Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 012


“Yes… I’ll make a potion to drug him.. so he’ll sleep through this godforsaken holiday” Jane said as she fell down next Chloe.

Angie, Kuri and Bea laughed as they placed the final touches.

“Wow.. it looks great.. your parents will love it.” Kuri said excitedly, “Right.. Kiri.. Kuku?”
After cuddling the two bears again, she began to look around to the banks of the lake, “Where is Jaelin oppa? We’ve been at this for 3 hrs now.. and no sign of him.”

“Unnie.. oppa is probably with BK unnie… I wonder what he got her.. something wonderful … “ Bea said as she looked in awe, ‘Those two are soo in love.. oppa should just marry her already…”

Her three older sisters looked at one another and burst out laughing, Kuri and Bea stared and said together, “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing…” Chloe said as she got up and patted the two confused girls’ head, “Ah… nothing.. of course Jaelin is with BK.. they’ll be together forever”


Just as the two girls were about to barrage Chloe with questions they heard, “WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH OUT BELOW!!!”

The girls jumped and with a big thud, Hamtaro crashed landed, skidding towards the water,” Wah!!! Someone help!!! I can’t swim!!!” he said using his little paws to cover his eyes.. preparing for impact.

“Hammie….” Bea said giggling.

“Bea !!! Hammie is gonna drown!! Save me!!” Hamtaro said still with his eyes covered as he shook in fear.


“What?!?!?!? Can’t you see I’m sliding towards my doom.. come and save me!!”

“Umm.. Hammie.. do you feel yourself moving?”

“Eh?” Hamtaro said as he slowly removed one of paw from his eye, only to see that Bea was holding him. He stood up and coughed, “Oh.. ummm.. That was just a test to see if you would be willing to save me… “

The girls all laughed with Chloe walking up to Bea and grabbing him by the fur heading towards the water, “Let’s see if the furball can be forced to learn how to swim hahahha”

“You wouldn’t hurt an adorkable thing like me would you?” Hamtaro said with teary eyes as he shivered and looked at Chloe.

“You are lucky … Jaelin loves you… or I’d let Jane use you for tests..” Chloe said as she gave him a hug and cradled him away from the water, “ So what brings BK’s super awesome sidekick here tonight?”

“Oh.. BK is planning on fighting those Shin Princes, because she heard that a few of them were going to try to take you by force.. I think she said the one called Yoochun… and Duckbutt or something.. so she is going to beat it into them.. not to try anything stupid like that.” Hamtaro said as he jumped down and ran to Kuri, “Wah Kuri has Kuku already …” he jumped into her arms making room between Kiri and Kuku, “Hey you two just met.. you shouldn’t be soo close.. I’ll be your chaperone”

“Yes!!! BK finally sees the truth !!! I’m going to help her.. “ Chloe said with excitement as she pulled out her butterfly swords, “That pervert is going to die!!! Hammie where are they??”

“Umm.. BK didn’t tell me .. but she said it is someplace your siblings have fond memories of.”

“Fond memories?” Jane said as she readied potions.

“Where would that be?... Everywhere in the kingdom.. except for a few places.. we have fond memories of ..” Angie said as she headed towards the stepping stones.

“Does she mean the garden house ???” Bea questioned, “That’s where we have the best memories isn’t it ?”

“Those pervs dare go there!!! Kuri… I swear I won’t kill them but…. I won’t promise that they will be in one piece when I’m done with them” Chloe said as she and the other girls started running across the stones to land.

“Ok!!! Have fun!! You can kill them if you want just spare me the nice oppas ok!!!” Kuri said as she put Kiri, Kuku and Hamtaro down to wave.

Kuri watched as the Cheonsa princesses ran back toward Palace disappearing in the cover of the forest.

“I wish I had sisters like them..” Kuri said as she sighed and began to turn around to pick up Kiri and Kuku, “But I’m stuck with mean oppas…hey..”

Just as she turned, she caught a glimpse of Kiri and Kuku, hand in hand running across the stepping stones with Hamtaro chasing after them.

“Hey!!! You are too young !!! I must go chaperone!!!” Hamataro yelled out to the two bears as he tried to catch his breath.

“Kiri!!! Kuku!!!! “ Kuri called out to them as she watched the two bears and hamster disappear into the forest as well, “I thought you were supposed to protect me and keep me company!!! Meanies!!!”

Just as she began to pout and pull petals from the flowers that weren’t used for the decorating, a figure stepped up to the lank bank, “Hmm.. I guess she’s the only one there.. well one is better than none.”

He laughed as he threw 4 bouquets of blood red roses into the air and ran over the stepping stones to the pavilion, throwing his sword hitting the bouquets causing petals to separate from the stem.

ha neul pit na neun neo reul goom go ji noon deu myon sara chyo eop ji man
mae il keu got teh mae il keu shi gan nae ip sool reh dah deon keu neu gim

He began to sing while standing on the last stepping stone as the wind blew the silk curtains around and the petals began to fall. Kuri looked up into the sky as the petals fell around her, “Wah!!! Sooo pretty!!!” she said as she began to dance amongst the petals along with the soothing voice.

oh neul doh neo wa ma joo chil keo ya neo eui ka neun gil eul ah ni gga
ee jeh keu man goom man goo neun sang sang eun meom choo go

As he continued to sing, he moved in closer watching between white silk that moved around with the wind. Kuri without a care continued to dance sweetly amongst the rose petals and go “la la la la“ along with the singing.

got seul deul go seo hwal jak oot seu myo noon ee ra doh ha yah geh pa ra myo
eo saek ha ji man ko min dwe ji man
deo ee sang neo reul hon ja dool soo ga eop seo

He walked around the outside of the pavilion still singing, watching Kuri dance. He grinned seeing that Kuri had become completely absorbed in the ambiance and his smooth voice, usin his finger tracing along the pavilion and silk still watching Kuri.

“Wah… such a pretty song… I could dance to this all day…”

mal hae ya get seo na eo deo nya go neol man ni cho ah hae wat ta go
I can't stand no more.. you know my love..

Kuri stopped hearing those words and looked around, “You.. Know..My… Love???”

“nae sarang eul cheon hae jool keo ya” Lord Dong Wook sang the last line sweetly as he walked through the curtains with the bouquet of red roses in his hands.

“What the hell are you doing here!!! You evil oppa!!” Kuri said as she looked for something to defend herself with.

“Princess Kuritsu, How can you call oppa evil when I am here to keep you company and make this day a little more special being today is a celebration of love.” Dong Wook said as he bowed and smiled.

“I am fine thank you very much” she sneered at him as she crossed her arms, “so you can go kill something or whatever you do.. Kiri and Kuku will..”

“Oh you mean the two bears that were frolicking in the forest when I was heading here? .. “

“… Well I don’t need you !!! Go away” Kuri said as kicked him in the shin.

Dong Wook smiled at her and looked into her eyes, “You can kick me, punch me, or kiss me.. if you want.. as long as you are happy..”

“Why you !!!”

Every day I make a wish if I could be the one for you

“Eh? Not again!!!” Kuri said as she ran up to him shoving him away, but as she walked away from him, he followed and continued to sing.

Dodaeche mwoga ashwiwo
Geureul bosonaji mothani
Geureul geutohrok non jongmal jookdohrok

Dong Wook seeing Kuri slowly trying to make her way to the stepping stones, with a suave motion cut her off. He began to sway back and forth to the melody he sang with sensuous gaze towards Kuri who was trying to distract herself.

Hokshi saranghagirado haneun goni
Sesangeul da joondaedo nan piryo obneunde
Nol haengbokhageman haejool soo inneunde no
Nol geujo wootgeman haejoogo shipo nan

Kuri knowing that Dong Wook was up to no good, didn’t want to be there with him any longer, decided to make a run for it and take her chances swimming to shore. Just as she started to run, Kuri slipped on the rose petals and Dong Wook quickly grabbed her, spinning her into his arms.

yeah ~ if I could ever be the one

Kuri looked away trying to break free from his embrace, but Dong Wook wouldn’t budge and continued to stare at her. He slowly caressed and turned her face toward him, “ Look at me…”

Kuri continued to close her eyes, “NO!!! Let me go you…”, but before she could say anything, Dong Wook quickly moved in for a kiss that sent Kuri into shock. When he pulled back, noticing that Kuri was still in a state of shock, Dong Wook smiled, stood her up straight and gave her a peck on the cheek and laughed.

Kuri finally came back to her senses and turned as red as the roses that Dong Wook had handed her,” YAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed as she started to beat him bouquet, blinding him the flowers and made a run for it.

“You can run little princess, but” Dong Wook stopped and touched his fingers to his lips and blew a kiss toward Kuri who was already on shore, “But, I assure you neither you nor I will forget this moment”

“I’m going to get all my oppas including Jaelin oppa to hurt you !!!! “ Kuri screamed as she continued to run away.

Midway back to the castle, Kuri stopped to rest under a blossoming tree. As the petals fell on her and the scent filled the air, Kuri wiped her tears and pouted angrily thinking of what had just happened.

Argh that jerk.. how could he.. Kuri thought to herself as she began to reflect on what had just happened, “ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Kuri got up and started to stomp her way back to palace but then bumped into something causing her to fall down, “Hey!!!”

“I am sorry, let me help you up.” The handsome young stranger said as he knelt down to help Kuri.

“I don’t need your…” Kuri said but stopped when she looked up at him.

“I am truly sorry, I am Prince Uruha of Tenshin. I did not mean to startle you, I was actually looking for Jaelin when I found these two” Uruha held up Kiri and Kuku, “and wanted to find their master.”

“They are my friends” Kuri said as she accepted Kiri and Kuku, the quickly curtseyed, “I apologize for my rude behavior earlier, I am Kuritsu of Asahi, a pleasure to meet you Prince Uruha.”

Uruha smiled and bowed, “The pleasure is mine, if you are from Asahi then you must be the dongsaeng of the princes that are to wed my rowdy cousins.”

“Unnies aren’t rowdy, but yes.” Kuri said as she blushed.

“Well then, I must come to Cheonson more often”


“To help you find your friends when you lose them again of course.” Uruha said as he looked at Kuri with gentle eyes.
Kuri blushed and hid behind Kiri and Kuku as Uruha giggled, “Well I must be off then, I need to go find Taehwa hyung and Jaelin.”

Before he left he bowed once again and took Kuri’s hand, “Princess Kuritsu, I hope you lose your companions once more so I can return to help look for them.”

Uruha smiled as Kuri nodded and quickly took her hand back, “Thank you Prince Uruha.”

“Kuristu, just call me oppa” Uruha said with a smile as he walked off.

Kuri stood there looking towards the direction her new oppa had just walked towards, still blushing, unknowing to her that Kiri and Kuku high fived each other and that Hamtaro was watching from a distance.

“Haha I still have it… Super Sidekick / matchmaker to the rescue fighting!!!!” Hamtaro cheered as he ran off to Jaelin’s garden to get front row seats for the main event.

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