Monday, April 14, 2008

Dong Bang Gods

To make the story more interesting and to keep me from going all over the place too many ideas in my head ^^;;, I came up with Dong Bang God for a Day (actually a chapter). It officially started after chapter 5 I believe. At the end of the chapter I post up a random trivia question about DBSK.. it can be from a song, video, translation, etc [it has been easy so far XD] and the first person to PM me with the correct answer 1 hour after they have posted and commented about the chapter, gets to help me decide the direction of the story in the next chapter therefore becoming a god in NYTOUAT XD isn't that fun? So if you want to control the story , brush up on your dbsk and later on it will include trivia regarding all the male celebrities featured, answer right and be the next DONG BANG GOD

This contest is active in all the forums I have this posted which include Here, Soompi, BWW2, Asteria and so XD good luck to you for those interested in participating.

- You must read and comment to the posted chapter first before you can answer the trivia question
-Any attempts at answering the question must be made 1 hr after your post to the chapter [I will check the time]
- After you are notified as the winner you have 7 days from the time you are notified to schedule a time to go over the details of the next chapter.
- You can only submit 2 possible answers to me at a time.

CH V: bOoJaEjOoNg (tvfxqforever)
CH VI: x_kuri-bear_x (tvfxqforever)
CH VII: PiXelgAL (tvfxqforever)
CH VIII & IX: xjustsweet (tvfxqforever)

During one of the member’s Mission Impossible tasks… some of Youngwoong Jae Joong’s family members made an appearance that including his mother, father and 2 sisters… the question is which sisters were they? (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th,7th or 8th)
Answer: 7th & 8th

During the Hi Ya Ya music video shot in Bora Bora, one of the members was wearing a shirt that could have been a foreshadow of the year (with the same ending digits) that by far has been their most successful yet, winning 4 daesangs and shattering a record that hasn’t bee touched in over 20 yrs. Another of DBSK’s members cleverly promoted a brand quite possibly without knowing it. Who are the two members I am talking about and what was the brand and number?
Answer: Yoochun 06 and Yunho or Yoochun [adiddas]

Our Butt grabbing angel, Xiah Junsu has been on X-man many times… during one appearance, serenaded his opponent with a song and his opponent replied back by singing Mideoyo (ohh how cute!!!).. What was the song Xiah Junsu sang to his opponent?
Answer: The song sung by Junsu was Tonight during the warning part of a wrestling match against Kim Jong Kook in which he retaliated by singing Miduhyo

During their fancam tour of their apartment… they showed us fans many many secrets to “Dong Bang World” hahahha as Yoochunnie put it. From Yunho’s daughter bambi, to Yunho’s 5 gallon piggie banks.. my question is during the part where Yoochun was in charge leading us through “Dong Bang World” we got to see work room 1 & 2… while Jae Joong was complaing that it was unfair for the two youngest to have the larger room, he was carrying something he had to give back to Junsu what was the brand of that object?
Answer: Evolution

1 comment:

Anonymous said... is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.
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