Monday, April 14, 2008


Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away lived 5 charming princes who were loved and admired by people far and wide. Today started off as any other normal day for the 5 princes with they morning greeting to their parents, the King and Queen, but what they thought was normal protocol turned into the shock of their lives.

“ Now entering.. their royal highnesses, Prince Jae Joong, Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin” the door guard announced as he opened the door to the throne room.

As the door opened, the 5 handsome princes in unison entered the room and headed toward the front of the room. As they walked you could hear girls faint as they gazed that the young princes. Members of the court bowed as the princes walked past them. Upon reaching the front of the throne room, the 5 princes knelt before their parents.

“Arise, my princes.” The king said as he signaled for them to stand.

“Thank you father” the five said in unison as they stood.

“Chamberlain, read the royal proclamation.”

After saying that a middle aged man stepped out and bowed to the king and queen, took a scroll from the king and turned to the court and the princes,” By royal proclamation, the crown prince and prince Yunho, Yoochun, and Junsu are to make journey to the kingdom of Cheonson. There, the crown prince, Prince Jae Joong is to wed the eldest princess of the royal family of Cheonson, Princess Chloe and the Princes, Yunho, Yoochun, and Junsu are to get engaged to the Princesses, Angie, Jane and Bea. The Princes must prepare and depart the kingdom immediately and arrive in the kingdom of Cheonson in one week’s time. End of royal proclamation.”

Suddenly chatter broke out in the throne room as everyone in the room was in shock at to what had just transpired. The courtiers and noblewomen began to sob erratically at the thought that all but one of their charming eligible princes’ heart would be taken away by princesses of a far away land. The princes looked at each other as if asking what had just happened, but the Prince Jae Joong knelt down and said, “As you command father. Now we take our leave to prepare for our journey. Goodbye mother and father”

“Safe journey son” the queen said with tears in her eyes.

In saying that Prince Jae Joong stood up, took the scroll from the chamberlain and headed towards the door. His brothers seeing this knelt before their parents and then got up and followed. Upon reaching their private quarters the princes began to talk.

“What?!?! .. I’m in the prime of my manhood and they want me to get married… there are still so many girls to fall in love with…” Prince Yoochun whined as he fell onto the bed.

Prince Junsu laid beside him, “ Yah… why do we have to get engaged to those princesses ??? Even if it was to ally ourselves with Cheonson.. isn’t hyung getting married to their eldest princess enough?...” then he took a glance at his brother who was standing at the window, gripping the scroll as he looked out into the window with a sad expression, “ sorry hyung.. I didn’t mean it that way…”

Prince Yunho walked up to Prince Jae Joong and placed his had on his shoulder and gave him a comforting look.

Prince Jae Joong sighed, “It’s alright… We all knew that we weren’t going to have a say in who we were going to marry… Let’s just go and complete our mission.”

The youngest prince ran up to Prince Jae Joong and looked at him with teary eyes, “ You guys are going to leave me behind? … Let me go with you … “

“I don’t know… what do you think Yunho?”
Prince Yunho sighed, walked up behind Prince Changmin and then placed him in a headlock, “ Well if we leave him behind, we don’t know what type of trouble he’ll get into while we’re gone… “ he let go of Changmin, “ Ok now all of you go pack your stuff, we leave in 2 hrs…”

Changmin cheered and ran to pack his things, Yoochun and Junsu mumbled and then got up left to their rooms.

“Hyung.. are you going to be alright?” Yunho said concerned of Jae Joong.

“I’ll be fine.. remember I was brought up as crown prince.. I know my duties to the country… “ Jae Joong said as placed his hand on Yunho’s shoulder, “ I’ll be fine… “ and then walked of to go pack his things.

Yunho walked to the window and stared out of it I wonder what these princesses are like?


“NO!!! I AM NOT GETTING MARRIED!!! I DON’T CARE IF YOU DISOWN ME OR WHAT…I AM NOT GETTING MARRIED TO WHATEVER FRUFRU PRINCE YOU CHOSE!!” Princess Chloe screamed as she stormed out the throne room, knocking down the guards at the door.

“Chloe!!!” the king said to try to flag her down, but Princess Chloe just ignored. He sighed and rubbed his head looking at his wife, “ How can we have such a rebellious princess?”

The queen gave a worried smile and then turned attention to her two other daughters, “ Angie, Jane, dears… what have you say on this?”

Princess Angie who until then wasn’t paying attention looked at her mother and said, “ Fine.. but remember if he doesn’t suit my criteria .. then he’s gonna get it …now if you will excuse me.. I am late for my music lessons.. Mother .. Father… “ she curtsied and left.

“And you, Jane” the king asked, but instead of getting a reply back, Princess Jane gave him a cold stare, bowed and then walked away.

“Dear what are we going to do ?” the queen asked.

“What can we do? We already agreed and the princes from Asahi have already begun their journey here… We just have to convince Chloe, Angie, and Jane that we are making the right choice for them.. “ the king replied with a tired look.
“But what of Bea… isn’t she with Jaelin right now in the countryside building the school?”

“I told the soldiers to go send word to bring Jaelin and Bea back.. Jaelin should have gotten the message by now.. hopefully Jaelin will be able to talk some sense into Chloe, Angie, Jane and Bea.. they seem to listen to him more than they listen to me..”

“I hope so dear… I hope so…”

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