Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 007

“Wow.. this is exciting!!!” Junsu said as he put his arms up and leaned back into the air, “Birdie go higher !!! higher!!! Ow!!!”

“You dork!!! We aren’t on a joy ride!!” Yunho said as he hit Junsu over the head and then he turned to Black Knight who was still holding tightly to Jae Joong, “ How is he doing?”

Black Knight said nothing as she wiped off the sweat off Jae Joong’s face. Then she looked down, “Here Hikari…”

Hikari cawed and shook its head and started to make a descend to the ground. Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin (who just woke up) all looked down to where Black Knight had instructed the giant blue phoenix to land, “Uh…ohhh…”

The boys jump off Hikari as the guards surround them. Black Knight slowly got down from Hikari with Jae Joong in her arms and then handed him over to the guards who rushed him into the tent. The other guards pulled out their swords and jumped infront of the Shin princes as Black Knight petted Hikari and sent her off on her way.

Black Knight turned around and took a step forward towards the boys. The guards all took a step forward as they surround Black Knight. She looked at them and then knelt down, Yunho seeing this waved off the guards.

“Please forgive me for the offences that I have made upon all of you, Princes of Asahi.” Black Knight said as she still stayed in the knelt position.

“When did you find out..” Yunho said as he took a step towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder, “Please rise”
Black Knight nodded and stood up, “ What is important right now is Crown Prince Jae Joong is tended to.. the arrow he was shot with was laced with a very powerful poison from the Amuka clan..”

“Captain” Yunho called as the captain ran towards him and bowed, “ Search for the box of antidotes that mother made us bring with us”

“I’ll go help them hyung” Changmin said as he rushed over to the carriage.

Black Knight sighed knowing that if within the next few hours if Jae Joong could not get treated.. that he might die, so she pulled out something and handed it to Junsu, “ You seem the quicker of the bunch.. take this and rush to palace, ask for Jess and show this to her… she will know. Tell her the situation and come straight back. Take Kurai…”

“Wait???” Junsu said as Black Knight summoned a black horse the seemed demonic. Junsu got onto the horse and then looked at what she had given him, “Hey isn’t this…” but before he could say anything else Black Knight hit Kurai and it took off to the palace.

Yunho while Yoochun, Changmin and the guards were searching for the antidote box, looked on as Black Knight walked into the tent where Jae Joong had been placed.

“Hyung what is this?” Changmin said as he ran towards Yunho with a gold chest.

Yunho looked at Changmin with disbelief and hit him on the head, “Of all the times to have an inquisitive mind… now… hyung is dying!!!!”

“Sorry hyung.. but the guards didn’t seem to know what it was either.”

“Hyung I found a chest too and this one came with two keys. “ Yoochun said as the guards behind him placed the large silver chest in front the three princes.

“Your Highnesses.. we do not know where they are from… when we packed all the supplies from Asahi, I am certain that these were not there…” Captain Lee said and he bowed.

“Hyung maybe it’s the chest we were looking for… Mother may have had one of her maid put it on the carriage without the guards knowing” Yoochun said as he moved towards the chest to unlock it.

He opened in and looked in, “What?!?!?! Why are Jae Joong hyung’s toy making supplies and … Kuri’s clothes here????”

Yunho and Changmin watched as Yoochun picked up one of Kuri’s most beloved dresses. Yunho looked in confusion, “It doesn’t matter… everyone keep on searching for the antidote box!!!”

Suddenly a thought came to Changmin and he quickly grabbed the small gold chest and ran towards the river. Black Knight came out of the tent with the arrow and blood covering her hands.
Yunho walked over to her, “How is he?”

Black Knight bowed, “Your highness, I did the best I could…but he is in dire need of …” then she turned to look at Changmin who was frantically running towards the river and Yoochun who was chasing after him, “Your highness…”

“You may call me Yunho.. what is it Black Knight?”

“Why are your brothers running towards the river and why is the young one throwing something into the air?”

“What!!!” Yunho yelled as he turned to see Changmin and Yoochun just as Black Knight said. He became so angered at the thought of his two dongsaengs fooling around while their hyung was on the brink of life or death, he grabbed his sword and rushed after them, “You brats!!!!”

Black Knight seeing this followed suit.

“Minnie why did you throw that?? What if that’s the chest that has the antidote!!” Yoochun said as he grabbed Changmin to face him, “Minnie??? What’s wrong???”

Changmin had a frightened look on his face, “ We don’t need that… I should have thrown it into the fire instead… darn it …”

“Hey what are you two brats doing hah!!! Black Knight is showing more concern over hyung than you two!!!” Yunho said as he began gather lightning.

Changmin grabbed onto Yunho’s arm with a distressed look on his face, “Hyung … we don’t need that chest… if we keep it .. it will just lead to more trouble… trust me !!!! Destroy it!!!”

Changmin not wanting to risk it ran to Black Knight as his two brothers looked at each other in confusion.

“BK noona!!! Please Please destroy it!!! If what I think will happen .. happens we are all doomed!!!” Changmin pleaded with Black Knight as he hid behind her looking at where in the air the chest was.

“… What is it?” She questioned.

“Evil… pure evil…. Hidden behind a sweet face… if that chest isn’t destroyed.. one of us .. if not all of us will die!!! Wah!!!!” Changmin whimpered as he hugged Black Knight closely.

Black Knight though not accustomed to people hugging her.. seeing Changmin very frightened patted him on the head, “If it will please your highness.. then alright..”

Changmin looked at Black Knight and smiled, “Oh thank you noona!!!”

But just as she was about to throw her sword at the chest, the chest suddenly opened and a glowing light appeared. Changmin seeing this screamed and ran to the tent and began packing his things, “We’re gonna die…. She’s not going to let us down!!! Must run away!!!”

Yunho, Yoochun, and Black Knight go into first stance and draw out their weapons as the glowing light slowly faded and a figure appeared.

“Kiri???” Yoochun said with a confused look.

Changmin ran out of the tent and saw Kiri and screamed again. Kiri began to spin around and in another flash of light came a voice.

“Gimme a K-… Gimme a U… Gimme a R… Gimme an I … what do you get???” the voice said as a hand appeared and reached out grabbing onto Kiri.

Changmin rushes to Yoochun and Yunho, “I gathered your stuff to !!! Let’s go!!!” as he grabbed their arms.

“What do you get… KURI !!! Here to kill her oppas!!!! WAH!!!!” A little girl in a layered lace and ruffle dress yelled while hugging her teddy bear as she fell towards the river.

“KURI!!!” Yoochun and Yunho yelled out as they watched their little sister plummet into the river.

“Wah!!! Help !!! Help!!!” Kuri screamed as she bobbled up and down on the water’s surface.

“Kuri!!! “ Yunho and Yoochun yelled out.. and just they were going to jump in, they noticed Changmin trying to sneak away. The two grab onto him, “You knew didn’t you ?!?!?”

Changmin began to studder, “wah..haudfadadf..umm..”

Yunho and Yoochun seeing this grab him and begin to swing him, “Since you knew… you go save her!!.. on three ok… 1…2…”

“Darn you oppas!!!” Kuri said as she took in another mouthful of water, “ If I wait for you, I’ll die… KIRI!!!!!!”

Are they really siblings?!?!?!What an odd family… and I’m going to be related to them… and here I thought my family was a handful Black Knight thought to herself as she continued to watch deciding not to step in because it seemed to be a family matter.

Just as Kuri called for Kiri, Kiri formed a bubble underneath Kuri raising her up from the water. Kuri coughed up whatever water there was and hugged Kiri, “Oh.. thank you Kiri.. “ and then she turned to who 3 brothers who still were arguing and in a louder tone, “KIRI IS THE ONLY ONE I CAN DEPEND ON … NOT MY GOOD FOR NOTHING OPPAS WHO ONLY LOOK NICE BUT ARE USELESS!!!wah!!”

Just as she was screaming out .. the bubble suddenly burst and she once again fell into the water as the current began to take her away.

“Can I go help her???” Hamtaro said to Black Knight as he watched, “I feel bad for the little girl.. those boys act as if she is not important…Look they are still bickering..”

“But you don’t know how to swim… I’ll go and help the girl… I feel bad.. if I had brothers like that I would want to go find another family…” Black Knight sighed as she got up, but Hamtaro just lept into action.

Awhile in midair, “Special ultra super megaton action spectacular suspenseful thriller roadmovie love romantic adventure real erotic new wave fantasy odyssey good hamster shot!!!” Hamtaro yelled out as a ball of energy surrounded him and then shot towards the river.

On impact it sent Kuri and Kiri flying into the air as the waters parted exposing the riverbed.

“Um… thank you…” Kuri said as she looked at the little creature.

“wah!!! Don’t thank me just yet!!! BK CHAN help!!!!” Hamtaro screamed as he began to flail uncontrollable. Kuri looked confused and then looked down.. the water had returned back the to river with a current stronger that before.

The two screamed as they fell, Kuri grabbing onto Hamtaro, “WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DARN YOU OPPAS!!! I SWEAR I’LL COME BACK AND HAUNT YOU FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!”’

Just as the boys finally decided all the leap into action, just before Kuri, Kiri and Hamtaro were to fall into the river, Black Knight jumped in grabbing them and then jumped back to the riverside craddling Kuri and Hamtaro, “You two are safe….”

Hamtaro and Kuri opened their eyes and both hugged Black Knight as her brothers rushed up to them. Kuri seeing them jumped down and with Kiri started to hit them, “You meanies!!! First you leave me behind all alone in the palace and then pabo Minnie oppa tried to get rid of Kiri so I couldn’t come… and then… you almost let me drown!!!! Kiri turn into a sword!!!”

“We didn’t know you had that power??? How were we supposed to know… You are supposed to be completing your princess lessons… If you want to blame anyone … blame Minnie!!” Yunho said as he pushed Changmin infront of him.

“Uh… Annyeoung Kuri… How are you ?” Changmin said with a nervous smile.

“You good for nothing twin!! DIE!!!” Kiri said as she raised her Kiri turned sword, but before she could take a swing at him, Yoochun grabbed Kuri’s arm and gave her a great big hug.

“Aww… Kuri Kuri… it’s not cute for girls to play with swords… tell Kiri to change back…” he said softly into her ear.

Kuri annoyed stepped on his foot and punched him in the stomach, “Don’t use your pervy ways on me…ewww!!!! And what about her?? She has a sword… and she’s cool looking.”

“Oh.. you little..” Yoochun started to say but then changed his expression, “Oh.. my dear little sister.. but BK knightie.. she’s a myterious warrior… and I’m sorry … but Kuri.. you can’t pull off that smexiness” He said as he patted Kuri on the head and gave Black Knight a wink and smile.
Yoochun gave a pout when Black Knight did not show any reaction to him but showed more concern towards Hamtaro, “Hamtaro are you alright?” she said as she petted him.

“Yes… I’m sorry I made such a big mess… and had to get you to save the day again” Hamtaro said as he teared up,” I’m no good as a side kick”

“It’s alright.. don’t worry about it … let’s go look at Youngwoong and let them do whatever they need to “she turned to look at the siblings,” …. Siblings… whatever..” Black Knight said as she started heading towards the tent.

Noticing Black Knight walking away Kuri shoved her brothers down and rushed towards Black Knight and curtseyed as her brothers’ jaws dropped at that sight.

“I am Princess Kuritsu of Asahi. Thank you both for saving me… “ she smiled and then turned towards her brothers and gave them an evil glare and quickly turned back to Black Knight with a smile yet again.

“See I told you … pure evil there…” Changmin whispered to his two hyungs.

Hamtaro nodded and Black Knight bowed, “Pleased to meet you… It was nothing at all, but I must get back to check on Youngwoong… I mean the crown prince..”

“What’s wrong with opppa, unnie???” Kuri asked as she hugged Kiri to the point where it looked like Kiri’s eyes were going to pop out.

“I’m back and Jess is here!!!!!” Junsu yelled as he stopped the horse and helped Tsuki off the horse.

“Tsuki…” Black Knight said.

“Ja..”Tsuki began to say as she started to bow, but noticing Black Knight’s look she stopped, “ BK I came as soon as I saw .. and Shushu filled me in on the way here.. where is he?”

Black Knight grabbed her hand and the two headed towards the tent, Hamtaro jumped off Black Knight and stood guard at the entrance of tent.

Yoochun grabbed Junsu, “Shushu??Jess… Tsuki??? What was with all of that?”

Jusnu laughed and smiled, “ Oh.. well her name is Jess, but apparently Black Knight and Prince Jaelin both call her Tsuki. And umm well on the way here..umm.. well I told her to call me Shushu… ahahah.. lets just leave it at that.”

“Wah… I see you have learned well from me haven’t you hahahahah” Yoochun said as he gave Junsu a high five as the two laughed, “ And she’s pretty cute too”

“You idiots!!!Hyung is lying there in danger and you two can still think about girls and flirting?!?!? ” Yunho said as he hit them over the head while Kuri stuck out her tongue at them and continued to beat her twin with Kiri.

“Kuri… I’m sorry…. Arghh… I’m sorry…” he pleaded as he was trying to block the hits, “ They told me not to tell you… “

“Well” as she held her hand out as Kiri turned into a bat, “ What about throwing Kiri into the river huh??? Was that the other oppas fault huh!!! “ she said as she started chasing him around.

“Why… won’t … you … die… already!!!!” Kuri said as she started to take swings at him.

“ Yah!!!! “ he screamed as he continued to run and suddenly 100 copies of him appeared, “Fine.. be that way… nyahhh nyahh… you can’t hit us all!!!” the 101 Changmins stuck their tongues out at Kuri and then ran off.

“That is so not fair!!!” Kuri said as she stomped her feet and pretended to cry.

Changmins turned to see that Kuri looked like she was genuinely crying and all surrounded her, “Kuri…we’re sorry” they said in unison, but Kuri just buried her face in the sleeve of her puffy dress.

“I hate you !!! All 101 of you !!! Wahhhah”

“Ok ok… “ the Changmin called back all his copies, “See there is only one of me now… I’m sorry Kuri.. I’ll give you one of my lollipops ok?” Changmin said genuinely concerned that he had hurt her feelings.

Kuri peaked from her sleeve, “Really… just one of you ? …”

“Yes.. yes..”

Kuri wiped her eyes and then gave a sinister smile, “ GO KIRI!!!”

“What?!?!?!” Changmin said but it was too late.. Kiri had turned into rope and tied him up… , “ Hey you cheated!!!”

“Hahah who told you to fall for it!!... Now I’m going to make you pay for leaving me behind… and I’ll take all of my frustrations … even the one on the other oppas on you … hahah prepare yourself!!”

“WILL ALL OF YOU STOP BICKERING/FLIRTING/ WHATEVER YOU ARE ALL DOING!!!” Yunho yelled out as his eyes began to glow and the sky above him turn pitch black, “ OR AM I GOING TO HAVE TO..” as lightning began to strike the ground at the feet of his siblings.

The four ran towards each other and all faced Yunho with angelic and tearful faces, “We’re sorry … Don’t kill us… what will Jae Joong say….if he found his siblings all electrocuted???”

Hearing them mention Jae Joong, Yunho calmed down and the ominous clouds and lightning began to fade away as the four sighed in relief..

Just as he was about to begin his lecture, Tsuki came out of the tent.

“How is he ?” Yunho said as he and the others rushed to the front of the tent.

“Oh… he is fine.. I was able to remove the poison in time before it stopped his heart.. he just needs to rest now..” Tsuki said as she began to hand her medicine box to a guard and the 5 siblings smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

“No, let me “ Junsu said with a smile, “ I’ll take you back… if that’s alright with hyung?”

As he said that he turned to Yunho with a pouty face and Yunho who was just happy to hear that Jae Joong was ok that he agreed. Junsu quickly moved toward a horse and helped her up and rode off.

Yunho took a step towards the entrance, but was stopped by Hamtaro,” Hey lightning boy… didn’t Tsuki say the pretty one needs to get rest. Don’t worry BK chan will take care of him.”

While they continue to mumble and argue Black Knight sat beside Jae Joong and wiped his face.

“Why didn’t you just say who you were….you fool… “ she said as she touched his face, “ just had to be the hero didn’t you …”

Black Knight pulled back as she just realized what she was doing, What is happening… He is my future brother –in-law… and … I’m she thought as she took a step back and took off her mask. As she took off her mask she recited another incantation and her outfit changed and mask from Black Knight to Crown Prince Jaelin and as Jaelin put on the mask, “ And.. I’m … Crown Prince Jaelin, your future dongsaeng..”

“Get out of our way you furball!!!” Yunho and his brothers yelled.

“Oppas leave Hammie alone!!! “ Kuri screamed as started to hit them once again with Kiri.

Prince Jaelin whistled as he cut through the other side of the tent calling both Kurai and Hamtaro. Hamtaro hearing this stuck his tongue out at the Shin Princes, “You’re lucky that I’ve been summoned… next time …” and then ran off.

“Horsey come back!!!” Junsu yelled as he chased after Kurai who had knocked Junsu off his saddle and was racing toward the tent at full speed.

“Yoochun, Changmin!!!” Yunho yelled as the guards surrounded Kuri and the two brothers took out their weapons and stood infront of tent against the raging horse. Just as Yunho was going to shoot lightning at Kurai, the horse leaped over the princes, soaring over tent.

“What the …” Yunho said in disbelief as Yoochun and Changmin looked in awe, wishing they had a horse like that, “After it!!”

As they were making their way around the tent, Kurai swifly rushed passed them with someone they did not recognize. Yunho turned as saw the hole in the tent and rushed in to check on Jae Joong. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Jae Joong was ok.

“Who was that guy?” Yoochun said.

“Are you sure it was a guy?” Changmin said as he put his hand to his chin in thought.

Kuri barged in and smacked her twin, “Wait where is unnie?” she said as she searched.

“My guess is she left with that guy…” Yunho said as he looked at the direction the horse had headed towards.

“If you’re soo smart oppa.. then who did unnie go with?”

“My guess… that was Crown Prince Jaelin of Cheonson.” Yunho said as he turned to his brothers and sister, “I think it’s time to head to the palace…”


“Wahh!!! Se7en oppa is soo cool and hot!!!” Angie squealed as she clung on to Lord Dong Wook’s right arm while Jane and Chloe hung on to his other arm and Bea walking behind them with a sour face.

“Too bad I could not finish them off for you, Princesses.. how dare they try to harm you .” Lord Dong Wook said as he smiled sweetly at the girls.

“It’s BK unnie’s fault… she’s too nice… that butt toucher should be dead by now!!” Jane said as she gripped her basket.

“Yes.. why did that BK unnie as you call her escape with them and on the blue phoenix of Cheonson as well?? I thought only the next in line for the throne and the King and their partners are able to control that magnificent creature?”

The girls looked at each other and went silent. Lord Dong Wook stopped and turned to Chloe, “ Chloe… did I say something wrong?”

Just as Chloe was about to say something in response, Bea burst in from behind Lord Dong Wook breaking their bond with eachother.

“Oh.. Bea why did you do that for.” Her unnies all yelled as they reached the front entrance to the throne room.

“Unnies hurry up.. daddy and mommy are waiting for us!!” she said as she dragged Angie and Jane into the throne room, “Chloe unnie come on!!!”

Chloe bit her lip at Bea and then put her arms around Lord Dong Wook, “I’ll come in with Se7en oppa”

Bea pouted and stuck her tongue out and then went up to Lord Dong Wook, “BK unnie can control Hikari because she is Jaelin oppa’s partner and the future queen of Cheonson!!!” After saying that she curtseyed and rushed into the throne room.

“Well..” Lord Dong Wook said as he placed his hand on Chloe’s, “I see Bea still hasn’t warmed up to me yet…”

“It’s fine.. She’s still strung up because Jaelin let’s her do everything she wants.” Chloe said as she looked into Lord Dong Wook’s eyes, “But not all of us are like Bea.”

“Shall we go greet the king and queen?”

“Can we not?”

“Princess Chloe.. I should go in and greet your parents.”

“Fine .. fine… I guess your are another goodie goodie like Jaelin huh?” Chloe said as she pulled her arms away.

Lord Dong Wook quickly grabbed her hands and pulled her harshly into his embrace looking straight into her eyes.

“Well no one can be as perfect as Jaelin can we…” he said he slowly traced her face with his fingers and then whispered into her ear, “ I certainly know I’m not…”

Chloe blushed and tried to look away. He gave her a smile and took her hands and walked into the throne room.

“Chloe!!! Is that a proper way to act as a the eldest Princess of Cheonson!!!” the King said as he seemed to nearly die of shock seeing his daughter’s behaviors as well as the envious reactions of Angie and Jane.

“What??? Se7en oppa’s been our playmate since we were children… what’s wrong with us being a little close..” Chloe said as she stuck out her tongue to her father, “Anyways.. Oppa just saved us … why can’t I show him some gratitude??”

“Aishh… “ the king said as he sunked back into his chair.

Bea fed up watching her sisters fawn over Lord Dong Wook, especially how her eldest unnie was acting, ran up to Chloe and Lord Dong Wook and broke their embrace.

Bea gave him a sarcastic smile and then stepped on his foot, “Lord Dong Wook”

Lord Dong Wook forced a smile, “Bea.. you can call me Se7en oppa ha.ha… I see you’ve been training..”

“Lord Dong Wook, don’t think just because my unnies all think you are perfect.. that you can win everyone over… Jaelin oppa is much more cooler than you.. and he doesn’t have to lie to get people to like him..Hurry up unnie!!”

That little brat!!! he thought to himself as he bowed towards the king and queen.

“Please excuse my daughters… they are much more energetic and outspoken than ..” the king began to say as he rubbed his head.

“It is nothing your majesties, it’s the princess’ engery and honesty that make them the envy of all the maidens throughout the Cheonson, Amuka and of kingdoms beyond. It is their personalities that attract the admiration and love of many suitors.The princes of Asahi are the most lucky to be able to be wed to such beautiful and unique princesses, my king” Lord Dong Wook said as he bowed to the king and queen.

“Ah.. and you my boy.. are wonderful… strong, brave, handsome, and a great leader.. I have heard of the peace and the advancements in Amuka… If only I had another daughter… you would make a fine son in law..” the king said with a smile and then turned to his queen who had a concerned look as if to tell him he does have another daughter.

“You flatter me, but no one is as wonderful as the Crown Prince Jaelin whose kindness and leadership abilities are revered by all. I see myself as to be lucky enough to have Chloe, Angie, Jane, and young Bea as my donsaengs… to see them happy and wed to men suited to guide and protect them is the greatest joy in the world to me, but your highness…”

“Yes what is it Dong Wook…”

“As I was making way to the palace to make my greetings as well as bring the congratulatory gifts from Amuka for the upcoming engagements and wedding.. I came across the princesses in combat with strangers…”


“Yes… but luckily oppa was there to save us” Angie, Jane and Chloe spoke up.

“Dong Wook thank you for saving my daughters..” the king said with great humility.

“It was nothing your highness, but what concerns me is what my soldiers have reported to me…” Lord Dong Wook said as he bowed deeply.

“What is it?”

“It would be best if the my personal guard came in and made her report.” He turned towards the door, “Shoei, enter and report to his majesty our findings.”

Sierra came into the throne room and knelt down before the king and queen.

“Shoei, please rise and report. “ the king said as he raised his hand.

“Thank you your majesty,” Sierra said as she got up and bowed. She turned to Lord Dong Wook who gave her a look and she gave a sigh, looking up to the king and queen, “ Your majesties, from what we could deduce… the five individuals that attacked the Princesses were sent from Asahi. During their escape, one of the criminals revealed the seal of Asahi.. So it is only correct to assume that they were assassins sent from Asahi your majesty.. If it were not for my Lord’s quick judgement.. the Princesses may have been in grave danger.”

“That is completely absurd!!!!” the king said as he slammed his hand onto the arm rest, “We have never had any disagreements with Asahi and their princes are on their way to join our two royal families together… YOU ARE MISTAKEN!!!”

Both Lord Dong Wook and Sierra fell down to their knees and asked for forgiveness.

“Father!!! We were attacked by people not of Cheonson and Oppa did save us… so hear him out.. “ Chloe protested, “Please stand up …”

Angie and Jane stood up from their chairs and agreed with Chloe.

“Rise Dong Wook.. Shoei.. You may continue with your report but I warn you that allegations against Asahi will not be looked upon until Jaelin and his knight return and investigate these matters further…” the king said as he felt the pressure of his daughters.. and possibly many more sleepless nights.

“Your majesty, it was Crown Prince Jaelin’s knight that helped those criminals escape.” Lord Dong Wook said as he stood up thinking hahahah … since you are not here to defend yourself, Jaelin… I just take this opportunity….


“Yes your majesty… we , with the aide of your courageous Princesses were able to capture three of the criminals and injure one of them, but Crown Prince Jaelin’s knight suddenly called forth, the Blue Pheonix and helped them escape…”

“What??” the king said as he turned to his queen, “but Hikari only listens to us and Cheonson’s next…”

“I do not mean to say that Crown Prince Jaelin had anything to do with this, but his knight did set them free and escape with them. And from what I have heard from the princesses and my guards as well as many others, is that his knight only acts upon the orders of the Prince.. his and his alone.”
With saying this … it sent the court into a frenzy of mumblings and speculation.

“But it is not proper to accuse neither Prince Jaelin nor his knight of any disloyalty without either here.. and I..”

“Yes it would be improper for one to accuse myself or Black Knight of any thoughts of betrayal towards Cheonson or siding with outsiders against my own family.” Prince Jaelin said as he entered the throne room.

“Oppa!!!” Bea yelled out as she ran up to him and gave him a big hug, “Oppa!!! That Dong Wook…”

Jaelin looked at his teary eyed sister and gave her a pat on the head, then gave her a flower he made appear, “ Don’t worry.. Oppa and your unnie did not do anything wrong so there is nothing to worry about… now be the proper princesses I know you can be and go back to your station.”

Jaelin wiped her tears and reassured her with a nod and wink that everything would be alright. Bea smiled and curtseyed as a proper princess would and gracefully returned to her seat. As Jaelin walked towards his parents, those in court bowed deeply and breathed a sigh of relief. The aura that Jaelin gave off reassured them that what Lord Dong Wook had said was not true.

“Prince Jaelin,” Lord Dong Wook said as he bowed, “ It has been a while.. “

Jaelin turned to him and nodded, “Yes it has been hyung… I see you have been well.”

Jaelin then turned to Shoei who was kneeling, “Sierra.. I believe this belongs to you… I see that your archery skills have greatly improved… We should have a match some time..” Jaelin said as he held out the arrow that had been pulled out of Jae Joong. Sierra took the arrow and sunk her head even lower as she looked at it. Jaelin then walked forward and knelt before his parents.

“Rise Jaelin… “ the King said.

“Yes father… I see that much has happened in my absence…”

“Indeed it has… Now explain the actions of your knight who freed assassins who attempted to take the lives of your sisters.”

“From what my BK …”

“Your BK?”

“Yes… my BK… from what she has reported to me … those 5 individuals are not criminals nor are they assassins.. It seemed that the fight between my dear sisters and them were the result of 2 of the men having prior scuffles with Chloe noona and Jane… Is that correct?” Jaelin said as he turned to his sisters.

Chloe and Jane tried to avoid eye contact and not reply, but this just showed that it was true.

“Chloe… Jane….”

“See .. it was just a misunderstanding…”

“Though a misunderstanding.. how dare they raise weapons against the Princesses of Cheonson .” Lord Dong Wook said determined to make Jaelin admit defeat.

“Hyung, you, yourself said that the five individuals were not of Cheonson… and no disrespect to my sisters and this is a reason why I love them, but they are not your typical princesses… how could they have known that they were part of the princesses let alone of noble blood.” Jaelin said as he bowed apologetically towards his sister.

“What of your knight then… why did she set them free.. and not bring them into the palace for questioning?” You…. I’ll make you bow down to me!! Dong Wook thought to himself as he questioned Jaelin.

“If you had not interfered… they would already be in the palace… My sisters are no weaklings… as you said they had captured three of the individuals and BK would have been able to subdue the other two, but hyung so valiantly stepped in and attacked them first.”

“It was to protect the princesses… I cannot trust your knight to protect them”

“So you are saying that a warrior trained under the same masters as I, who fought side by side with me.. that I trust my life to .. can not protect my sisters… Do you think that lowly of me?”


“Jaelin… Dong Wook only interefered with the well being of your sisters in mind… do not argue..” the king said as he could see that Dong Wook was getting enraged.

“Father” Jaelin said calmly,” I am not arguing but to say that of my knight is not just an insult to her or me, but to my masters who have trained warriors who gave their lives to Cheonson even before our family succeeded the throne.”

Dong Wook realizing he has stepped into territory he could not win bowed, “ My forgiveness I did not mean disrespect.”

Jaelin walked up to Dong Wook and placed his hand on Dong Wook’s shoulder giving it a pat, “It is alrigh hyung… now many people know of BK’s origins so we cannot blame the foolish… I mean… those who do not know.”

Dong Wook with all his might surpressed his anger and looked up, “Thank you Jaelin… Cheonson is fortunate to have such a thoughtful Prince and wonderful protectorate. “ I’m going to get you for this you pansy “ But it doesn’t change the fact that your knight let unknown people escape.”

“That is only because you had injured the… “ Jaelin began to say but stopped, “ Allowsd one of your warriors to fire an arrow at them injuring one.”
“What is wrong with that… it was done to subdue the man..”

“If it was only meant to subdue.. then why was the arrow covered in a deadly poison?” Jaelin turned and with cold eyes stared face to face with Dong Wook. The court feel silent as they watched the two, the king was aobut to say something but was stopped by Jaelin, “Why would one shoot a poison arrow at a complete stranger if there was no intent to kill? Would any person stand by and watch this… That is the reason why she helped them... but don’t worry.. you aren’t a murderer… BK was able to save him in time.. with the help of Tsuki”

“I see… my … aren’t you surrounded by gifted and skilled people… I guess that’s why you are the Crown Prince…” Lord Dong Wook said as he glared back at Jaelin.

Just as the king was about to put a stop to this, Lady Shelly walked into the throne room and curtseyed, “I heard that Se7en oppa was here…” and she looked up and screamed.

“Wah!!! Jaelin oppa!!! “ she screamed as she ran towards him pushing her brother out of the way, hugging and giving Jaelin a kiss, “When did you come back??? Why did you only take Bea with you… Shelly is mad now..”

Jaelin did not respond and continued to stare coldly at Dong Wook who returned the same glare towards Jaelin. Shelly looked at both her oppas confused, “What’s going on?”

Jaelin gently removed himself from Shelly’s grip and turned to his parents, “More importantly … If BK had not saved them.. Cheonson would all be in danger..”

“And why is that Jaelin” the king questioned.

Suddenly Hikari began to circle the castle and caw, Jaelin noticed and turned to the throne room entrance, “ I guess it would be best for the five in question to have an opportunity to defend themselves.”

Just as Jaelin finished his sentence, the front guard captain came in, “Your Majesty.”

“What is it?” the king said.

“The princes from Asahi have arrived and wish to have an audience with your Majesty.”

“Well let them in then…”


“But what… Speak up captain…”

“It appears that the Crown Prince Shin Jae Joong, has been injured… “

A loud roar erupted in the throne room as Chloe, Angie, Jane and Bea all said together, “Princes???” and talk began to happen amongst the nobility in the throne room. The king and queen looked at eachother with concern. Shelly walked up to her Se7en oppa and looked confused. Sierra slowly backed away in shame and Dong Wook’s face turned white in fear.

Dong Wook thought to himself, Damn you Jaelin… you knew you would win all along…

“Captain, send Yui and Yue to prepare my quarters for the Asahi princes and princess. Take Crown Prince Jae Joong to my quarters immediately and see that Tsuki continues to tend to his wounds. As for Prince Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin and Princess Kuritsu.. please escort them to the throne room.” Jaelin said with great authority.

“Yes your highness” the captain said as he bowed and left to follow out the orders.

Another guard came in to the throne and bowed, “Now presenting their royal highnesses, Prince Shin Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin and Princess Kuritsu of Asahi…”

Princess Shin Kuritsu (known as Kuri): Princess Kuri has the ability to teleport, but since she has only developed these powers, her teleporting is limited to her personal objects meaning the location in which she wishes to teleport to, has to have something of hers there. Princes Kuri also has Kiri.. which from its outward appearance seems like nothing more than a teddy bear, but Prince Jae Joong gave it some powers to be a protectorate and play mate to his baby sister.

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