Saturday, April 12, 2008

Weapons & Sidekicks

A list of all weapons and sidekicks [this does not include human/demon/fairy/magical mortal sidekicks]. All the weapons are real or based off of weapons mentioned in mythology coming from the western and eastern hemisphere [I'm a nerd.. I'm well aware XDD but doesn't this make the story more interesting?] Will be updated as more are revealed

Used by: Jaelin aka Black Knight aka Kai
Twin katana [this will make more sense later on] that merge and become a double edged katana

Used by: Chloe
Butterfly Swords single-edged bladeswith lengths approximately that of the forearm, for easy concealment within the sleeves or inside boots, and for greater maneuverability to spin and rotate in close-quarters fighting.

Used by: Jane
Shuriken,Concealed weapons that are used for throwing, and sometimes stabbing. Can vary is shape, size, item but meant for sneak attacks and in most cases, long distant attacks.

Used by: Bea
Naginata, is a pole weapon that was traditionally used in Japan by members of the samurai class. It has become associated with women, and in modern Japan, it is studied by women more than men. It consists of a wood shaft with a curved blade fashioned onto the end, and is similar to the European glaive. Usually, it also had a sword-like guard between the blade and shaft.

Used by: Angie
There were several chain weapons that were used in feudal Japan; these weapons were allegedly used by the ninja. The shoge was a ring with a sickle-like knife on a chain that could be used to pierce armor, grapple, and to entangle the legs of man and horse. The kusari-gama was a kama on a handled chain. Also known as a “bugworm”

Used by: Jae Joong
The longsword is commonly held in combat with both hands, though it may be used single-handed. Longswords are used for striking, cutting, and thrusting. The specific offensive purpose of an individual longsword is derived from its physical shape. All parts of the sword are used for offensive purposes, including the pommel and crossguard.

Used by: Yunho
Sabre, The traces its origins to the European backsword and usually but not always has a curved, single-edged blade and a rather large hand guard, covering the knuckles of the hand as well as the thumb and forefinger. Although sabres are typically thought of as curved-bladed slashing weapons, those used by the world's heavy cavalry often had straight and even double-edged blades more suitable for thrusting.

Used by: Yoochun
Jitte, no cutting edge and a one-pronged hilt, designed to catch and snap off an opponent's sword blade. A single fused implement provides a safer means of catching a moving sword or knife. After the blade has been caught, the jitte is pushed up to the hilt of the sword, allowing the officer to control the attacker's arms and thereby disarming him.

Used by: Junsu
Cyclone, a tri blade, similar to that of a shiruken in use/more like a boomerang. When pulled it it reveals 3 retractable blades.

Used by: Changmin
Pudao, originally an edged military weapon which is still used for training in many Chinese martial arts. The pudao is also known as the horse-cutter sword since it was used to slice the legs out from under a horse during battle.The blade of a pudao is shaped like a Chinese broadsword, but the weapon has a longer handle usually around one and a half to two meters (about four to six feet) which is circular in cross section

Used by: Lord Dong Wook aka Se7en
Oninoken, similar to a broadsword but possessed by an evil demon spirit, it drains the life force and energy of its wielder, who it was born out of the darkness of the wielder’s heart. Has the ability to drain the life and power out of its victims and draw them into the sword’s master.

Partnered with: Jaelin aka Black Knight aka Kai

Kiri [Harakiri] & Kuku [Seppuku]
Partnered/Used by: Princess Kuritsu

1 comment:

Hyukii said...

=] do us vamps get special stuffs too? LOL