Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 006

“Yoochunnie…” Yunho said as he started to nudge Yoochun, “Yah… Yoochunnie”

Yoochun still in his fantasy began to cuddle closer to Yunho and wrap his leg around Yunho’s torso, “ Ahh… C baby… Black Knight.. don’t worry there is enough Yoochun to share…” as he smiled.

Yunho’s face became red with anger when Jae Joong put his chained hands on Yunho shoulder to calm him down. Yunho nodded and he put his two chanined hands together, smiled cheerfully at Jae Joong who saw this and turned to check on Junsu and Changmin who were slowly regaining conscious.

“Oh.. C baby.. Black Knightie…” Yoochun murmured as he dug his head into Yunho’s thigh.

Yunho turned to make sure Jae Joong wasn’t watching, Yunho then gave a sinister smile and leaned towards Yoochun, whispering in his ear, “ Now… you’re going to get it.. lover boy…”

Yunho raised up his arms and slammed them down onto Yoochun’s stomach, “haha… Take this you brat!!! We are in danger and you still can sleep and dream about hooking up with girls!!! DIE!!!!”

Yoochun abruptly woke up after the second swing, “Wah!!!!!!!!! Jae Joong hyung, Junsu, Changmin help!!!!! Get off of me Yunho hyung!!!!”

The boy at the other end of the rushed over and pulled Yunho off of Yoochun, “Let me go!!! He needs to be put in his place!!!!”

The boys continue to bicker, Jae Joong trying to calm down Yoochun who wanted to return some punches and Junsu , Changmin trying to hold back Yunho from continuing his merciless assault on Yoochun.

Just as Yoochun had broken away from Jae Joong’s hold, the carriage came to a screeching halt sending all five boys to the front of the carriage all landing on Yoochun.

“… This has not been my day…. Brothers…. I know we are really into togetherness and all, but can you guys all get off me.. before I can’t have any children..” Yoochun said as he tried to push his brothers off of him. While this was happening Jae Joong noticed that Black Knight had gotten off the carriage and was walking

Yunho, still mad dug his knee into Yoochun’s back, “ Like any woman would want to have your kids!!!”

As the two began to argue, a figure appeared in the carriage, “Be quiet!!! BK-chan doesn’t want to hear anymore of your bickering!!!”

“What is that thing? “ Changmin said as he went to poke the little furry creature.

The creature glared at Changmin and as his hand got closed enough, the little creature tried to take a bite out of one of Changmin’s fingers.

“Yah!!! That rodent tried to bite me…. Junsu kill it!!”

The little creature floated up to Changmin and tried to bite him again. Changmin hid behind Junsu who smiled at the little creature and petted it. The little creature floated past Yunho and Yoochun shaking its little head and sighing, finally landing in front of Jae Joong.

“Hello.. “ the little yellow-orange and white creature said as it bowed, “You seem the most reasonable one out of this bunch of brats.. so I’ll talk to you .”
Jae Joong looked at the creature nervously as the little creature hopped towards him, “ Hello… “

“My name is Hamtaro, the ultimate great sidekick with the special ultra super megaton action spectacular suspenseful thriller roadmovie love romantic adventure real erotic new wave fantasy odyssey good hamster shot that will make all enemies go flying….. “the puffy hamster stopped and started to breathe heavily as the boys looked in shock and then Hamtaro raisied its head again, “but.. you.. pretty one.. can just call Hamtaro… the other four have to call me the Great Hamtaro or I will be forced to you my special ultra super megaton action spectacular suspenseful thriller road movie love romantic adventurer real erotic new wave fantasy odyssey good hamster shot on you.” After saying that the little hamster fell over exhausted.

Jae Joong picked up the little hamster and nudged it to see if it was ok as Junsu, Changmin and Yoochun laughed. Hamtaro woke up and shook itself, “wah… why do you have to have such a awesome power with such an awesome sounding name.. aish..”

“umm.. Why don’t you just call it your “hamster shot”? “ Jae Joong asked as he petted Hamtaro.

“Then people wouldn’t fear it” Hamtaro said as he glared at the four other boys that were laughing. The four moved to the other side of the carriage mumbling to each other as Hamtaro continued to talk to Jae Joong.

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Are you a boy or a girl?... I can’t seem to tell..”

“I am a man” Jae Joong said in a rugged voice.

“Ah… ok now to business.. BK-chan sent me to talk to you, she is out looking for something for you all to eat. She’s actually very kind, but just don’t get on her bad side. So why did you attack those people in the market place ?”

“They started it first.. we were only trying to defend ourselves” Jae Joong said as he tried to reason with Hamtaro to get Black Knight to release them.

While Jae Joong was using his best persuasion and diplomatic skills the other four hatched a plan to get out of the mess they were in.

Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin huddled, “Hey.. Black Knight noona is gone… and the hamster looks like its not that quick either.. lets choke it, make it get rid of these chains and make a break for it?” Junse said as he nodded then sneered at Hamtaro who continued to talk Jae Joong.

“No.. that seems a little risky..” Yunho said shaking his head in disagreement.

“Well then hyung… do you have any better ideas??” Yoochun said mockingly at Yunho.

“Do you want to start up again?”

“I’m game if you are!!!”

Changmin, as the two seemed to prepare to fight again suddenly came up with an idea, “ That’s it…”

The other three turned and looked at Changmin who smiled, “Boh??”

“Well from what we can come up about Black Knight is she is actually a nice person and the hamster seems to be nice too a little slow.. but we can use that to our advantage.”

“And… how does this help us..” Yunho asked.

“Well if one of us were hurt enough where he was to need to see a doctor… “

“Then we can make a big fuss about it and the little furball would have to free us because noona doesn’t want us dead.. genious!!” Junsu said as he high fived Changmin.

“But who is going to … “ Yoochun began to speak then noticed the giant grins on his 3 brothers, “ Oh.. no… I’ve been beat up enough already!!”

As Yoochun backed up, Yunho took another swing at him, “Exactly.. since you are already injured.. a few more punches shouldn’t be a problem… Junsu, Changmin.. get him.”

“Sorry hyung” the two boys said, “ But it’s for the greater good.”

Yoochun resigned to his fate as the other three Shin brothers continued to pummel him and after the 9th or so punch he fell unconscious.

“Yoochunnie!!!!” Jae Joong yelled as he pulled the other brothers off of Yoochun, “Why did you do that!!!”

“It’s his fault that we are in this situation.. if he had just kept his hormones in check… then we wouldn’t be stuck here chained up like criminals.” Junsu said as he tried to jump towards the unconscious Yoochun.

Hamtaro scurried off towards Jae Joong and hopped on to his shoulder and looked at Yoochun, “ Yikes…. You guys take rough housing to a new level don’t you…”

“Hamtaro..I need to get him to a doctor or at least get something to clean with..” Jae Joong pleaded to the little furry creature.

“Are you sure you just don’t just want to let him die… it would mean one less brother you would have to baby…” Hamtaro said sarcastically.

Jae Joong did not pay attention to the little hamster’s comment, he tore off a piece of cloth from his outfit and began to wipe the blood from Yoochun. The three other boys looked on, feeling sorry for their hyung, not knowing that this was all a plan and that Yoochun was only faking passing out.

Yoochun began to convulse that made Jae Joong worry even more trying to hold him down and Hamtaro, contemplate what to do.

Hamtaro made a decision and began to twirl around, as he did so their chains unlocked and fell to the ground.

“But…” Jae Joong said as he began to lift Yoochun on his back.

“It’s fine… BK chan seems to be very far away.. that I can’t call her for help and I know she doesn’t want anyone to die. I’ll go look for herbs and what not to help your pitiful brother.. aish.. you take him outside and do what you can.” Hamtaro wiggled his little nose and opened the door of the barred carriage.

“Thank you Hamtaro.” Jae Joong said as he bowed to Hamtaro.

“No need.. just make surer not to run away or you will have to face my …”Hamtaro thought for a while, “you know.. my special move..I don’t have to say it ….”

Then Hamtaro scurried off into the woods as Jae Joong and the others carried Yoochun out of the carriage and placed him gently on the floor. Jae Joong mad that his brothers had beaten up Yoochun that much hit them all on the head, “ How could you do that… I know he’s a pain sometimes but he’s still blood.”

The three boys broke out into laughter confusing Jae Joong, “How can you laugh when your brother is this hurt?”

Yunho stopped laughing, turned to make sure that Hamtaro was out of sight, sighed and proceeded to kick Yoochun.

“Ouch!!! Couldn’t you have just gently nudged me…” Yoochun said as he rubbed his stomach.

“What’s going on ??” Jae Joong asked.

“’It was all their idea hyung.” Yoochun said as Changmin and Junsu helped him up.

Yunho grabbed Jae Joong’s hand and they started to run, “There’s no time.. we better go before the furball or Black Knight comes back.”

When they were a good distance away the 5 brothers stopped to take a rest
Jae Joong looked at Yunho with a concerned look and Yunho stared back, “ Hyung… I know what you are thinking but just think of where she was taking us… our cover would have been blown… what would we say as the Princes of Asahi.. to get taken to the palace as criminals by the Crown Prince’s protectorate.. yes that will be such a dignified first impression to our future in-laws.”

Jae Joong put his head down knowing that what Yunho had said was true. As the other three lay on the ground exhausted. Jae Joong took a look at his brothers and then made a decision as he turned to Yunho just as he held out his hand reciting an incantation causing his sword to appear.

“Yunho, take Yoochun, Junsu and Minnie back to the camp…” as he said that he turned and began to walk back.

Yunho grabbed Jae Joong’s arm as he began to walk away, “Hyung… You can’t go back…”

Jae Joong shook his hand free, “ Even though it is the best thing to do… it doesn’t mean that it’s right…we did nothing wrong so why should we have to run away…I’m going back to settle this… Take the dongsaengs with you and wait for me back at camp.” Jae Joong turned to the other 3 boys, “Yunho is in charge now… follow him back to the camp. Listen to him and don’t cause anymore trouble.”

The three look at Jae Joong and begin to take a step towards him.

“I said head back to the camp!!!” Jae Joong shouted as he had the most serious look they had ever seen before. Seeing their hyung like this the three younger brothers could not say anything, only nod.

Yunho though wanting to stop him, knew that after his hyung had made a decision there was nothing that could change it so he looked Jae Joong in the eyes and then bbowed, “ Yes.. hyung…” then he turned to the other brothers, “ Come on let’s go..”

Jae Joong watched as his brothers walked away, he nodded and continued on his way back to the carriage.

“Taro…. How could you let them go..” Black Knight said as she turned away from Hamtaro.
Hamtaro shook his head and hopped his way to face Black Knight, “BK chan… I did not know they were going to run… the pretty one promised that they would not run away…” and Hamtaro began to tear and sniffle.

Black Knight sighed and knelt down picking up the tearing hamster and gave him a hug, “It’s ok Taro… “

“One of them was really hurt so.. sooo….. “ Hamtaro said as he sniffled.

Just as Black Knight began to comfort her furry friend, Jae Joong stepped in and bowed, “ I am sorry Hamtaro.”

Hamtaro seeing Jae Joong jumped off from Black Knight and ran towards Jae Joong stumbling at his feet. Jae Joong seeing the little hamster’s fall, kneels down to pick him up but jumps back when Hamtaro tries to bite him.

“You promised you would not run away…”Hamtaro growled at Jae Joong as he hurried back to Black Knight’s side who had pulled out her twin swords.

“You made a mistake by coming back.. not that it would have mattered because I would have eventually found you 5 again.” Black Knight said as she moved to her first stance.

Jae Joong took a step forward, “ I came back because I know that it was wrong that my brothers and I took advantage of Hamtaro, but we are not wrong and should have not been captured in the first place.”

“If you did nothing wrong then why not go face the King and Crown Prince then… the innocent have nothing to hide.”

“That’s because…” but remembering the honor of Asahi was at stake, Jae Joong stopped.


“I cannot say why we cannot go before your King and Prince but we are innocent. The Amuka guards harassed us first and Changmin only fought to protect me.”

“So it was because you decided to dress like a girl and caught the fancy of … wait did you say Amuka…”


Black Knight realized that more trouble would be on their way picked up Hamtaro and whispered some instructions to him. The little hamster nodded and ran off. Then she turned her attention back to Jae Joong, “ Why are you in Cheonson in the first place. From your clothes and your speech you are not from this kingdom.”


“Speak now or you can speak later after I take you to the King.” She said as she took a step forward.

Jae Joong knowing that he could not tell the truth without revealing his true identity laughed and got into a fighting stance, “I guess we will have to see if you can capture me then… Last time I was distracted and you had help from that blue phoenix… “

“Are you saying that I can not defeat you…”

“I’m saying that I have never encountered any man that could defeat me let alone a woman….”

“I will make you regret ever saying that you cross dresser…”

“Well at least I am secure enough with my masculinity and my appearance to do so… how about you.. why do you hide such a cute face behind a mask” Jae Joong said with a wink.

Black Knight glared at him with contempt as she touched her mask, How dare he mock me… my hideous.., “Shut up cross dresser… fine .. if you believe that the last fight was unfair.. then let’s fight now to settle this. If you win I let you go with no questions asked… If you lose… you come with me to the palace.”

“Fine with me.. what of my companions?”

“From the looks of it… your brothers will be running back to join you soon so I won’t have to bother tracking them down.”

“….” Darn… she’s quick… Jae Joong thought to himself, “Fine, but leave them be.. I will go by myself if I lose. A fair sword fight… no magic or tricks… and if you want to use both swords.. that’s fine by me ..“

“A warrior does not go back on their word” Black Knight said as she planted the sword she had in her left hand into a stone next to her, “ So you won’t say I had a fair advantage again… “

Jae Joong nodded and waved to let her have the first strike. This annoyed Black Knight so instead of rushing in head on, she threw her sword at him and then jumped into the air into the sun just as she had done before.

Jae Joong with one hand swung his sword to deflect Black Knight’s sword and with the other blocked her kick.

“Not bad for a cross dresser” Black Knight said with a smirk as she applied more pressure to her kick causing him to fall onto one knee.

Jae Joong leaned in close to Black Knight’s face, smiled and said, “ Well not bad for a girl either..” and then using his strength got back up and pushed her back. Black Knight jumped back and grabbed her sword.

She got into another stance as Jae Joong got up and prepped. This time she waved him in to attack.

Jae Joong smiled and acknowledged. He began to run at her in a fast pace, Black Knight braced herself for the impact but half way towards her Jae Joong jumped up into the air and while still in mid air he throw his sword directly at her and continued to leap over her.

Black Knight instinctively reacted to the sword first and deflected it, but noticed the crest at the hilt of the sword.

And at that moment Jae Joong came from behind her, knocked her sword free from her hand, the twisted it behind her back and then whispered in her ear, “but not good enough… “

Black Knight did not react to this and just stood still. Jae Joong sighed, “ I guess I’m the winner then…”

Just as he was going to tie her up, Black Knight elbowed him in the stomach with her left hand, rolled and picked up the two swords, “I’m sorry but it will take more than that to beat me.”

Jae Joong let out a little laugh and the turned to the side hahah she’s the first person who’s ever played with me … I can’t believe this he thought to himself.. I guess it’s time to get serious then

“Hey cross dresser are you done thinking.. I wanna finish this before the sun sets..” Black Knight said as she tosses back his sword, “by the way are you with the party from Asahi escorting the Princes here?”

Jae Joong caught the short and looked at her in shock, “ How did you know that?”

“If you wanted to keep it a secret… you shouldn’t have used a sword with the Asahi crest on it.. dummy”

“Hey.. first cross dresser.. and then dummy… why don’t you ask me my name.. I don’t call you anything like that…” Jae Joong said slightly annoyed that he had just been caught.

“Fine, stranger from Asahi… what would you like to be called?” Black Knight said as she rushed in to attack.

Their swords met as the two stood facing each other, “ You can call me Youngwoong..” Jae Joong said with a smile, “Can I call you BK chan like Hamtaro does?”

Black Knight spun around and took another swing at Jae Joong but yet again was blocked, “No… Youngwoong eh… who’s hero are you supposed to be? “

“Hmm… how about if I become your hero?” Jae Joong said with a huge goofy smile on his face.

“Does it look like I need someone to save me?” Black Knight said as she used his sword as a spring to jumped back while doing a reverse high kick getting him in the face knocking him down, “Are you always like this?... It could prolly be why you get hit on…”

Jae Joong rubbed his face and slowly got up, “ Actually no… “ he laughed, “ I’m not sure why I am this way right now.. especially with someone that is trying to capture me… But like you said BK.. we should get this done before sunset…. I have people waiting for me… Even though it goes against how I was brought up not to hit a lady, I guess I have to go against it now..”

“Cocky aren’t you.. If you think you are that great and can defeat me.. come on” Black Knight said egging him on, and then she noticed something behind him. She gave him a look and then pointed her sword at him.


“I don’t think you have to be in any rush now..”


“Hyung!!!” Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin said as they rushed armed towards their brother.

“I thought I told you to go..” Jae Joong said as he sighed in disappointment.

“And let you face off alone.. where ever you go .. we go.. “ Yunho said as he began to gather energy.

Yoochun smiled and began to wave towards the direction Black Knight was, “Ooh look its C baby and another cutie.”

Junsu, yelled out to the other girl,“Hey!!! Pretty girl !!! thanks for earlier today !!”

Black Knight turned around and saw Princess Chloe and Jane running in her direction.

“It’s the jerk I told you about. “ the two girls said in unison.

Chloe began to form fire balls, “I thought it would be a while before I could get a chance to seek revenge.. but now is fine.”

“Now BK, unnie and I can get rid of all of you!!!” Jane said as she pulled out shiruken from her basket pointing it directly at Junsu.

“BK unnie!!!!” someone screamed from the distance.

Great….. she thought to herself as she turned and saw Bea running towards her and Angie not far behind.

“You all stay out of this.. it’s between me and the five of them.. I must capture them and take them to the palace for judgement.” Black Knight said as she stretched out her arms to block the four princesses.

Chloe and Jane pushed her arms down, “ No let’s just kill them. BK you don’t know what they did to us… those perverts….. “

Chloe didn’t wait for Black Knight to respond and launched fireballs at the five boys. Just as they were heading towards them, Jae Joong coldly stared at them and began to wave his arm, Black Knight quickly sent a force back towards Jae Joong and his brothers. When the two forces met there was a large explosion of light and the fire balls faded away.

Yoochun laughed and turned to high five Jae Joong who kept his focus on Black Knight.

“BK why did you do that…Let me fry those jerks!!!” Chloe said as she began to shake Black Knight who was also focusing on Jae Joong.

“Princess… I did not do it… the cross dresser over there did it. It seems that these 5 have something to do with the Asahi royal family.” Black Knight said as she stepped in front of the princesses.

Black Knight pulled out her other swords and merged the two into a double edged Katana and went into a fighting stance, “Please return to the palace and I will handle this..”

“Oh… so they work for the whimpy princes from Asahi… well then I think we should send the princes a message right sisters?” Chloe said as she pulled out her two butterfly swords. Angie walked up to Chloe and Black Knight and took off her necklace and swung it out, the chain became nine times its length and out the pendant came a dagger, it in actually was a bugworm chain. Bea pulled out a short broadsword then unlocked the hilt extending it into a Naginata. The five girls stood in a line facing the 5 boys in a fighting pose.

“Hmm I guess.. they want to fight then… “ Jae Joong he said as he looked at his brothers, “Just make sure you only disarm them… They are still girls…”

The boys nodded in agreement and armed themselves. Yunho drew out his saber, Yoochun his Jitte, Junsu his triblade and Changmin, his Pudao.

“Enough with this warrior formality BS… The pervert is mine… I don’t care who you any of you take on, but he’s mine.” Chloe yelled after a long bout of silence.

She glared at Yoochun who winked at her, “I guess C baby is my opponent… all the other girls are cute too.. so I won’t feel bad for taking the hot one. “

The four brothers rolled their eyes as the girls minus Black Knight rushed in to attack.

Jane threw out dozens of shiruken at Junsu, but Junsu fought back by throwing out his triblade. The triblade in mid air opened up a deflected the shiruken and circled back into Junsu’s hand. Junsu gave a sly look to Jane and waved his index finger back and forth shaking his head, “Naughty... didn’t your mother tell you it’s not proper to throw things at others.. especially sharp objects.” This comment angered her even more as she continued to throw more shuriken at him.

Yunho faced off against Angie who looked as if she cared more about Yunho then the fight at hand, “Hmm…” she said as she looked at him, “Maybe we can come to an agreement without fighting… it’s more of a thing that BK and my sisters do… I’m more of a lover than a fighter..”

Yunho sighed, Great… a girl version of Yoochunnie, “Maybe you should go back to do whatever you were doing with that guard earlier..”

“Oh I thought it was you that was hiding behind the trees… and regarding that soldier.. hmm.. he’s currently frozen stiff at the moment…”

“Hmm.. I wonder if that is literally or figuratively, but I think I will just take my chances against your fighting ability instead of your feminine wiles, Princess Angie.” And with that Yunho pointed his saber at her, “ I suggest you just give up.. I don’t really want to hurt you.”

Angie smiled and with a flick of her wrist the chain began to move like snake and wrapped around his saber as she pulled it, Yunho’s saber flew out of his hand. Angie picked up the saber and swung it back and forth, “Nice craftsmanship… a little lighter than what I am used to handling but I suppose it will do… now where were we?”

Yunho took a step back as Angie took a step towards him pointing the tip of the saber at his heart as she gave him a wink.

Yunho playfully put his hand up and gave her a smile, “You wouldn’t fight someone that doesn’t have a weapon to defend themselves would you?”

“Well.. “

But before she could say anything Yunho did a round house kick knocking the sword out of her hand and then a low kick to knock Angie off balance, but Angie was able to block the kick and black flip kick him knocking him down.

“My brother and BK taught me well.” She said as she blew him a kiss.

“Hahaha… I can see that… but I’ve been taught well too.. “ Yunho said as he wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth and got into a fighting stance while Angie swung around her chain.

“Hey.. do you really want to fight? I’ve never met you before and you’ve not wrong me before.. you wanna just sit down and watch the old people fight?” Bea said as she retracted the handle to her Naginata.

“I don’t really want to fight either… “ Changmin said as he lowered his Pudao and rubbed his stomach.

Bea laughed at him hearing the terrible grumbles coming from his stomach and Changmin blushed.

“Ok let’s go sit over there.. we’ll get a good view of the battle field and I’ll share some cookies I just made with you” as she said that she pulled out a little package from the same bag she pulled out her Naginata from.

Changmin’s face lit up as she opened the package, they were freshly baked cookies. He nodded and followed her to a tree near by.

“It’s BK unnie’s recipe and oppah’s favorite. I was planning to give it to oppah when he came back but I wanna share it with a new friend.” Bea said as she offered him a cookie, “Here, it’s my first time trying .. so don’t laugh ok..”

Changmin with a huge smile accepted the cookie and gave Bea a kiss. Bea blushed because it was her first kiss. Changmin looked at the cookie and took in its scent, he looked at Bea and smiled, “Thank you .. this looks great” and took a huge bite.

Bea with sad with a slight pout, “ How is it?”

Changmin finished the cookie and licked the crumbs off of his lips, “Wow that was great!!!”

“Really !!! YAY!!!”

“If… *yawn*… it’s … “ Changmin began to say as he started to yawn.. “Why.. do.. I suddenly feel tired…”

Bea stood up and pushed Changmin down and started to jump up and down in accomplishment, “ Jane unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made a potion right !!!! BK unnie !!! This one is down!!!”

Black Knight and Jae Joong turned towards the sleeping Changmin and overly cheerful Bea. Jae Joong sighed as he shook his head, “ Minnie…. You … aish…..”

“Don’t be mad at him… Princess Bea seems to be taking after her sisters too much ..” Black Knight sighed. While the others were fighting two just stood their grounds and stared at each other.

“It seems like we have to fight to find out the winner don’t we…”

“It looks like it.. Well let’s get this over with.” Black Knight went into first stance.

Jae Joong nodded and got into his first stance. The two rushed past one another taking a swing and then stood still.

“My lord.. those two there.. the one asleep and the girl with the sword are the two that besmirched your name.” the captain said hidden in the darkness as he pointed them out.

“Hmm… and who is that fighting against that pretty girl.” A sultry voice said in the darkness as he took a kiss from the woman near him.

“My lord that is Black Knight, she is Crown Prince Jaelin’s protectorate and most trusted ally… many believe that she is the reason why the Prince has not taken a wife yet.”

“Hahahaha that goodie goodie prince has a lover…. Hmm… she must be something then…”

“Her skills are on par with the crown prince and she is as loved by the people as the crown prince my lord…”

“Well then I will just have to take her away from that weakling prince and corrupt her then .. isn’t that right Sierra?” Lord Se7en said as he harshly pulled Sierra, one of his assasins and lovers in for a kiss, “But first all of you go help the Cheonson Princesses… this may turn out to be very helpful to my plans.”

Sierra and the other assassins all got off their horses and knelt in front of Lord Se7en, “ Yes my lord.”

They all separated, leaving only Sierra , the captain, and two assassins with Lord Se7en who smiled evilly. The other assassins made their way in the cover of darkness to surround the others.

Lord Se7en gave Sierra the signal and she pulled out a poisoned arrow. She drew back, took her aim and fired.

“Ugh!!!!!!!” Jae Joong yelled out as he fell to the ground, Black Knight catching him.

“Yah… cross dresser!!! What’s wrong?!?!” Black Knight said as she shook him. When she lifted her hand she saw the blood. She turned him over as saw that he was hit. Just as she turned to look who had shot him, the assassins and Lord Se7en charged it.

“Dong Wook oppah!!!” Angie, Chloe, and Jane yelled as they saw him rush in on his black stallion.

Yoochun, Yunho both struggled to get free but were caught by stuck, Angie had chained up Yunho and Yoochun was caught in between Chloe’s Butterfly swords. Junsu who had been the only one that was not captured rushed over to Jae Joong and Black Knight ready to defend his fallen brother.

“Princesses, I am here to help you with these lowly scum that dare challenge her highnesses.” Se7en said all valiantly as if he were Prince Charming coming to save his Cinderella, “Guards… kill those intruders”

Angie, Jane, and Chloe all nod in agreement and smile hearing this declaration by Se7en, shoving Yunho and Yoochun towards the assassins.

Black Knight still cradling Jae Joong looked at him and then his brothers. They are defenseless against Dong Wook’s men right now…. What should I do… she thought to herself.

When she saw two assassins going after the unconscious Changmin, she made up her mind.

“Hikari!!!!!” Black Knight screamed out. Suddenly the giant blue phoenix screamed back in response.

“Prince Jaelin’s blue phoenix… the symbol of Cheonson… “ Lord Se7en began to say in disbelief looking at Black Knight, “ How can she control it…”

As Hikari landed, Black Knight began to glow in a blue aura and suddenly Yoochun, Yunho and Changmin were surrounded by the same light. Those around the three boys took a step back not knowing what could happen and in a flash of light the three disappeared and reappeared on Hikari’s back.

“Get on Hikari” Black Knight said to Junsu as she lifted up Jae Joong.

Junsu looked in astonishment at Black Knight,”….”

“If you don’t want you or your brothers to die get on Hikari NOW!!!” she yelled as she began to rush over to Hikari after seeing all the assassins charge towards them.

Junsu nodded and got on top the blue bird. As Black Knight jumped up onto Hikari, a pendant fell out of Jae Joong’s shirt…The royal crest of Asahi…. That means he is…, “ GO HIKARI!!!!”

The bird cawed and flapped its great big wings knocking down all the assassins. As they flew off Sierra got a good look at the person she had shot, “ Jae Joong sama…..”

Yes, that is the hamtaro and... yes that is the line jae joong said in New X-Man Ep 5 XDD


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