Saturday, April 12, 2008

Character Profiles

Age: 55
yet to be revealed

Age: 50
yet to be revealed

Age: 56
yet to be revealed

Age: 22
Power(s): Able to cancel out all other magic
Weapon: Long Sword
Prince Jae Joong is the crown prince and the eldest of the 5 princes. As crown prince, he has been bred to become the next king learning all that is needed to assume the role. An expert in horse riding, the arts, diplomacy, various forms of self defense and combat, he is every kingdom’s dream for the next in line for the thrown. Prince Jae Joong is kind, outspoken, warm, and childlike when with his immediate family but when in front of court, during palace gatherings or just out in public, he presents a cold and mysterious look and aura that drives all the courtiers and women crazy. Because of his androgynous appearance, Prince Jae Joong many times is mistaken for a girl, which he uses to his advantage. When he is bored with palace life, he disguises himself as a commoner girl and wanders the kingdom to gain more knowledge of the daily life of his people and of course just to have fun.

Age: 21
Power(s): lightning
Weapon: Sabre
Prince Yunho is the second eldest prince and is captain of the Royal Gaurds. Since childhood he was brought up learning all forms of combat and military strategies and is considered a man amongst men. Like his elder brother and younger brother, Prince Yunho were taught and trained to be royalty, but unlike his elder brother, he did not take a fondness to the arts other than singing. He would rather go train with the guards than read…whatever. As captain of the Royal Gaurds, he is stern, serious, yet kind and gentle at the same time. A prankster at heart, he does not let up the chance to play tricks on his brothers. Amongst the brothers, he is the one that follows and enforces the rules.. punishing his brothers if they do not obey. Though he has a soft spot for his elder brother Jae Joong which his 3 other brothers take advantage of to get out of trouble. When Prince Jae Joong sneaks out of the palace, he follows along to protect his elder brother, more importantly to get a chance to practice his fighting skills and his.

Age: 20
Power(s): Water
Weapon: Jitte
Prince Yoochun is the third eldest prince and the absolute favorite amongst the ladies in waiting and courtiers in the palace. With his low sultry voice and sensitivity.. there is no woman that can resist this smooth young prince. If he cant be found in the conservatory playing the piano or watching the sun rise from the tallest mountain in the Kingdom be sure that he is somewhere making another young lady’s heart melt. Though a playboy, Prince Yoochun also has a serious side as well.. trained the same as his other brothers, Prince Yoochun is in charge of receiving and replying to reports sent by diplomats from allying kingdoms. Kind hearted by nature, he is the first of the princes to display their emotions, but don’t be fooled.. though he sheds tears and swoons the ladies, this Prince can hold deadly grudges and hates to lose as well.

Age: 19
Power(s): Telepathy, Mind Control
Weapon: Cyclone
Prince Junsu, the fourth prince is considered to be the angel of the 5 princes, with quite possibly the most innocent and angelic face that no one has ever seen, but underneath that angelic expression lurks a little devil in sheep’s clothing. Using his outward appearance to his advantage, Prince Junsu loves to play tricks with the palace staff and his family and is never caught or blamed because of his poker face and using his cuteness to get out of any punishment. Due to his persuasions, the 5 princes have done many things that royalty typically would. With his infectious laughter and even deadlier smile, he breaks up any tense moments in the palace, but at the same time plotting the next trick to play on his unsuspecting family. He is the most carefree of the brothers, believing that even though they were born into privilege and obligation to their kingdom, that they are still just boys and need to live life to its fullest.

Age: 15
Power(s): Duplication
Weapon: Pudao
Prince Changmin is the youngest and quite possibly the most adorable of the princes. Favorited by the queen, this young prince can be seen tagging along with his older brothers or raiding the palace kitchen for a late night snack. Though the youngest… at times he acts beyond his years even causing his elder brothers to look at him as a senior. Clever, the young prince is constantly in the library, studying. Bright, cheerful with a childlike behavior, Prince Changmin is constantly picked on my his elder brothers and at times picked to do the most random tasks by his elder brothers. Though close to all his brothers, he shares a special relationship with his eldest brother, Jae Joong. When Prince Changmin is sad or is being picked on my his elder brothers, he would rely on his eldest brother to protect and cheer him up… if anything cook him something yummy to eat. Being the youngest, he sometimes feels that he is unloved and tries to hide those feelings from his family other than from Jae Joong. Though Prince Changmin relies on his eldest brother, the two are like cats and dogs and can be found around the palace chasing after each other or bickering like little children.

Age: 15
Power(s): Teleportation [limited]
Weapon: Kiri?
The youngest child of the Shin family and Changmin’s twin, she is the jewel of the palace, wearing lacey and frilly dresses that resemble that of the clothing that would be found on porcelain dolls that fill her bedroom. Brought up to be a proper princess, Kuritsu or Kuri as she is known in the palace, is a skilled artist and musician. Though her parents refused to allow her to train with her brothers in combat, because of her constant protests and her adorbleness her parents caved in and allowed her to learn to learn basics. Since she is the youngest and the only girl in the family full of boys.. her brothers baby her and never let her do anything remotely dangerous. Along with their over protective nature… they also enjoy playing pranks and picking on their baby sister especially Yoochun and Junsu. Though a member of the Shin family.. Kuri has not exhibited any signs of having any special abilities which caused her to go into a depressive state. As a way to cheer her up, the eldest Jae Joong handmade her a teddy bear companion which they named Kiri short for Harakiri and as a way to give Kuri a sense that she is special as her brothers. He placed a spell on Kiri so Kiri could be Kuri’s playmate and protectorate till Kuri’s own abilities appear. . Kuri after receiving Kiri has never let Kiri out of her sight and can be found sitting in the gardens with Kiri complaining about her older brothers and watching Kiri dance or using Kiri to torturing her nannies and tutors. Changmin is actually the only one that knows her power has surfaced and believes that it will cause much trouble in the future to her older brothers. A power that they all know of is that she has the ability to teleport though it is limited and has connection to her dear teddy bear kiri.

Age: 70
yet to be revealed

Age: 70
yet to be revealed

Age: 23
Power(s): Fire, the dark arts
Weapon: Butterfly Swords
Princess Chloe is the eldest princess. Tired of palace life and protocol, she has to decline her right to be the next crown princess and has chosen a life of goth and rebellion. Against her parents’ wishes she has burned all her gowns and cut her long hair opting for a shorter, spikier hairstyle and more goth/punk style clothes. Whatever her parents tell her to do she does the complete opposite. Though she has this rebellious nature she is in actuality a very kind, gentle and creative girl. She hates men who take advantage of girls and more so, girls that act weak and let men take advantage of them. Along with her second sister the two go out into the kingdom in disguise helping the people of their kingdom’s righting wrongs. Along with the power to control fire, she has begun to dabble in the Dark Arts and is able to summon demons/beings from the underworld.. for a price.

Age: 22
Power(s): Ability to cancel out all other magic, summoning
Weapon: Twin Katanas
Princess Jaelin is the second eldest princess and is the crown prince of Cheonson. When her sister decided to decline her title as crown princess, she was given the title, due to her strong sense of tradition and obiligation, she reluctantly accepted the title. Because the royal family did not have any male heirs, the King decided to raise Princess Jaelin as a prince, having tutors teach her the means to govern and protect the kingdom as the next crown prince. Everyone in the kingdom and the palace staff all believe that Jaelin is a prince because at birth her gender was hidden (from everyone other than the royal family) and she was raised as a young prince. Skilled in military strategies, all forms of combat, diplomacy and weaponary, Princess Jaelin is the frontline general for the Cheonson army and is feared and respected as a formidable warrior. Forced into great responsibility, Princess Jaelin maintains a cold and serious expression and demeanor when in court and with the thousands of soldiers she commands, but in actuality is a very kind, gentle and childish person. That side of her is only seen by her sisters and no one else. Though she had been raised to be a man amongst men, she still maintained her feminine side and could be found in the kitchen preparing unique dishes or making toys to give to the orphanages.. Because to everyone outside her family Princess Jaelin is Prince Jaelin, Princess Jaelin does not dress herself is regalia befitting a princess, but instead wears clothes befitting a crown prince. After completing her combat training and studies, Princess Jaelin stopped wearing her princely garb and now wears a black outfit, befitting a warrior. Feeling that she is ugly and un-lady like (also thinking that was the reason why her parents chose to raise her as a Prince) Princess Jaelin wears a mask that covers the top part of her face so no one outside of the royal family has ever seen her actual face. Understanding the responsibility of being next in line to her people, she exchanges her black male warrior outfit to one of a female and goes out to into the kingdom to right any wrongs she sees and to deal with corrupt government officials as the “special operative of Prince Jaelin”, becoming the hero of the people, gaining the name “Black Knight”.

Age: 19
Power(s): Ice
Weapon: Bugworm
Princess Angie is the third eldest and possibly the closest one to being a proper princess. She is beautiful, knows it and uses it to her advantage. With her quick wit and sweet smile she could bring kingdoms to the ground. Though trained in the protocol and etiquette befitting a princess, there is one little thing that sets her apart from your typical princesses and that is her tendencies to be manipulative and her slightly wicked personality. Though her exterior is constantly that of a demure princess that is gentle, sweet and king, but if you get on her bad side.. you might as well just kill yourself, because that would be a better fate than what Princess Angie would have in store for you. Princess Angie is the object of every man in the kingdom’s desire, but like any other desired lady, she plays hard to get and loves to tease and play tricks on potential suitors since none have been what she has been looking for a life partner.

Age: 17
Power(s): Mind reader, Potions master
Weapon: Shuriken/ hidden weapons
Princess Jane is the fourth princess and is an enigma in her own. Like Princess Angie, she was trained in the protocol and etiquette of a person of her title, but unlike Princess Angie who knew when to smile and giggle, Princess Jane was just more like her two older sisters. She maintained a cold expression and rarely smiled like Princess Jaelin and rebelled like Princess Chloe but in a sense were completely different from them as well. Prince Jane did not have a kind and gentle nature, she truly had a cold and dark nature to her, not caring of others feelings and being extremely honest of her feelings and her thoughts towards others. As well as pointing out the flaws of others, that made everyone call her the evil princess. Sticking true to the name the people gave her, Princess Jane dabbled in the arts creating potions an elixirs that could be used for either good or evil.. using the palace staff as her test subjects. She didn’t care what the people and used it to fuel her disdain of humanity, the only ones she took into consideration was her 4 sisters, especially her two eldest.

Age: 14
Weapon: Naginata
Princess Bea, the youngest and the most cheerful and happy child amongst her siblings. She too was trained to be a proper princess but instead like to follow her “brother” (along journeys to the training ground or climbing up trees and playing with the palace staff. She sees Princess Jaelin as a brother figure when she was born Princess Jaelin had already left the palace to train so she isn’t aware that Prince Jaelin is in fact a girl. Princess Jaelin seeing how much Princess Bea grew attach to her a her “brother” said for them to keep the truth a secret from Princess Bea. Instead of long flowing gowns like her third and fourth elder sisters, Princess Bea prefers to wear knee length dresses. Though she loves playing around and following her “brother”, Bea is a very clumsy person and generally gets hurt in the process of her playing around, but even when hurt, her smile never leaves her face, which makes her the jewel of the palace and the love of her older siblings. Princess Jaelin is very protective of Princess Bea and spoils her, allowing her to follow along on her journeys and pretty much gives in to all of Princess Bea’s whims. Because of this Princess Bea loves her “brother” the most, at every opportunity tagging along and trying to maker “him” smile and laugh. She only listens to “him” and spends a good part of her time with “him” trying to unmask her “brother” to see “his” face.

Age: 24
Power: Able to absorb others powers after killing opponent
Weapon: Oninoken
Lord Dong Wook is the only remaining male heir to the Amuka clan. He is also quite possibly the most ruthless and evil of all the Amuka combined. Because of his evil nature… he has gained the name Se7en, because he embodied all seven deadly sins. To gain his title and control over the clan, he had to defeat his father in a battle. Due to the lust for power and fear that his father would one day try to regain control so he killed him. When he did so using his Oninoken, a demon sword that comes out of his hand, pierced his father’s heart, all of his power’s were transferred over to Se7en. Se7en seeing this saw the limitless possibilities and set out to take all the powers of his clan that resided in the other 6 clan elders. In a matter of days, Se7en had murdered all the elders of his clan, taking their powers and assuming the role as head of the clan though his ambitions do not end there.

Age: 16
Power: Witch
Weapon: None
Lady Shelly is Lord Dong Wook’s younger sister. At a young age she was taught and trained to become the next queen of Cheonson, partner to next in line to the thrown, Crown Prince Jaelin. She is quite possibly the most typical of candidates for princess ship. … beautiful, & in search of her knight in shining armor. From her outward appearance she would be seen as a sweet girl with a gentle nature, but behind closed doors or when with her brother, her true nature surfaces that would make even the most wicked of witches shudder in fear.

Age: 26
yet to be revealed

Age: 20
yet to be revealed

Age: 19
yet to be revealed

Age: 19
yet to be revealed

Age: 18
yet to be revealed

Age: 17
yet to be revealed

Age: Beginning of Time
yet to be revealed

Age: Unknown
yet to be revealed

Age: ~5000+
Powers: She's death... just fear her XD
As she said her grandfather is the DEATH we all know and fear.. she is just the DEATH that does dirty work for those who summon DEATH to kill another. She is around 5000 yrs old and her powers are unknown… but its safe to say that she is quite possibly the most powerful being in the story.. at the moment hahahah. Since she is only allowed to come to the mortal world when a person summons her to form a contract she relishes every moment. Instead of wearing the traditional black hooded robe and carrying the scythe, she instead wears a gothic Lolita style dress of pink and purple with ribbons and bows in her curled hair and carries along a plushie of the mortal that makes a contract with her. And it appears she is also taking the time to find her mister right as well and quite possibly have found him…

Age: Unknown
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~2000 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1500 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1500 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1500 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1500 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1500 +
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1350
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1400
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1200
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1000
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1000
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1150
yet to be revealed

Age: ~1150
yet to be revealed

Age: 18
yet to be revealed

Age: 25
Powers: None
Weapon: Bow & Arrow

Age: 14
yet to be revealed

Age: 16
Power: None
The only one in the palace that knows Jaelin’s secret outside the royal family. She is the apprentice to the royal physician.. at a young age, she was saved by Jaelin who was injured during a battle. She helped heal him and in the process found out that Jaelin was actually a woman. Tsuki as she is known by Jaelin, promised to keep “his” secret. Jaelin impressed by her knowledge saw the potential Tsuki had so took her into the palace and placed her under the care of the Ri, the palace’s chief physician. Tsuki helps out in Jaelin’s randomness..

Age: 16
yet to be revealed

yet to be revealed

Age: 24
yet to be revealed

1 comment:

Hyukii said...