Prince Jae Joong is the most perfect man… he will make a wonderful husband.. we worry about you that is why we have selected Prince Jae Joong to be your match… it goes the same for Angie, Jane and Bea.. This is for the best.” The king said as he picked up his cup of tea.

“Worried about me!!! If you wish to continue on with this wedding… that prince and his brothers are gonna be the ones you have to worry about… I’m out of here…” Chloe said as she picked up her cup, drank all the tea, wiped her mouth and the suddenly threw the cup into the air and shot a fireball into the air at the cup, exploding it.

The king and the queen jumped in shock while her two sisters showed no reaction. Chloe turned to her parents, curtseyed, stuck her tongue and began to walk away.

“Chloe!!! We aren’t done discussing this yet!!!” the king yelled out, but yet again Chloe ignored. So out of desperation he ordered the guards to stop her.

Meanwhile, the queen turned to Angie who until now only sat and watched the on goings of this family tea time.

“Angie… what do you think dear?” the queen said.

“Mother.. I have already said.. whatever you want to do is fine, but remember if Prince boosoo (whatever) doesn’t meet my standards.. I have my ways of making him break the engagement himself…” Angie said with a smile and continued on drinking her tea.

While the king was arguing with Chloe and the queen trying to reason with Angie, Jane called for one of the soldier, “Jacob come here.”

The soldier stood at command, bowed and then walked towards the Princess, “Yes your highness?”

Jane still expressionless handed him a tea cup. Jacob gladly accepted it believing that he was being favored which would lead to him possibly gaining a high position. He bowed deeply, “Oh thank you, Princess Jane. I am honored.”

As he was about to take a drink, Jane stopped him, “Wait..” she said and pulled out a small vile pouring its contents into the cup. The tea bubbled and turned a blue color. “Now you may drink it.”

Jacob looked at the cup nervously, “Umm… though as generous as this is … I just remembered I’m not thirsty… but thank you though your highness” and Jacob quickly place the cup down on the table, bowed and began to walk away.

“Jacob.. if you do not want me to tell your commanding officer that you are having an affair with his wife..I suggest you drink this…” Jane said coldly as she picked up her tea cup and began to take a sip.

Jacob had forgotten that it was not only Princess Chloe that had a special ability, but that each princess and the crown prince all had special abilities and powers that normal people did not have. Of Royal children it was not Princess Chloe or the Crown Prince Jaelin that were the most feared but the always silent and cold Princess Jane. He had forgotten that she was a mind reader and now for forgetting he had to pay. Jacob slowly walked back with a distressed look on his face. He looked at the Princess to make a final plea, but Jane did not acknowledge.

Jacob slowly reached for the cup and with his hand still shaking he took a sip of the spiked tea. Jane gave a glare and Jacob drank all of the tea. For a while nothing had happened and Jacob was happy, but then he started noticing the changes. Before he could say anything, Jacob had been turned into a turtle.

Everyone stopped and turned toward Jane as she got up and inspected the now four legged Jacob. “Darn… It was suppose to turn him into a frog … not a turtle.. Well I don’t have enough time to fix it so I guess this will have to work.”

“Jane… why did you turn the soldier into a turtle?” the king said as he grabbed his throbbing head, “Why do I have such worrisome daughters…”

“Awesome Jane!!! But what is it for… you said you don’t have enough time to perfect it so does that mean…” Chloe said as she walked up and gave her younger sister a high five.

“Well the story goes that if a princess kisses a frog it will turn into a prince if there is true love right?... I thought might as well test that theory on those princes coming right, but instead of frogs… I guess we’ll have to settle with turtles then…oh well”, with saying that Jane picked up the vile and started to walk away.

“Eww.. don’t change mine into a turtle ok??!?!? I don’t want to have to raise a pet … and plus I have my ways of finding out…Though Jacob does look better as a turtle than as a man.. such a cutie” Angie said as she fed the turtle a piece of lettuce.

“You can change Jae Joong or Jae whatever into a turtle… hmmm doesn’t roasted turtle sound good father? “ Chloe said as she laughed maniacally.

“Why you girls!!! You will be the death of me…” the king said as he turned to the guards, “And where are Jaelin and Bea… they should be here by now!!”

“Watch out below!!!! WAHHHHHH!!!!” Bea screamed as she jumped off of Hikari’s back. Bea had planned to make a cool entrance by jumping off Hikari and landing on the ground on one knee like her brother so often did when returning from his trips, but of course she had never dared to before. The execution was perfect but the form… Bea started flailing her arms and moving around.

“Bea!!!” the queen screamed as she fainted.

“Wahh!!!! Daddy!!! Unnies help!!!! I’m gonna die!!! Wahhh!!!” she screamed realizing that she had no control and would come crashing down and not be able to get up and her beloved brother was not there to save her.

”Someone do something!!!” the king yelled as all the soldiers and attendants scrambled to look for something to cushion her fall.

“Let her be.. she needs to learn.” Chloe said as she commanded them to all stop.

Bea continued to scream and she quickly made her way closer to the ground. She closed her eyes and called out for help. Suddenly the trees began to shake and bend their branches together forming a net catching the young princess slowly putting her on the ground.

Bea jumped up and curtseyed, “ Thank you trees.”

And as if in response to her thanks the trees shot out glowing lights in a pattern and then returned to their normal state.

Bea turned and ran to the king and gave him a great big hug, “Hi daddy!!! Chloe, Angie, Jane unnies… umm what’s wrong with mommy?” she said with big clueless eyes.

“What’s wrong with mommy?.. You nearly gave all of us a heart attack… “ the king said.

“No just mom and dad… We knew you would be fine. “ her sisters said in unison.

The king sighed… it seemed that his daughters would never let him have the final word .. so it seemed. He turned to Bea, “ Bea, where is your brother… why did he let you come alone? Aish… he knows not to leave you alone in your mischief …”

Bea pouted and then ran to her mother who had just regained consciousness, “ Mommy!! I’m back!!! Thank you for letting me go with oppah to the village. The people were soo happy that oppah was there to build a school.. they were so happy that the construction finished quicker than expected.. everyone in the village came to help. Oppah even went to the orphanage and gave them all the gold he had to help them… “

The queen smiled and gave Bea a hug, “I’m glad that the people love your oppah… it just means that when he becomes king he will have the backing of the people, but promise me you won’t ever do that again.. or I won’t let you follow your oppah around anymore.”

“Ok mommy…”

“You still haven’t answered me… Where is your brother?” the king asked once again.

“Oh.. Well when we were in the village, the people told oppah about how some guards and palace officials have been taking advantage of the people and extorting money so he wanted to go tell BK unnie to investigate.. oops..”

“Who is this BK unnie and how does your brother know her?”

“Oh… I’m not suppose to tell..”

“Tell me right now Bea..”

“BK unnie is a warrior that works for oppah, she’s been helping him investigate and right wrongs in the kingdom on behalf of him. BK is my nickname for her.. everyone else calls her Black Knight. No one only oppah knows her real name or what she looks like… she wears a mask just like oppah.. I wonder why all the cool people wear masks.. maybe I should start wearing one too…”

“Bea… Focus.. focus.. what is the relationship with this Black Knight and your oppah?”

“I don’t know but it seems that they are a perfect match .. so identical, they are both strong, kind, righteous… I really want oppah to marry her so I can have a cool unnie like her.. not to say my other unnies aren’t cool.”

Bea got off her mother’s lap and ran up to her sisters to give each of them a hug as the king walked and sat down and the two exchanged worried looks.

“What if he really does like this Black Knight….” The king said.

“But wouldn’t that mean he ….” The queen said in reply, “ But he can’t… it’s wrong… he can’t .. he just can’t.”

Chloe, knowing that BK and Jaelin were one in the same laughed and walked up to her parents, “ Well why cant HE? Jaelin is a MAN right… so what’s wrong if HE falls in love with a woman? You can’t complain.. since it’s because of your divine judgement that Jaelin is the way he is now… “

The two exchanged worried looks once again and Chloe laughed even more and began to walk away but was stopped by the guards.

“Move” Chloe said sternly, but the soldiers wouldn’t. Now irritated she began to recite and incantation that cast a dark aura around her. Suddenly out of the shadows came evil demonic spirits all moving towards the guards, “Are you going to move on your own or do I have to make you?”

The guards began to tremble as the slowly backed away and called for the king. The king nodded and the guards all hurried away.

“Well…I’m going to go into the city .. to meet up with my dear younger BROTHER… bye bye ..” Chloe said as she walked away, “Jane, Angie.. do you want to come?”

Angie shook her head, “ No.. I’ll just stay here and …” as she gave a wink to the new guard that stood at the edge of the lake.

Jane nodded and walked towards Chloe.

“Jane.. what about the soldier…” the queen asked, “Won’t you at least turn him back?”

“Like I said, the spell is to test if the stories are true that true love’s kiss would turn a frog into a prince… so Jacob is on his own… if he doesn’t have a true love then he’ll be like that forever… not my problem that he’s a lecherous pervert… Unnie let’s go” and with saying that the two walked off.

“Oh daddy I forgot to mention one thing…” Bea said as she waved her hand over the lily pond causing the lilies to all bloom.

“What now?” the king said expecting to hear some more bad news.

“When we were heading back home, we passed by the river and saw a large group of strangers setting up camp… that is another reason why oppah didn’t come back with me. He wanted to make sure that they weren’t bad people here to cause problems in our kingdom…”

“I wonder who they are. “

“It’s alright.. Jaelin and his Knight will figure it out. “ the queen said as she began to sniff smelling salt still in shock that her “son” had fallen in love.

“I suppose…” the king said as he looked around,” Such an eventful tea time yes… well I think its about time we all go rest.. “

Saying that the king and queen got up and walked towards the palace entrance, Angie bowed to her parents and then walked towards the lake edge passing the new guard and giving him a wink. And within a few seconds the guard followed. Bea pouted since yet again they had left her by herself, but then decided wait in the water garden for her oppah to return.

Unbeknownst to the royal family, there was a silent observer to what transpired during their family time. Prince Yunho who had been hiding behind the trees had saw and heard everything. Those are the princesses that we have to get married to??... We’re going to die… Proper princesses my… he thought to himself. He pitied his hyung and two donsaengs for it seemed that he had gotten the better of the 4 princesses letting out an uneasy laugh. But then he reflected on what Princess Bea said about the campsite and Prince Jaelin and the Black Knight and suddenly jumped up, “Hyung!!” and he rushed off towards the city leaping over the palace walls. He had to make it to the city and warn his brothers before they were discovered or worse...

Princess Chloe: has the ability to control fire. [ you pyro you !!! don’t burn down the palace!!!] She shoot fire balls or direct fire like a flame thrower oh and of course use it to cook/barbeque/flambé unsuspecting princes. She also dabbles in the dark arts and currently can call forth demonic spirits to do her dirty work for her … [GO GO GOTH UNNIE!!... She's a black magic woman... so make sure she doesn't steal your soul away ^^]

Princess Jane: aside from being a potions master also has the ability to read other’s minds (everyone other than her 4 sisters). This is one of the reason why she is so cold and hateful towards humanity.. because she knows what people are really thinking and realizes that most of humanity can’t be trusted and are two faced. She uses this ability to secure her unwilling test subjects like poor Jacob..

Princess Bea: has the ability to communicate and control nature/plantlife. She can use it to bring dead plants to life, accelerate the growth of plants or use it to save herself from bruising herself even more than usual. She can also use her abilities as weapon if need be. [Attack killer flowers!!! Hahaha]

Yunho knows what he and his brothers will be up against.. and of course seeing that Princess Angie seemed to be the most normal of the 4 princesses, he thinks he’s gotten the better deal compared to Chloe, Jane and Bea [That’s what you think Yunho muwhahahhahah] Dun dun dun… Run Yunho run!!! Go save your brothers from the wrath of Prince Jaelin and his Black Knight .. lol… So now.. Yoochun, Junsu, Jae Joong, Changmin, Chloe, Jane and the Black Knight are in the city.. hahah just imagine the chaos that will happen in the next upcoming chapters muwhahahah [Yes be prepared for the madness and violence that comes ahead^^v]

Oh and the whole Jaelin/Black Knight thing... pretty much Jaelin's parents want her to live life for all eternity as a Prince/King, but know in their hearts that she is a girl so ... to hear Bea say that.. it kinda put them into shock [sadly in most fairytales there aren't many princesses like Jaelin, but wouldn't it be soo much cooler if there were] Her parents also dont know that Jaelin and the Black Knight are one in the same .. the only person other that Jaelin that knows is her elder sister Chloe. Hopefully this clarifies things... ^^ ahahha let's see what happens when the gender confusion just gets even more confusing muwhahahhah

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